Attachments (1).<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
\nI beg you pardon … and …, but I fully agree with … The latest nuisance in this ‘pichkari’ series is GUTKA. Only a five minutes stay in a railway station or at a bus stop will inevitably prove this pichkari habit! Several of my students had started to spit it even in their classroom! However, we were successful to get them rid of this bad habit. It has now spread like an epidemic, affecting people irrespective of age-class-caste-religion!<\/p>\n
\nI agree in toto, I usually talk with people how bad it feels when we see the walls of Public Places made dirty by PAAN lovers, I sometimes feel helpless.. luckily we have very few people of this kind in our area.. Thanks … for detailed information and … also for further raising the issue and sharing his experience..<\/p>\n
\nYes …, I too beg pardon of\u00a0 … But Paan spit is such a nasty habit.
\n<\/span>I too had a paan gaachh in my balcony a couple of years ago, i wanted to see if i can get to fruit if possible,\u00a0\u00a0 but it died of a fungal infection we could not control.
\n<\/span>I have a couple of pictures including the blackening fungus … I was thinking of searching an submitting them this fortnight.
\n<\/span>There are many medicinal uses for the kwath made from piper family leaves … not just in India.\u00a0 South americans use Kava kava, I think its a piper plant if I am not mistaken.\u00a0\u00a0 Kava tincture is a popular mood food supplement in USA.
\n<\/span>ps just remembered kava is indeed a piper:<\/span> <\/i>Piper methysticum<\/i><\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n
Though sometimes I eat pan after dinner if the host offers and enjoy it\u00a0or as a medicine for my chest problems. But do detest the spitting. It is not only pan but tobacco chewers also spit all over.<\/p>\n
\ni appreciate your writing and sentiments.
\nIf paan helps you in your chest problems, by all means chew a fresh thin small lightest thinnest paan you can find (like good benarasi paans) cut it up, mix with a little sugar crystal and keep in a small pill box and chew.\u00a0 and get the juice down your throat.\u00a0\u00a0 You could also cut up say a cup paan and make a strong tea. to drink.
\nBUT about the bad social\u00a0 habits though …..<\/p>\n
One person at a time is what I do… i describe the cancer the tobacco in gutka and mouth mucous membrane and tooth decay and damage strong alkali and chemicals in paan cause.\u00a0 ANd other addictions that these things bring in\u00a0 in their wake. Usually these are poor labor intensive workers taxi drivers rickshaw wallahs sundry other labor folks sometimes teachers students or even some univ professors…
\nall have some arguments in favor of their habits.
\nbut sooner or later in that 10 or 20 minutes of our conversation following the initial arguments and bravado,\u00a0 they all come down to asking ( sometimes begging) if I would give them some free medical therapy for some oral cancers in their family … or someone very close…\u00a0\u00a0 they all come down to telling me how poor they are and how they\u00a0 can not\u00a0 afford therapy. And they start bad mouthing doctors hospitals government anybody but themselves.\u00a0I bring them to appropriate places if possible to do so, but I also have them count the cost \/\/ price of each gutka times per day times per week times per year times number of years…\u00a0\u00a0 and when they arrive at the large number of rupees it opens their eyes that they bought the cancer at such a price and will have to pay for it further when the disease sets in.
\nAnd with spitting… I tell them about germs of all kinds including TB and such in addition to the sanitary problem.
\nspitting problem is more intractable.\u00a0 they are not as afraid of the germs as they are of cancer.\u00a0 And spitting is a little cultural basis and some macho sentiments peek thru when they they are defending their behaviour.
\nso there it is<\/p>\n
In spite of this discussion I look forward to all the piper betle submissions of all those myriad varieties and cultivars and regional horticultural adventures.
\nPlease lets see them , thanks in advance.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n