looks like Nyctanthes arbortristis<\/i> (Parijat<\/b> or Harsingar<\/b>)<\/p>\n
Yes looks like Parijatak<\/b>. It gets flowers with divine fragrance<\/span><\/p>\n
\nYes, white flowers with orange stalk, which i have read is often used as an adulterant in Saffron. Also, the flowers are supposedly believed to be favorite of Lord Shiva.<\/span><\/p>\n
\nIs it to my Knowledje they are a favourite to Lord Krishna ha ha
\nThis flower has been discussed in a previous thread but I do not know how to give a link to a thread but some mythological stories 1.Nyctanthes arbortristis<\/i> . Commonly known as Coral Jasmine<\/b>. This is Harsinghar<\/b> in Hindi and Sephalika\/Seoli<\/b> in Bangla. Legand says that in the earlier life this plant was a beautiful girl and was in love with Sun God. As the Sun did not notice this unilateral love the girl died. A plant came up at that place.As Sun neglected her the flowers of this plant fall on the ground before the Sun rises.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\nThere is also a mythological story about Parijatak which I would like to share <\/span><\/div>\nDuring samudra manthan (churning of the ocean), the gods had obtained Parijataka, the tree with divine fragrance. This tree was planted in the garden of Indra, the king of gods. One day, SageNarada went to this garden and collected some flowers that had fallen from the treeand gave them to Rukmini, Krishna’s wife. Rukmini was very happy but when Satyabhama, another wife of Krishna, smelled its fragrance, she asked Krishna to bring her the tree. After defeating Indra, Krishna brought the tree on earth. But a quarrel started between Rukmini and Satyabhama, as both of them wanted the tree. <\/span><\/div>\nKrishna planted the tree in Satyabhama’s courtyard in such a way that its flowers fell in Rukmini’s house and in this way both his wives were happy.<\/span><\/div>\nany particular reason why you have written the name as Nyctanthes arbor-tristis<\/i> with a dash?<\/div>\n