\nTree about 30-60 ft tall <\/span>with trunk circumference of about 220-300 cm and irregularly often fantastically fluted. Bark grayish white or brown, exfoliating in thin corky papery flakes about 2 cm thick, branches and branchlets quadrangular, flattened, young parts pubescent with yellowish stellate hairs and glabrous when mature. Leaves simple opposite, lanceolate-ovate to elliptic, 7.5-24 x 4-15 cm across, base acute or obtuse, margins entire or slightly undulate, apex shallow acuminate to acute, chartaceous, dark green, pubescent along the midrib above, slightly pubescent when young and glabrous when mature and slightly paler, stellately pubescent beneath, lateral veins 7-12 on either side of the midvein, ascending, forked at apex, veins impressed above and prominent beneath, petiole slender, stout, stellate pubescent, glandular, canaliculated about 1.2-4 cm long, exstipulate. Inflorescence terminal corymbose panicles, dichotomously branched, composed or 3-6 pairs of opposite branched cymes, about 12-20 x 10-15 cm across, peduncles flattened, pubescent with yellowish brown stellate hairs, obtusely quadrangular, about 3-7 mm long, bracts linear lanceolate, about 2-6 mm long, Flowers lax, numberous, bisexual, zygomorphic, pedicel about 1 mm long, calyx campanulate 5 toothed, about 2 mm long, teeth acute, pubescent outside, about 0.3 mm long, corolla infundibular, 4 lobed, 2 lipped, white, about 2 mm long, lower lip 3 lobed, midlobe obovate, apex obtuse, about 2 x 1 mm long, glabrous outside, densely pubescent in the throat, stamens 4, didynamous, filaments glabrous, filiform, about 3 mm long, anthers globose, 2 loculed, about 0.5 mm long, ovary ovoid or globose, about 1 mm across, style slender, filiform about 3 mm long, stigma bi-lobed, Fruit drupaceous, obovoid or 0.5-0.8 cm in diameter, subglobose, fruiting calyx cupular, obscurely verrose, black when ripe.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n