I think this you should have given in the beginning itself, as everybody was thinking of some urban place in India. I think wasted efforts of everybody.<\/p>\n
yes true but somewhat thick and may be leathry leaves made me wonder. i am stumped and the case presentor is not very helpful or forthcoming with info. it was like pulling teeth to get the location from him. i like to go hunt for diagnosis but the originator has to be helpful too. i jumped into this case but in future i may not participate in his cases<\/p>\n
I understand, the initial information you got was insufficient.\u00a0I apologize for that.<\/p>\n
This tree is 12 to 14 year old.<\/span> Not flowered yet.<\/p>\n
Not sure. Could be a
Khaya<\/i>. Meliaceae<\/i><\/div>\n\n
Khaya senegalensis<\/i>??<\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n
Thanks, … for the id.<\/div>\n