{"id":1319638,"date":"2011-08-20T15:28:30","date_gmt":"2011-08-20T15:28:30","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"2024-12-24T13:06:30","modified_gmt":"2024-12-24T07:36:30","slug":"khaya-senegalensis-1","status":"publish","type":"ht_kb","link":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/efi\/khaya-senegalensis-1\/","title":{"rendered":"Khaya senegalensis (Introduced)"},"content":{"rendered":"
Khaya<\/i> senegalensis<\/i> (Desv.) A.Juss., M\u00e9m. Mus. Hist. Nat. 19: 249 1830<\/i>. (Syn: Swietenia<\/i> senegalensis<\/i> Desv.<\/span><\/span><\/a>);<\/div>\n
It has been reported that folk medicine utilizes the bark of Khaya to treat ailments in cattle. In India, Khaya senegalensis<\/i> has gained popularity as an avenue plant due to its ornamental foliage and good shade provision.<\/span><\/div>\n
Senegal, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad, South Sudan, Sudan, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Uganda, NE-D.R. Congo (Zaire), New Caledonia (introduced), Fiji (introduced), India (introduced), USA (introduced) (Florida (introduced)), Puerto Rico (introduced), Cuba (introduced), China (introduced) (Fujian (introduced), Guangdong (introduced), Guangxi (introduced), Hainan (introduced)), Taiwan (introduced), Vietnam (introduced), Trinidad & Tobago (introduced)<\/span> as per Catalogue of Life<\/a>;<\/div>\n
Please Identify this tree in Aurangabad<\/a>: Date :24th April 2011 Time: 6PM
\n<\/span>Location- Aurangabad, Maharashtra<\/span>\u00a0Altitude: 900Mtrs aprx
\n<\/span>Habitat- Wild
\nPlant Habit- Large Tree
\n<\/span>Height\/Length- 25mtr
\n<\/span>Leaves Type\/ Shape\/ Size- as seen in photo
\nInflorescence Type\/ Size- as seen in photo
\nFlowers Size\/ Colour\/ Calyx\/ Bracts-as seen in photo
\nFruits Type\/ Shape\/ Size Seeds- not found
\nOther Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc.- no idea<\/div>\n

This is Khaya senegalensis <\/i><\/p>\n

Yes it is Khaya senegalensis<\/b><\/i> (Ders.) A. Juss. in Mem. Mus. Par. 19: 249, 1830; Singh et al, Fl. Mah. St. 1: 513, 2000.
\nSynonym: Swietenia<\/i> senegalensis<\/i> Desr. in Lam. Encycl. 3: 679, 1791.<\/div>\n
flowering right now in Pune<\/span> too.<\/div>\n
Khaya senegalensis flowers.<\/a>: Attachments (1<\/span>)<\/span><\/div>\n
Attached is a photo of the inflorescence of Khaya senegalensis<\/i>.<\/div>\n
Botanical Name: Khaya sengealensis
\n<\/i>Common Name: African Mahogany
\n<\/b>Family: Meliaceae<\/i>
\nLocation: Khaya Avenue near Heritage Garden, Hiranandani Powaii (Mumbai, Maharashtra)
\n<\/span>Date: 09-06-2011
\nKhaya<\/i> is a genus of seven tree species, all native to Africa and Madagascar.
\n<\/span>It has been reported that folk medicine utilizes the bark of Khaya to treat ailments in cattle. In India, Khaya senegalensis<\/i> has gained popularity as an avenue plant due to its ornamental foliage and good shade provision.<\/span>
\nThe location of this particular photo, i.e. Hiranandani (Powaii), has an avenue named after the plant due to there being more than 50 trees planted along the road.
\nWhile the flowering of the plant is not well sighted, there were two specimens which had 2-3 inflorescence.
\nUnfortunately due to the height of tree, the photos aren’t of particularly good quality.<\/div>\n
ID 111011 SB01<\/a>: Attachments (3<\/span>)<\/span><\/div>\n
Location – Mumbai<\/span>
\nForm – Tree<\/span>
\nNon flowering stage
\nDate – 17th September, 2011
\nThe arrangement of leaves in this tree is very prominent..
\nHave seen it before but not able to recall
\nPlease help with the ID<\/div>\n
Yes Khaya senegaleansis<\/i> is most likely.
\nA cute ringed butterfly is seen perching on the leaf.<\/span><\/div>\n

The butterfly is the Common Fourring.<\/b><\/p>\n


Mahogany’s of Bangalore – RA – Khaya senegalensis – African Mahogany Tree:<\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

African Mahogany<\/b> is a majestic, tall tree, native to Africa.<\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/div>\n
It is a tree with shining leaves, up to 100 ft tall, with wide dense crown and thick trunk.<\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/div>\n
Leaves are compound, with leaflets usually drying pale glaucous green, 3-4 pairs, oblong or oblong-elliptic, more than twice as long as broad, rounded or blunt or sometimes pointed at the tip, 6-12 cm long, 2-5 cm broad. <\/span><\/div>\n
Flowers are normally have parts in fours. Sepals are pale green, petals and staminal tube are cream colored, the latter pinkish below. <\/span><\/div>\n
Fruit is normally 4-valved, 4-6 cm in diameter.<\/span><\/div>\n
Ref. Flowers of India<\/a><\/span><\/div>\n

It was spectacular to look when the new leaves came.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n



ID please: CR110112:<\/a> Attachments (1<\/span>)<\/span><\/div>\n
Location: KEM Hospital, Pune
\n<\/span>Date: 3 Jan 2012<\/div>\n

This looks like Khaya senegalensis<\/i>.<\/p>\n


Khaya senegalensis<\/span><\/i><\/span><\/p>\n



efloraofindia:”For Id 23032013MR1\u2019\u2019 roadside tree at Pune<\/a> : 4 images. 6 posts by 4 authors.<\/div>\n

March 2013. requesting identification of this roadside tall tree<\/span> in Pune camp area<\/span>. No flowers or fruits were seen. Many such trees are along the roadside on the road perpendicular to Pune-Satara road<\/span>.<\/span> None of them are flowering at present<\/p>\n


Perhaps it is a kind of Melia<\/i>.<\/p>\n


This could be Khoya<\/b> [Khaya senegalensis<\/i>].<\/p>\n


Yes looks like Khaya senegalensis<\/i> a very popular tree for roadside plantation <\/span>by PMC few years back.<\/span><\/p>\n


Many thanks … for the Id. Yes I am seeing many such trees all over the city.<\/p>\n

Tree ID request – RK111 – 04-Jul-2013<\/a> : Attachments (2). 5 posts by 4 authors.<\/div>\n

I have been very busy on the work front and posting here after a long gap. Requesting identification of this tree<\/span> seen in Karjat.<\/span> I did not see any flowers and fruits.<\/p>\n


Khaya senegalensis<\/i>, Meliaceae<\/i>.<\/p>\n


This could be the African Mahogany<\/b> [Khaya senegalensis<\/i>] locally called Khoya<\/b>. It is an exotic.<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/p>\n

Requesting ID of this tree – Pune – May 2014 :: 04MAY2014 :: ARK-01<\/a> :\u00a03 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5).<\/div>\n
Requesting to please ID this huge tree<\/span> captured in the precinct of Shaniwarwada, Pune <\/span>in May 2014.<\/span><\/div>\n
It was not in the flowering or fruiting state, at only one place, I found some buds.<\/div>\n

There were many such trees in the area.<\/p>\n


Khaya senegalensis<\/i><\/p>\n


Fruit for identification: 19062014MK :: June001<\/a> : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).<\/p>\n

Please help me in identifying this fruit. The picture took by my friend.<\/div>\n
Location: Puducherry @ 10m asl<\/span><\/div>\n

Date: 15 June 2014<\/p>\n

Khaya senegalensis<\/i><\/div>\n<\/div>\n


Tree For ID : Mumbai : 08JUN15 : AK-6 : 06\/06<\/a> : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)<\/span><\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/div>\n

A large tree seen in a Mumbai<\/span> garden.<\/span><\/p>\n


Id please.<\/p>\n


Khaya senegalensis<\/i><\/p>\n




kaya senegalensis<\/a>: 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments <\/span>(3)- 2 Mb each.<\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Found in Pondicherry<\/span> Botanical Garden.<\/span>
\nI think this should be available in Bengaluru also.<\/p>\n


12112010-PR3-In Chennai- for ID<\/span><\/a>: This big tree was \u00a0growing in a Govt Park in Chennai.
\nLast month, there were no fruit on it though I had seen plenty of fruit on
\nthe Mahogany trees in Bangalore.
\nIs it a Sweitenia mahagoni<\/i>?
\nAre they not likely to bloom or fruit in Chennai?<\/p>\n


could it be Simarouba glauca<\/i>? not sure but!<\/p>\n


Could be Sweitenia macrophylla<\/i>. \u00a0But cannot be confirmed till flowers and fruits are observed.<\/p>\n


chance for Simarouba glauca<\/i> not for Sweitenia<\/i><\/p>\n


It looks like Khaya senegalensis<\/i> (Desr.) A. Juss<\/p>\n


I re-checked the Google sites and found a pic of a \u00a0Khaya senegalensis<\/i>, planted as a street tree at Hanoi University of Technology, Vietnam, which matches the trunk of my tree. Please confirm if the leaves also match.<\/p>\n


I think .. is correct, It is Khaya senegalensis<\/i>-African mahogany. I have seen the same in Mumbai, but smaller trees. \u00a0The very distinct bark, ashy, scaly, pink tinged and the long, compound \u00a0leaves at the end of the twigs, indicative of the same. Please check the pictures and \u00a0info in ‘Trees of Delhi’ , pg :236<\/p>\n


Please help identify evergreen tree<\/a> : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments <\/span>(5)- around 800 kb each.<\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Please\u00a0 help identify evergreen tree<\/span>. Pics are attached.<\/p>\n

Location- Mumbai.<\/span><\/div>\n
Date- 17-May-2018.<\/div>\n
Someone has planted it one or two years back.<\/div>\n
The place it is growing has two to three feet soil and under the soil, there is deep layer (8 feet) of cement concrete debris.<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Could be\u00a0Filicium decipiens<\/i> (<\/span>Fern Tree)<\/span>\u00a0looking at the 3rd photograph (across).\u00a0But cannot confirm.<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n


Khaya senegalensis<\/i>\u00a0(Desv.) A.Juss. [Meliaceae<\/i>].<\/p>\n


Tree identification<\/a> : 22 posts by 5 authors. Attachments <\/span>(1)- 1 MB.<\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

Please identify this tree.<\/div>\n

Ficus<\/i> sp. ?<\/p>\n<\/div>\n

Not Ficus<\/i> Sir.<\/div>\n

is this in india? naturally occurring. planted? seems some arborist has been looking after it for a while,\u00a0thats almost a non-occurrence in our urban areas. so where is it?<\/p>\n

Does it contain latex ?<\/div>\n
Yes. This inf. is required.<\/div>\n
Meliaceae<\/i> by any chance?<\/div>\n
Pl. give us the place and date for id.<\/div>\n

Calophyllum<\/i> sp??? though i have not seen such bleached white bark on one of these. yet its possible<\/p>\n


Madam sorry. This is not Calophyllum<\/i>.<\/p>\n

In Hulhumale, Maldives.<\/span> This is not native to this place.<\/div>\n

I think this you should have given in the beginning itself, as everybody was thinking of some urban place in India. I think wasted efforts of everybody.<\/p>\n


yes true but somewhat thick and may be leathry leaves made me wonder. i am stumped and the case presentor is not very helpful or forthcoming with info. it was like pulling teeth to get the location from him. i like to go hunt for diagnosis but the originator has to be helpful too. i jumped into this case but in future i may not participate in his cases<\/p>\n


I understand, the initial information you got was insufficient.\u00a0I apologize for that.<\/p>\n


This tree is 12 to 14 year old.<\/span> Not flowered yet.<\/p>\n

Not sure. Could be a Khaya<\/i>. Meliaceae<\/i><\/div>\n
Khaya senegalensis<\/i>??<\/div>\n<\/div>\n
Thanks, … for the id.<\/div>\n
I also feel these images are close to images at Khaya senegalensis<\/i><\/span><\/a><\/div>\n<\/div>\n
\nFruit and seeds of this year (2021).<\/div>\n

1 image<\/p>\n

\"\"<\/a> \"\"<\/a><\/div>\n<\/div>\n
Tree for ID : Nasik : 23JAN21 : AK-26<\/a>
\nA tree<\/span> with fruits seen today (23.1.21) in Nasik.<\/span><\/p>\n

Swietenia<\/em> sp.<\/p>\n


Is it Khaya senegalensis<\/em>?<\/p>\n

Yes, it’s …,\u00a0(=\u00a0Swietenia senegalensis<\/em>\u00a0Desr.),<\/span><\/div>\n

Thanks … … has also confirmed the same.<\/span><\/p>\n



Tree for Id -ID08022021SH1<\/a>
\n3 images.<\/p>\n
Tree for Id pl. It’s almost 100 feet tall and evergreen tree<\/span> in front of my cousin.Whenever i visit Pune,<\/span> I have always seen this green and dense.
\nLocation – Pune<\/span><\/div>\n

Date – 01.08.2017<\/span><\/p>\n


Xylia xylocarpa<\/em><\/p>\n


Possible, but need to wait for the onset of\u00a0 flowers to confirm. Nevertheless, the tree is very luxuriant. Great catch.<\/p>\n


Please follow for its flowers and pods.<\/p>\n


I will check with my cousin whether he has any old photos of flowers and pods as I am unsure of visiting there immediately. Can you please let me know the flowering time of the tree ? Indeed the tree is very soothing to the eyes.<\/p>\n


Observe in October-January<\/p>\n


Please check for Khaya senegalensis<\/em><\/p>\n


Thanks … Yes, the leaves resemble Mahogany.<\/span><\/p>\n



(01\/May\/2021 ART 3) Is this Khaya senegalensis?<\/a>: 13 images.
\nDate: 01\/May\/2021<\/span><\/p>\n
Place: Palani, Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu<\/span><\/div>\n
May I know if this is\u00a0Khaya senegalensis<\/em>?<\/div>\n

I guess correct ID !\u00a0Khaya senegalensis<\/a><\/p>\n


Can you please post the better closeup of the flowers and leaves (foliage).<\/p>\n


Please find attached some more pictures of the tree. Kindly let me know if these are useful to ID the tree.
\n8 images.<\/p>\n

Beautiful photographs ! For me your ID is correct.<\/span><\/div>\n

Regarding identification of the tree species place khurda odisha<\/a>: 5 images.
\nPl. check Meliaceae:<\/em>


It’s\u00a0Khaya senegalensis<\/em> (Desv.) A.Juss.<\/p>\n


Yes br.<\/p>\n


Maybe as per images at

I am not sure.<\/p>\n


Catalogue of Life<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n

Khaya senegalensis (Desv.) A.Juss., M\u00e9m. Mus. Hist. Nat. 19: 249 1830. (Syn: Swietenia senegalensis Desv.); . It has been reported that folk medicine utilizes the bark of Khaya to treat ailments in cattle. In India, Khaya senegalensis has gained popularity as an avenue plant due to its ornamental foliage and…<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":3,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"ht-kb-category":[7140],"ht-kb-tag":[],"class_list":["post-1319638","ht_kb","type-ht_kb","status-publish","format-standard","hentry","ht_kb_category-khaya"],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb\/1319638","targetHints":{"allow":["GET"]}}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/ht_kb"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/3"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=1319638"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb\/1319638\/revisions"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=1319638"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"ht_kb_category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb-category?post=1319638"},{"taxonomy":"ht_kb_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb-tag?post=1319638"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}