\n–\u00a0\u00a0It was a scandent shrub with multiple stems<\/span> as rightly said by … There were many shrubs in the area. Somehow I don’t remember the Marathi name which the local person told me. <\/span><\/p>\n
\n– I was not aware of Bridelia<\/i> shrub. I had earlier seen B.retusa<\/i> as a tree. Thanks .. for valuable input.
\nThe plant in the picture does appear to be Bridelia scandens<\/i> from Euphorbiaceae<\/i>
\nChecked its Marathi name as ‘Chikni’ or ‘Patharphoda’<\/b> ; Could recollect the local person calling it as Chikna.
\nDon’t know why Patharphoda? It was growing amongst rocks of the Konkan plateau….Sada. Roots breaking the Patthars? May be\u00a0… will highlight on it?<\/p>\n
\n– in Jharkhand Pathalphodwa<\/b> is for Bryophyllum calycinum<\/i>, they say its used against kidney stones, thats why they call it Pathalphodwa.<\/span> May be this plant is used for similar purpose there. BTW, Saxifraga<\/i> literally means stone fragmenter too!!<\/span><\/p>\n
\n–\u00a0 I had posted Bridelia scandens<\/i> from Anashi WLS<\/span> \u00a0last May. You may please refer the database. Infact … will remember the same we had seen at the Anshi ! However I just referred to Dr. Almeida’s flora which gives the current name as Bridelia stipularis<\/i> (L.) Blume synonyms being B. scandens<\/i>(Roxb.), Cluytia scandens<\/i> Roxb., B. Montana<\/i> sensu Woodrow and Clusia stipularis<\/i> L. The common is mentioned as Patharpoda<\/b>
\n<\/span>The common name of Chiknee<\/b> is given for Bridelia hamiltoniana<\/i> in the flora. B. hamiltoniana<\/i> is also a stragggling nearly glabrous shrub.<\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n