{"id":1269792,"date":"2011-02-10T10:39:37","date_gmt":"2011-02-10T10:39:37","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"2024-12-24T18:54:43","modified_gmt":"2024-12-24T13:24:43","slug":"biophytum-nervifolium","status":"publish","type":"ht_kb","link":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/efi\/biophytum-nervifolium\/","title":{"rendered":"Biophytum nervifolium"},"content":{"rendered":"
Biophytum nervifolium<\/i> Thw., Enum. Pl. Zeyl. 64 1858<\/i>. (syn: Biophytum sensitivum<\/em> var. nervifolium<\/i> (Thw.) Edgew. & Hook.fil.);<\/div>\n
Little Tree Plant, Sensitive plant, Sikerpud \u2022 <\/b>Hindi: \u0932\u091c\u093e\u0932\u0942 Lajalu \u2022 <\/b>Marathi: \u091d\u0930\u0947\u0930\u093e Jharera, \u0932\u093e\u091c\u0935\u0902\u0924\u0940 Lajvanti \u2022 <\/b>Tamil: Tintanali \u2022 <\/b>Malayalam: \u0d2e\u0d41\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d41\u0d1f\u0d4d\u0d1f\u0d40 Mukkutti \u2022 <\/b>Telugu: Pulicenta \u2022 <\/b>Bengali: \u099d\u09b2\u09c8 Jhalai \u2022 <\/b>Sanskrit: \u092a\u0902\u0915\u094d\u0924\u093f\u092a\u0924\u094d\u0930 Panktipatra, \u091d\u0941\u0932\u094d\u0932\u093f\u092a\u0941\u0937\u094d\u092a Jhullipuspa;<\/b><\/div>\n
Flower pedicels are always longer than sepals in B. reinwardtii<\/i><\/span>, <\/span>but the pedicel is always half or less as long as the sepals in B. nervifolium<\/b><\/i>. Further the nervation is more clear and strong in B. nervifolium.<\/i><\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
One may be surprised and shocked if I say Biophytum sensitivum<\/i> (L.) DC. is not available in India.<\/span><\/div>\n
Biophytum sensitivum<\/i> has the sepals more or less equal to the petals<\/span> whereas in B.nervifolium<\/i> it is just half a way up to the petals (Ref.<\/span> eflorofindia thread 1<\/a>)<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
Santosh ji has done a lot of research on this genus and his conclusions should be more authentic than The Plant List. It is convenient for us that we place all our specimens of B. sensivitum<\/i> (from India) under B. nervifolium;<\/i> <\/span>(Ref. efloraofindia thread 2<\/a>)<\/span><\/div>\n
Biophytum sensitivum<\/i> (L.) DC. is not occurring in India.<\/span> It has been said to be reported from India, Sri Lanka, Africa and S E Asian countries.<\/span> But recent studies shows that the Indian so called B. sensitivum<\/i> consists of at least five different species B. nervifolium, B. veldkampii, B. poterioides, B. longibracteatum, B. nervifolium<\/i> var assamicum<\/i> (previously known as B. sensistivum<\/i> var assamicum<\/i>) and the true B. sensistivum<\/i> is not recorded from India.\u00a0T<\/span>he species previously called B. sensitivum<\/i> from Sri Lanka is B. hermani<\/i> (but I think this also represents B. reinwardtii<\/i>) and the African one is called B. helenae<\/i>. More studies are needed to unravel the mysteries.<\/span>\u00a0(Ref. efloraofindia thread 3<\/a>)

Request for species ID – DKV 111009 DKV 2:<\/a>\u00a0 3 images.
\nRequest for Species Id
\nPlant observed growing wild<\/span>.
\nMhow Dist Indore, Madhya Pradesh<\/span><\/p>\n


This could be Biophytum<\/span> sensitivum<\/span><\/i><\/span> (Oxalidaceae<\/i><\/span> family).<\/p>\n


This is nothing but Biophytum nervifolium<\/i> not Biophytum sensitivum<\/i> (L.) DC.<\/p>\n


Can u add a point on how to distinguish between the two?<\/p>\n


Biophytum sensitivum<\/i> has the sepals more or less equal to the petals<\/span> whereas in B.nervifolium<\/i> it is just half a way up to the petals. <\/span>This is one of the easily distinguishable character between these two.<\/p>\n


Thanks so much. Very clear now<\/p>\n

APNI gives Biophytum nervifolium<\/i> Thwaites (not available in ITIS 2009 check list as well as in GRIN) as syn. of Biophytum sensitivum<\/i> as per link:
\nHow to go about it in such cases?<\/span><\/div>\n
Further to complicate the matter, Sh. T.Pullaih book (2006) gives Biophytum sensitivum<\/i> DC. (not available in ITIS 2009 check list as well as in GRIN) as syn. of Biophytum nervifolium<\/i> Thwaites:
One may be surprised and shocked if I say Biophytum sensitivum<\/i> (L.) DC. is not available in India.<\/span> Carl Linneaus proposed this originally as Oxalis sensitiva<\/i> and later transferred to Biophytum<\/i> as B. sensitivum<\/i>. Biophytum sensitivum<\/i> has its sepals more or less equal to its petals in legth whereas <\/span>B. nervifolium<\/i> has its sepals reach only half a way upto the petals.
\n<\/span>B. nervifolium<\/i> is originally from Sri Lanka and also distributed in India.
\n<\/span>The taxonomy of <\/span>B.sensitivum<\/i> is a highly complex one and I have been working on this family for 8 years and one of my recent article communicated will explain the taxonomic complexicity of <\/span>B. sensitivum<\/i> in India. In short, <\/span>B. sensitivum<\/i> is not occur in India and this complex is having <\/span>B. veldkampii, B nervifolium, B.poterioides<\/i>, etc as species.<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n

Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week : sk01 : Biophytum sensitivum (L.) DC.:<\/a> 4 images.
\nThis is the same plant as in my earlier upload (
efi thread<\/span><\/a>) and it is Biophytum sensitivum<\/i> (L.) DC., recorded on 03-09-12<\/span>, at Konnagarh, Hooghly.<\/span><\/p>\n


This is not Biophytum sensistivum<\/i>, It is B. nervifolium<\/i><\/p>\n


Thanks … Perhaps now some one has to show the typical B. sensivitum<\/i>. By the way what is your opinion about two uploads at Flowers of India Website as B. reinwardtii<\/i> and B. sensivitum<\/i>?<\/p>\n

There is a Biophytum nervifolium<\/i> Thwaites, which is synonym of Biophytum sensitivum<\/i> (L.) DC. – http:\/\/www.theplantlist.org\/tpl\/record\/kew-2676169<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n
There is a Biophytum sensitivum<\/i> var. nervifolium<\/i> (Thwaites) Edgew. & Hook.f., which is, again, synonym of – Biophytum sensitivum (L.) DC. – http:\/\/www.theplantlist.org\/tpl\/record\/kew-2676197<\/span><\/a>
According to F. B. I. i. 437.<\/span><\/a> :-<\/div>\n