{"id":1236751,"date":"2011-02-19T10:04:57","date_gmt":"2011-02-19T10:04:57","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"2024-12-24T13:18:06","modified_gmt":"2024-12-24T07:48:06","slug":"cordia-macleodii","status":"publish","type":"ht_kb","link":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/efi\/cordia-macleodii\/","title":{"rendered":"Cordia macleodii"},"content":{"rendered":"\n\n\n
Cordia<\/i> macleodii<\/i> Hook.f. & Thomson, J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 2: 128 1858<\/i>. (syn. Gerascanthus<\/i> macleodii<\/i> (Hook.f. & Thomson) Borhidi<\/span><\/a>; Hemigymnia<\/i> macleodii<\/i> Griff.<\/span><\/a>; Lithocardium<\/i> macleodii<\/i> Kuntze<\/span><\/a>);<\/div>\n
India, SE-Pakistan (Pakistani Punjab), Bangladesh<\/span> as per Catalogue of Life<\/a>;<\/div>\n
Which Cordia?<\/a>:
\nI observed this large tree about 8-10 m high<\/span> on Vetal tekdi Pune.
\n<\/span>Leaves : Alternate 12cm bye 10cm
\nupper surface :glabrous dark green.
\nLower surface :Faint green very finely tomentose.
\nShape orbicular ovate. Base as seen in picture cordate-oblique? Basal nerves not opposite?
\nInflorescence Cymes like in Boraginaceae<\/i>. Only one flower blooming in most of the inflorescence(Observation was in the evening.)
\nFlowers White; Fragrant. 5-6 lobes. Size span More than 2cm.
\nStyles not visible easily as against other local species<\/span> (C. macleodii<\/i>)
\n<\/span>Can’t reach to any conclusion which Cordia<\/i>?<\/div>\n

Leaves sub opposite, 3-5 nerved at base, ovate, cordate, densely tomentose beneath and calyx ribbed<\/span>. This leads to C. macleodii<\/i>.<\/p>\n

I have seen Cordia macleodii<\/i> flowers at many places.
\nEvery time a characteristic branched style was observed in all flowers.<\/span>
\nI was wondering about the flowers of this plant devoid of visible style and stigma and 6 prominent stamens with anthers. I went again to check for mature flowers with styles but I couldn’t see any. On reading the book by S. D. Mahajan I came to know that the tree produces both bisexual and male flowers and the male flowers exhibit prominent stamens.<\/span>
\nSo these must be the male flowers of Cordia macleodii<\/i> which fooled me about the ID.
\nAttaching flowers clicked earlier from different plant in the same area (Most of these flower in March)<\/div>\n
Boraginaceae Week: Cordia macleodii Pune:<\/a>
\nCordia macleodii<\/i> Pune<\/span>
\nA common medium sized tree.
\n<\/span>Leaves alternate, broad ovate, base cordate. tomentose. Basal pair of nerves opposite.
\nFruiting Calyx ribbed tomentose. Calyx teeth without tufts of hairs at apex.<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
Fwd: Please help me Identify the plant.<\/a> : 9 posts by 4 authors.<\/div>\n
Can you please help me to identify the plant (pictures are attached).<\/div>\n
Some useful information:<\/div>\n
1. After 15 years of study, only two species are found in entire 17,000 sq. kms of west Bengal and entire north east and east India.<\/div>\n
2. Even BSI, Howrah could not recognize the plant.<\/div>\n
3. After 12 years, in this year flower and fruit is found.<\/div>\n
4. Flowering time: April to June.<\/div>\n
5. Place where it is present: Bankura, West Bengal.
\nYour kind cooperation is highly appreciated.<\/span><\/div>\n
First question – is it the same species as in another thread<\/a> ?<\/div>\n
If BSI can’t help with the physical specimen it must be much more difficult to arrive at a probable ID merely by a couple of pictures.<\/div>\n
I need to know (to start with the borage family as KEYed in by Prain and Haines) :-<\/div>\n