In Bengal it achieves great height and girth, flowers profusely and put up a spectacular show from January to about April, flowers remain even\u00a0when the foliage develops fully.<\/div>\n
It is claimed that seedpods develop, but I have not seen any on trees I track\u2026.<\/div>\n
Seeds in Africa were said to be fermented to produce poison for hunting arrows!!!<\/span><\/div>\n
\nThank you … for your beautifulSpathodea campanulata<\/i>. This plant you can also found inside the Salt Lake Stadium and Eastern Bypass and also on the road side of Hedua park-Scottish Church college area of North Calcutta<\/span>.\u00a0<\/span><\/span><\/div>\nThe flowers are<\/span> quite similar in colour with Butea<\/i> monosperma<\/i><\/span> <\/span>(Lam.) Taub<\/span><\/span>