Another best host tree for this species is Melia azedarach<\/i>, you can try with this.<\/div>\n
\nThe plant is a partial parasite and can not be grown in soil.<\/span> It can not grow on even a guava tree because it needs cracked bark to hold and penetrate in to the rind. It can be made to grow on Bottle Brush, Cork Tree, Parijatak<\/b>, Acacias<\/i> and many other trees. <\/span>Give an account of all the trees in your garden to choose a suitable one. You can just pick ripe berries from under the Dendrophthoe plant and purge them to attach the sticky seed on to the bark. You can also collect such seeds ejected by the Flowerpeckers from their favourite perches. Wish you good luck.<\/p>\n
\nAs … mentioned, we cant grow this species in soil as this is a hemi-parasite.
\n<\/span>The seed dispersal is by birds, mainly Flowerpeckers. The seeds in the bird fecal matter get attached to the branches with the help of non digestive gummy mucilage around the seed. Thus it get attached to the branch and germinate in the bark.<\/span> I doubt whether it even germinate in soil.
\nSo far, I haven’t seen any hemi-parasite growing or germinating in soil.
\nI have seen then growing on a wide range of host trees including Jack fruit <\/span>tree<\/span><\/b>. .<\/p>\n