{"id":1313857,"date":"2011-02-02T12:53:21","date_gmt":"2011-02-02T12:53:21","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"2024-12-24T18:55:19","modified_gmt":"2024-12-24T13:25:19","slug":"aeschynomene-americana","status":"publish","type":"ht_kb","link":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/efi\/aeschynomene-americana\/","title":{"rendered":"Aeschynomene americana"},"content":{"rendered":"
Aeschynomene<\/i> americana<\/i> L.<\/a><\/span>\u00a0(Syn: Aeschynomene<\/i> americana<\/i> var. depila<\/i> Millsp.<\/span><\/a>; Aeschynomene<\/i> glandulosa<\/i> Poir. ex Lam.<\/span><\/a>; Aeschynomene<\/i> javanica<\/i> var. luxurians<\/i> Miq.<\/span><\/a>; Aeschynomene<\/i> mexicana<\/i> Colla<\/span><\/a>; Aeschynomene<\/i> mimulosa<\/i> Miq.<\/span><\/a>; Aeschynomene<\/i> tricholoma<\/i> Standl. & Steyerm.<\/span><\/a>; Hippocrepis<\/i> mimulosa<\/i> Noronha<\/span><\/a>;\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Aeschynomene<\/i> mimosula<\/i> Miq.<\/span><\/a>; Hippocrepis<\/i> mimosula<\/i> Noronha<\/span><\/a>);
\nes-kee-no-MEE-nee<\/b> — from Greek <\/span>aeschyn<\/i> (causing shame); refers to leaves closing up
\n<\/span>a-mer-ih-KAY-na<\/b> or <\/span>a-mer-ih-KAH-na<\/b> — of the Americas
\n<\/span>commonly known as<\/b>: American joint-vetch, common aeschynomene, deer-vetch, shyleaf \u2022 <\/span>Hindi<\/b>: \u0938\u094b\u0932 \u0918\u093e\u0938 sol ghas, \u0938\u094b\u0932\u0940 soli \u2022 <\/span>Tamil<\/b>: \u0ba8\u0bc6\u0b9f\u0bcd\u0b9f\u0bbf netti
\n<\/span>Native to<\/b>: Central America and tropical South America; cultivated or naturalized elsewhere

Flower for ID 071011SC2<\/a>:\u00a0\u00a0Posting a photo for Id of flower<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

Date \/ Time \u2013 18.09. 2011 \/ 11.00 am.<\/span>
\nLocation \u2013 Place \u2013 Kakuli Lake,Badalapur (Near Kalyan),Maharashtra<\/span>
\nHabitat \u2013 Garden\/ Urban\/ Wild \/ Type \u2013 Wild<\/div>\n

This is species of Aeschynomene<\/i>, most probably A. americana<\/i>, native of Central America and tropical South America, naturalized in our country.<\/span><\/p>\n


Yes Aeschynomene americana<\/i>.. , \u00a0A. aspera<\/i> and A. indica<\/i>.. are also available in Maharashtra<\/p>\n

Could you locate stem nodules in the plant. Aeschynomene indica<\/i> has stem nodules.<\/span><\/div>\n
Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week :: Aeschynomene americana along Ghodbunder Road & at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary<\/a>: Aeschynomene americana<\/i> L.<\/div>\n
es-kee-no-MEE-nee<\/b> — from Greek aeschyn<\/i> (causing shame); refers to leaves closing up
\na-mer-ih-KAY-na<\/b> or a-mer-ih-KAH-na<\/b> — of the Americas<\/span><\/div>\n
Aug 23, 2008 … along Ghodbunder Road near Gaimukh, Thane, Maharashtra<\/span>
\n<\/span>commonly known as<\/b>: American joint-vetch, common aeschynomene, deer-vetch, shyleaf \u2022 Hindi<\/b>: \u0938\u094b\u0932 \u0918\u093e\u0938 sol ghas, \u0938\u094b\u0932\u0940 soli \u2022 Tamil<\/b>: \u0ba8\u0bc6\u0b9f\u0bcd\u0b9f\u0bbf netti
\nNative to<\/b>: Central America and tropical South America; cultivated or naturalized elsewhere<\/span>
\nsome views<\/b>: Nov 21, 2009 … at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra<\/div>\n

Adding pictures of Sole grass in my property. Sole in bund and another picture is of Sole population in field bund of Acorus and Bacopa mixed crops.<\/p>\n


Aeschynomene americana
\n<\/i>Great catch again.
\nThe characters which I could confirm from the pictures…..
\nStem glandular hispid.
\nCompound leaves.Leaflets subfalcate.Petiole and rachis hispidulous.
\nFew flowered racemes.
\nPetals yellow with purplish lines.
\nPods 3-9 jointed.<\/span><\/p>\n


Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week :: Aeschynomene americana-PKA27:<\/a><\/p>\n

Bot. name: Aeschynomene americana
\n<\/i>Family: Fabaceae<\/i>
\nPhotographed at Mizoram<\/span>.<\/div>\n
Habitat: Wild
\nPlant habit: Herb<\/span><\/div>\n

I have learnt now that Aeschynomenes<\/i> have peculiarn flower colour<\/p>\n


[Efloraofindia_Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week] Aeschynomene americana_201111PD02_ Flora of Orissa]:<\/a> sharing the photograph of <\/span>Aeschynomene americana <\/span><\/i>from Ranpur<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

Name of the species:<\/span> Aeschynomene americana<\/span><\/i><\/div>\n
Family: Papilionaceae<\/i><\/span><\/div>\n
Place of collection: Ranpur, orissa<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
Habit: Erect herb<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
Habitat: Wild, along river sides, ponds<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n

Altitude: 150 m above msl<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n


Yes …, <\/span>this is also a fodder plant in tribal belts<\/span>. This is also not common in wild.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Aeschynomene americana:<\/a> Species : Aeschynomene americana<\/i>
\nFamily : Leguminosae<\/i>
\nHabit : Herb
\nHabitat : Grassland on hill slopes
\n<\/span>Location : Matheran<\/span>
\nDate : 01st September, 2012
\n<\/span>Please note : This is exotic species and is said to be naturalised in India. <\/span>But this is growing wild at Matheran.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Herb for Identification : 240912 RV 1:<\/a> Request for Id for this small plant…..found at same place at Khopolo\/Pali area near Mumbai<\/span> and same date on 18th September.<\/p>\n


Looks like Aeschynomene indica<\/i>….<\/p>\n


Aeschynomene americana<\/i>.<\/p>\n


Yes, Aeschynomene americana<\/i> L.<\/p>\n


Yes this plant is hairy<\/span>, it is A. americana<\/i><\/p>\n


Kas Week : Aeschynomene americana (Fabaceae)<\/a>: On the way to Chalakewadi from satara<\/span>, clicked in Sept. 2011<\/p>\n


Herb ID request – RK11 – 13-Oct-2012:<\/a> Another herb with really pretty flowers from Karjat region<\/span>. The plant parts were quite hairy.<\/span><\/p>\n


This is an exotic weed Aeschynomene americana<\/i>.<\/p>\n


You are most welcome. Sending a few of my photographs taken at Khandala in August this year with …<\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Requesting ID of this pink Fabacea member – Mumbai :: 11092013 :: ARK-02 :: September 2013<\/a> : Attachments (3). 3 posts by 2 authors.
\n<\/span>Requesting to please ID this\u00a0pink Fabaceae member\u00a0captured <\/span>at SGNP, Mumbai in September 2013.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Aeschynomene americana<\/i>, an exotic weed.<\/span><\/p>\n


Help Id P1280852\/53\/57<\/a> : Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors.
\nThis plant was approx. 5 feet in height<\/span>. Found <\/span>at Pelhar, Thane, Maharashtra<\/span> near water dam.
\n<\/span>Find attach photos of flower, leaves and pods of the plant.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Aeschynomene americana<\/i>, Fabaceae<\/i>.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n


ANOCT88 Fabaceae herb for ID<\/a>\u00a0: 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n


\n30th October 2014<\/span><\/p>\n


I think Aeschynomene americana<\/i><\/span>..<\/span><\/p>\n




Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight: Aeschynomene americana L.from Assam KD 05 OCT15<\/a> : 1 post by 1 author.\u00a0Attachments (<\/span>2<\/span>)
\n<\/span>Attached images are <\/span>Aeschynomene americana<\/i> L. <\/span>from Assam.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n



Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Aeschynomene americana :: n Western Ghats :: DVOCT02<\/a> : 5 posts by 4 authors.\u00a011 images.<\/div>\n
Aeschynomene americana<\/i>\u00a0L.<\/div>\n
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on November 21, 2009\u00a0<\/span><\/div>\n
along Saphale Ghat on September 28, 2009\u00a0<\/span><\/div>\n
at Gaimukh, Thane on August 23, 2008
\n<\/span>at Kharghar Hills on October 14, 2007<\/span><\/div>\n

all is well done but i’m impressed with the seed pod’s architectural beauty<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n



Fabaceae (Faboideae)Fortnight ::Aeschynomene americana ::Mizoram :: PKA-OCT-19::<\/a>\u00a0: 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)<\/span><\/div>\n
Aeschynomene Americana
\n<\/i>Location: <\/span>Mizoram<\/span><\/div>\n


Fabaceae (Faboideae)Fortnight ::Aeschynomene americana ::Mizoram :: PKA-OCT-20::<\/a> : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
\n<\/span>One more photo of\u00a0 <\/span>Aeschynomene americana<\/i>..<\/span><\/div>\n


Aeschynomene indica for validation<\/a>\u00a0: 6 posts by 3 authors.\u00a0Attachments\u00a0(1)
\n<\/span>Request for validation of\u00a0<\/span>Aeschynomene indica<\/em>\u00a0<\/span>from Bilaspur. Photographed in November 2020.<\/span><\/div>\n

Looks matching !<\/p>\n


To me appears more closer to\u00a0Aeschynomene americana<\/em>\u00a0<\/span>L.<\/span><\/span><\/a>\u00a0as per comparative images at\u00a0Aeschynomene<\/em><\/span><\/a>\u200e<\/em><\/p>\n<\/div>\n





UD species \u2013 1 of Fabaceae from Guwahati:<\/a>\u00a0Attached images are UD species of Fabaceae. Please ID for this sp.
\nDate :03\/11\/12
\nLocation:\u00a0Maligaon, 3 No. Gate, Guwahati-11 [Dist- Kamrup(Metro)]
\n<\/span>Habitat: Grows on roadside
\nHabit :Sub-shrub
\n<\/span>Leaf : Pinnetly compound, paripinnate
\nBract : .4cm, hairy, base of the hair swollen, red in colour
\nFlower : Small, light purple, 1.5cm; pedicel .8cm, hairy.
\nCorolla : Standard .8cm, wing .7cm & Keel(Hairy) .5cm
\n<\/span>Fruits :not seen<\/p>\n
You mean the inflorescence (with peduncle) is 8 cm long?
\nCould this be\u00a0Aeschynomen<\/i>e sp. (pith plant)?<\/div>\n

Thanks.\u00a0Size of the flower (with pedicel) is 1.5cm; pedicel .8cm (point eight cm)<\/span> not the inflorescence (with penduncle).<\/p>\n


oh sorry \u2026, I misread.<\/p>\n


Again thank you for your ID up to Genus level.\u00a0From your hint I could identified it as\u00a0Aeschynomene americana<\/i>. So please comment on ID.<\/span><\/p>\n


Looks matching with\u00a0Aeschynomene americana\u00a0<\/a>!<\/p>\n



on 27th Sept 2009, at Silonda trail, SGNP, Mumbai; 22nd Nov., 2009- Mafco Colony, SGNP, Mumbai; At Nagoan, Alibag- 11 Dec, 2010; 16th of September, 2010: Lonavala, Maharashtra<\/span>;
Aeschynomene americana – efloraofindia | Google Groups<\/span><\/span><\/a><\/td>\n<\/td>\n<\/td>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n

Request for ID : 131110-AK-1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups<\/span><\/span><\/a>
Request for ID – indiantreepix | Google Groups<\/span><\/span><\/a>
Aeschynomene americana – indiantreepix | Google Groups<\/span><\/span><\/a><\/p>\n




202 ID wild plant Aeschynomene indica<\/a>: 15 images.<\/p>\n

Please ID wild plant,
\nLocation: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
\n<\/span>Altitude: 1400fsl<\/span>
\n<\/span>Flower date: 22.11.2021, 09.05am<\/span>
\n<\/span>Habitat: wild, moisture, waste land\/road side
\n<\/span>Plant habit: under shrub, erect, branches, semi hard stem 06mm base diameter, old stem lite rigid, young stem hairy, totally lite purplish, annual
\n<\/span><\/span>Height: 08 feet<\/span>
\n<\/span>Leaves: alternate size:08\u00d701.5cm, pinnate, leaflets alternate folded towards forward if touching, ovate, oblong, size: 07\u00d71mm
\n<\/span>Flower: axillary, diameter:03.5mm, off-white with brown shade, non fragrant
\n<\/span><\/span>Fruit: beans jointed hairy compressed, green into brown, size:03.5\u00d70.3mm<\/span>
\n<\/span>Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s<\/span><\/div>\n

Yes !<\/p>\n


I think it is close to\u00a0Aeschynomene americana <\/em>L.<\/a>\u00a0as per comparative images at\u00a0Aeschynomene<\/em><\/a>.<\/em><\/p>\n


I don’t know more about this plant, dear Garg ji. But also I am sharing information and link of discussion about this plant,


Tiny Plants for ID : Nasik : 05DEC21 : AK – 03<\/a>:
\nVery small plants near the water body<\/span> at Gangapur<\/span> Grasslands.<\/span><\/p>\n

Seen last month (5.12.21).<\/p>\n

Pl. check Aeschynomene<\/span><\/span><\/em><\/p>\n


Aeschynomene americana<\/em> looks close.<\/p>\n



Factsheet – Aeschynomene americana<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n
Flowers of India<\/a><\/span><\/div>\n
Aeschynomene americana – Flickr: Search<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n
Aeschynomene americana – Species Page – ISB: Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n

Aeschynomene americana L.\u00a0(Syn: Aeschynomene americana var. depila Millsp.; Aeschynomene glandulosa Poir. ex Lam.; Aeschynomene javanica var. luxurians Miq.; Aeschynomene mexicana Colla; Aeschynomene mimulosa Miq.; Aeschynomene tricholoma Standl. & Steyerm.; Hippocrepis mimulosa Noronha;\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Aeschynomene mimosula Miq.; Hippocrepis mimosula Noronha); . es-kee-no-MEE-nee — from Greek aeschyn (causing shame); refers to leaves closing…<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":2,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"ht-kb-category":[4973],"ht-kb-tag":[],"class_list":["post-1313857","ht_kb","type-ht_kb","status-publish","format-standard","hentry","ht_kb_category-aeschynomene"],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb\/1313857","targetHints":{"allow":["GET"]}}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/ht_kb"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/2"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=1313857"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb\/1313857\/revisions"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=1313857"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"ht_kb_category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb-category?post=1313857"},{"taxonomy":"ht_kb_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb-tag?post=1313857"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}