<\/span><\/div>\n1.<\/font> Fruit valves costate, acuminate, plant with garlic odor when bruised or broken; inflorescence racemose on small lateral branchlets calyx-limb flaring, corolla lavender . . . . . . . . Mansoa<\/b><\/i><\/font><\/font> 1.<\/font> Fruit valves not notably costate, odor when broken not alliaceous. Inflorescence a twice or more trichotomous cymose panicle, leaflet bases rounded or broadly cuneate, pseudostipules inconspicuous or early caducous, tendril often present and conspicuous; calyx-limb not notably flaring; corolla limb whitish to pink or lavender. . . . . . . . Cydista <\/i><\/b>(<\/font>Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute<\/span><\/font><\/a>\u00a0(many correct images)\u00a0and <\/font>New field guide describing the lianas of Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama<\/font><\/a>