Terminalia paniculata<\/i> has a large central wing of the fruit and two smaller lateral wings which is not the case here.<\/p>\n
Which Terminalia<\/i> sp. can it be sir?<\/p>\n
To me it’s Terminalia paniculata<\/i><\/p>\n
Not very sure but it could be Triplaris weigeltiana<\/i> of Polygonaceae<\/i>.<\/p>\n\n
Seen in Lalbagh by me.<\/p>\n
Your identity does seem to match ma’am. But is this tree commonly planted I wonder? Also, I have to mention that the village in which this tree is found overlaps with Bannerghatta National Park. Several wild trees have been left as such (like Dalbergia latifolia<\/i>) and the planted trees in the area only extend to Acacia auriculiformis, Syzygium jambos, Pongamia pinnata<\/i>.<\/p>\n
\nThat only the experts can decide….since I am not one.<\/div>\n
Let us wait for experts to validate.<\/p>\n
This looks like Terminalia paniculata <\/i>to me.
\n… did you have a look at the underside of the leaves?
\nThere would be pair of glands at the junction of the petiole and the midrib if it is Terminalia paniculata<\/i>.