{"id":1234124,"date":"2010-11-03T18:43:37","date_gmt":"2010-11-03T18:43:37","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"2024-12-24T18:55:44","modified_gmt":"2024-12-24T13:25:44","slug":"posting-guidelines","status":"publish","type":"ht_kb","link":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/efi\/posting-guidelines\/","title":{"rendered":"Posting Guidelines"},"content":{"rendered":"

Efloraofindia\u00a0helps members to interact with each other about our trees, shrubs, herbs\u00a0etc.\u00a0in our surroundings & elsewhere in India, mainly by\u00a0posting\u00a0pictures, information, identity etc.
\nFeel free to post your\u00a0questions, observations, notes etc. on\u00a0Indian Flora.\u00a0Please observe the following guidelines while\u00a0posting:

Brief Posting Guidelines<\/span><\/span><\/b><\/div>\n
  1. \u00a0Maximum 3 posts per day for Identification requests \/ confirmations – with one plant species per mail (with preferably three or more pictures from different angles), with different and unique subject lines. For posting to the group, e-mail to indiantreepix@googlegroups.com<\/a><\/li>\n
  2. Please follow the specified format for Identification requests\/ confirmations. Try to furnish the information yourself (if possible) or\u00a0from Efloraofindia site\/ Wikipedia stating its links or\u00a0provide suitable links etc.<\/li>\n
  3. No restriction of format & number on postings for posting of identified plants.<\/li>\n
  4. Minimum date, place <\/strong>(at least upto state level), habit and habitat <\/strong>of the pictures posted is required.\u00a0<\/strong><\/li>\n
  5. Images should be posted as attachments. Overall size of attachments for posting at a time should be up to 7 mb (as per posting restrictions in Google groups).\u00a0However,\u00a0one can also post more images of total size up to 7 mb each, one by one at a time\u00a0in reply to the original mails.<\/b> However, minimum image size should not be less than 1000 by 800 pixels. Members are requested to post as big size as possible in pixels by keeping each file size up to say 7 Mb for seeing the details required for correct ids. (Resizing images for posting in efi group in Photos<\/a>)<\/li>\n
  6. Different flowers \/ plants etc. to be posted in a separate mail.<\/li>\n
  7. All\u00a0members are requested to either \u2018Reply\u2019, ‘Reply to all’ or \u2018Forward\u2019 (to re-attach images also).<\/li>\n
  8. Numbering for Id requests in subject line: DDMMYY + Initials + Sl.No. (if more than one on same day).<\/li>\n
  9. If any of the efloraofindia e-group members, doesn’t want his\/ her posted pictures, materials, observations etc. to be incorporated on efloraofindia website<\/a>, he\/ she may withdraw from the\u00a0efloraofindia group<\/a> immediately or refrain from sharing such copyrighted pictures, contents etc. with the group. Once any material is posted by a member, it can’t be withdrawn\/ deleted\/ removed from the e-group or the site, even if the member leaves or is banned from the group, for what so ever reason.<\/li>\n
  10. Original text contents <\/em>of efloraofindia come under\u00a0Cc-by license<\/u><\/span><\/a> (Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these). However, permission of the owner has to be taken for use of any other material<\/em> like photos available at this website or efloraofindia e-group<\/a>. efloraofindia group<\/a>\u00a0or\u00a0efloraofindia website<\/a> will in no way be responsible for any misuse being a public group. Issue has to be sorted out by the owner directly with concerned person\/ institution etc.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n<\/div>\n



    Detailed Posting Guidelines<\/span><\/b><\/span><\/b><\/span><\/span><\/p>\n


    1. Maximum 3 posts per day for Identification requests\/ confirmations- with one plant per mail <\/strong>(with preferably three or more pictures from different angles along with Close-ups), with different subjects <\/strong>only are allowed. Members uploading the photographs for ID should ensure that all photographs belong to the same species. Minimum date, place, habit and habitat information is required. Members providing addition information as given below in the format will be appreciated.<\/strong> Follow the following format (without any spacing between the lines for easy incorporation in the website) for Identification requests\/ confirmations, if possible:<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

      \nLocation- Place, Altitude, GPS-
      \nHabitat- Garden\/ Urban\/ Wild\/ Type-
      \nPlant Habit- Tree\/ Shrub\/ Climber\/ Herb-
      \nLeaves Type\/ Shape\/ Size-
      \nInflorescence Type\/ Size-
      \nFlowers Size\/ Colour\/ Calyx\/ Bracts-
      \nFruits Type\/ Shape\/ Size Seeds-
      \nOther Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc.-<\/p>\n

      Pl. copy it & keep it on desktop in a Word document so that you can copy & paste it & fill in the information (& provide pictures for these) to the extent possible<\/strong> while requesting for Id. This is compulsory for Id requests.<\/p>\n

      1. No restriction of format & number on postings for posting of identified plants.<\/strong><\/li>\n
      2. Please post pictures as attachments, discuss\u00a0the subjects etc.\u00a0relating to Indian Flora, which is the main focus of this group. This is done\u00a0by sending\u00a0an e-mail to indiantreepix@googlegroups.com<\/a>. One can add attachment while composing the mail. Photographs of well developed leaves, flowers, fruits, bark\/ stem, full view\u00a0of the plant etc. & that too\u00a0from different angles\u00a0including front, side & rear views should be posted for correct identification of\u00a0plants.<\/strong> Avoid posting anything which violates copyrights of others. Only individual members will be responsible & not the group for any copyright violations.<\/u> Try to furnish the inf. yourself (if possible) or\u00a0from Efloraofindia site by searching for the\u00a0required species’ page (\/<\/a>) or from Wikipedia stating its link or provide suitable other links etc.<\/li>\n
      3. Mention the date & place (at least upto state level) <\/strong>of the pictures posted.\u00a0 It is useful to add your name and location. Please try to identify yourself while posting. Mistakes are encouraged over stating nothing, for better learning\/ understanding. No one is infallible.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n
        1. Overall size of attachments for posting at a time should be up to 7 mb (as per posting restrictions in Google groups).\u00a0However,\u00a0one can also post more images of total size upto 7 mb each, one by one at a time\u00a0in reply to the original mails.<\/strong> However, minimum image size should not be less than 1000 by 800 pixels. Members are requested to post as big size as possible in pixels by keeping each file size up to say 7 Mb for seeing the details required for correct ids.<\/li>\n
        2. Different flowers \/ plants etc. to be posted in a separate mail<\/strong> for better response, linking, avoiding confusion etc.<\/li>\n
        3. Scientific or Common names to be given in the subject as far as possible or like “Is this Bombax species?” or “Is it Semal?” etc.<\/li>\n
        4. If you reply to a posting, your message can be sent to the whole\u00a0group (by clicking on \u2018Reply to all\u2019) or just to the author (by clicking on \u2018Reply\u2019). If the reply is only of interest to the\u00a0author or is personal, then use \u2018Reply\u2019, otherwise it has to be ‘Reply to all’. All\u00a0members are requested to either \u2018Reply\u2019,\u00a0 ‘Reply to all’ or \u2018Forward\u2019<\/strong> (Don’t use other methods), so that links\/ messages\/ mails don\u2019t break off. Due to this we are not able to\u00a0link messages properly on Efloraofindia Database along with other problems.<\/li>\n
        5. Numbering for Id requests in subject line:<\/strong> Bottomline is that\u00a0there should not be any two posts with the same subject line & subject line should be as relevant as possible.<\/u> Members may follow numbering of Id requests like DDMMYY+ Initials+ Sl.No. (if more than one on same day) to avoid any confusion, clubbing of mails with same subject line on the Google group, better linking in Efloraofindia database\u00a0etc. For example if I post an Id request,\u00a0it will be like ”For Id 060408JM1\u2019\u2019, 060408JM2 etc., in case it is not like ”Is it Bombax ceiba (Semal)?” (this is much better & recommended). This is to facilitate that no two subject lines are same. However, members may follow other methods to ensure that no two subject lines are exactly identical. One may post two to three Id requests a day for better attention & feedback.<\/em><\/li>\n
        6. Members are requested to forward\u00a0Id. requests\/ confirmation\u00a0mails again in case there is no response for about 3 days on the group.<\/li>\n
        7. Members are encouraged to write about this group or request membership to other e-groups,\u00a0laymen\u00a0as well as\u00a0experts etc. to make this group more interesting & responsive.\u00a0They can join directly by clicking (Home page) on http:\/\/groups.google.co.in\/group\/indiantreepix?hl=en<\/a> or sending a request to itpmods@googlegroups.com<\/a>.<\/li>\n
        8. One may announce Tree\/ Bird\/ Butterfly walks or programmes locally or outside\u00a0etc., availability of pertinent publications, software, conferences, launch of new website, important web resource – but no commercial advertising is allowed. Photographic issues related to Indian Flora are allowed for discussion.<\/li>\n
        9. Giving efloraofindia (efi) site links in the posts<\/u>: One is requested to add efloraofindia (efi) website link (\/home<\/a>) in ones’ favourites & give species\u2019 links from this while posting or replying in a thread as lot of discussed data is already available here. This will also help the site move up in search results. One can add the efi site home page in ones\u2019 favorites. By writing any species in ‘Search this site’ box & clicking, one will find all the discussed details & links in the species\u2019 page.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n
          1. For adding earlier efloraofindia\/ Indiantreepix links, you have to go to the home page by clicking at (Efloraofindia website) or http:\/\/groups.google.co.in\/group\/indiantreepix<\/a> (Efloraofindia e-group) or by selecting ‘Groups’\u00a0at the top line of your g-mail page & then selecting the Efloraofindia group. Search the group\/ site\u00a0by adding search words in the search\u00a0box & then open the suitable search message-> copy the address there & paste it in your e-mail.<\/li>\n
          2. Procedure for corrections in the Efloraofindia Species’ page<\/strong>: Whenever & wherever, an individual member feels that identification in a particular thread is doubtful or incorrect; he can follow the following procedure for advising so\u00a0 a) Click on that particular link in the Efloraofindia\u00a0species’ page\u00a0or search for that particular mail (in his \u2018Inbox\u2019)\/ thread (by visiting home page at \/<\/a>(Efloraofindia website) or http:\/\/groups.google.com\/group\/indiantreepix<\/a> (Efloraofindia e-group) & writing suitable words in the \u2018Search\u2019 column). b) After signing in, if required, pl. click on the \u2018Forward\u2019 at the bottom of the mail\/ thread & forward it to indiantreepix@googlegroups.com<\/a> with suitable reply\/ comments. c) Everyone is requested to point\u00a0out for corrections in Efloraofindia website: \/<\/a>,\u00a0by\u00a0sending an e-mail to <itpmods@googlegroups.com<\/a>>. Efloraofindia e-group members can add comments about it after ‘signing in’ at the bottom of the page.<\/li>\n
          3. For other important information, pl. see \/miscellanea\/for-membershttps:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/category\/miscellanea\/for-members-information\/-information<\/a><\/li>\n
          4. If any of the efloraofindia e-group members, doesn’t want his\/ her posted pictures, materials, observations etc. to be incorporated on efloraofindia website<\/a>, he\/ she may withdraw from the\u00a0efloraofindia group<\/a> immediately or refrain from sharing such copyrighted pictures, contents etc. with the group. Once any material is posted by a member, it can’t be withdrawn\/ deleted\/ removed from the e-group or the site, even if the member leaves or is banned from the group, for what so ever reason.<\/li>\n
          5. Original text contents <\/em>of efloraofindia come under\u00a0Cc-by license<\/u><\/span><\/a>\u00a0(Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these). However, permission of the owner has to be taken for use of any other material<\/em> available at this website or\u00a0efloraofindia e-group<\/a>. efloraofindia group<\/a>\u00a0or\u00a0efloraofindia website<\/a> will in no way be responsible for any misuse being a public group. Issue has to be sorted out by the owner directly with concerned person\/ institution etc.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n<\/div>\n


            Efloraofindia\u00a0helps members to interact with each other about our trees, shrubs, herbs\u00a0etc.\u00a0in our surroundings & elsewhere in India, mainly by\u00a0posting\u00a0pictures, information, identity etc. . Feel free to post your\u00a0questions, observations, notes etc. on\u00a0Indian Flora.\u00a0Please observe the following guidelines while\u00a0posting: . Brief Posting Guidelines \u00a0Maximum 3 posts per day for Identification…<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":2,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"ht-kb-category":[9619],"ht-kb-tag":[],"class_list":["post-1234124","ht_kb","type-ht_kb","status-publish","format-standard","hentry","ht_kb_category-posting-guidelines"],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb\/1234124","targetHints":{"allow":["GET"]}}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/ht_kb"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/2"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=1234124"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb\/1234124\/revisions"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=1234124"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"ht_kb_category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb-category?post=1234124"},{"taxonomy":"ht_kb_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb-tag?post=1234124"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}