Isn’t it
Sapindus laurifolius<\/i> (S. trifoliatus<\/i>)?\u00a0<\/p>\n
\nmay be this is sapindus emarginatus<\/i>. we needed close photo of leaves so its easy to identify this species.<\/p>\nif possible please send me.<\/p>\n
Adding two more pictures as requested earlier.\u00a0<\/div>\n
Pictures taken today.<\/p>\n
It is
Sapindus laurifolius<\/i> and not S.emarginatus<\/p>\n
\n<\/i>earlier I says that it may be Sapindus emarginatus<\/i> but after got a new photo which we needed for identification, I identified this species as a Sapindus trifoliatus<\/i><\/u>. <\/div>\nnow … says its
S laurifolius<\/i>. He is also right but S. laurifolius<\/i> is not valid name. S. laurifolius<\/i> is synonym of Sapidus trifoliatus<\/i>.<\/p>\nSo there are no confusion for this species.<\/div>\n
Please know this species as a S
apindus trifoliatus<\/i>.<\/div>\n