{"id":1348053,"date":"2019-05-11T05:57:30","date_gmt":"2019-05-11T05:57:30","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"2024-12-24T11:49:22","modified_gmt":"2024-12-24T06:19:22","slug":"ixeridium-sagittarioides","status":"publish","type":"ht_kb","link":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/efi\/ixeridium-sagittarioides\/","title":{"rendered":"Ixeridium sagittarioides"},"content":{"rendered":"
Ixeridium sagittarioides <\/i>(C. B. Cl.) Pak & Kawano (syn: Chondrilla sagittata<\/i> Wall.; Ixeridium sagittarioides<\/i> (C. B. Cl.) C. Shih; Ixeris sagittarioides<\/i> (C. B. Cl.) Stebbins; Lactuca sagittarioides<\/i> C. B. Cl.; Mycelis sagittarioides<\/i> (C. B. Cl.) A. N. Sennikov);<\/div>\n
China (Yunnan), Bhutan<\/span>, Myanmar [Burma] (Kachin, Sagaing), Nepal, Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir),<\/span> Pakistani Kashmir (Mirpur), Pakistan (Pakistani Punjab), <\/span>India (Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh) <\/span>as per Catalogue of Life<\/span><\/a>;<\/span><\/div>\n
SK1026 18 MAR-2018<\/span><\/a> : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)<\/span> – around 600 kb each.<\/div>\n
Location<\/span><\/span>:\u00a0Mudkhu, Kathmandu, Nepal\u00a0<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
Altitude: 5000 ft.<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
Date: 16 March 2018<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
Habit : Wild<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>\n
Very strange. Pl. check\u00a0Convolvulaceae<\/i><\/div>\n
Did not find match.<\/div>\n
Is it the same:\u00a0SK999 7 MAR-2018\u00a0??<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
May be the seedling of Ainsliaea<\/i>..\u00a0or some allied genus of Asteraceae<\/i>..<\/div>\n
Definitely not Ainsliaea<\/i> listed in Nepal but could be\u00a0<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
some Asteraceae<\/i><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/i><\/div>\n<\/div>\n
\nFinally! After follow-up for almost a year and half!!<\/p>\n
Location : Pilot baba Ashram, Bhaktapur\u00a0<\/span><\/div>\n
Date : 28 April 2019<\/span><\/div>\n
Elevation : 1637 m<\/span>.<\/span><\/div>\n
Habit : Wild<\/span><\/div>\n
Again a new addition to the efi ?<\/div>\n
Ixeridium sagittarioides<\/b><\/i> (C.B.Clarke) Pak & Kawano<\/div>\n
Syn :\u00a0Ixeris sagittarioides<\/i> (C.B.Clarke) Stebbins<\/div>\n
Attachments (9<\/span>)- around 700 kb each.<\/span><\/div>\n

Thanks, …, for the great follow-up.<\/p>\n


\"\"<\/a> \"\"<\/a>
\nI beg to differ Sir.\u00a0In the\u00a0
flower pic no. 8,<\/a>\u00a0outer phyllaries looks markedly larger than what\u00a0FoC describes for the entire Genus<\/a>. There is\u00a0no mention that phyllaries do have scarious<\/a>\u00a0margins.
\nPlease pardon me if I am wrong, for, I do not know the size of the flower or the phyllaries. May I ask what was the approx length of involucre?
\n4 attachments- two from efloras.<\/p>\n

Thank you …<\/div>\n
Did not find any other matching\u00a0:\u00a0Ixeris<\/a><\/div>\n
I may be wrong, but please make\u00a0sure of the ID. This will help me immensely even if I am proved wrong.<\/div>\n
Please check GBIF specimens, your flower seems to be way larger than those specimens from Nepal.<\/div>\n

It is possible\u00a0that your 2nd set in the thread, i.e., the flowering set is of different species.<\/p>\n

Actually\u00a0Ixeridium sagittarioides<\/em>\u00a0<\/a>is from exactly the same location after flowering and the earlier one\u00a0is from a different location which seem slightly different as you said. Need to explore. May be\u00a0\u00a0… could help in this matter. Another one from a different location : Ixeridium sagittarioides\u00a0<\/a><\/em><\/div>\n

Yes,Sir, I have seen your other uploads too. Since your pictures are of higher resolution it is difficult for me to guess the sizes (of flowers, phyllaries etc.). Only you can determine the sizes and let us know the true identity.<\/p>\n


But, first, I would like to correct myself – the genus\u00a0Ixeridium<\/i>\u00a0itself features scarious phyllaries, that is why FoC didn’t mention it in the species page.<\/p>\n

I started with the\u00a0Taraxacum<\/i> of FoN, this morning – linked with KEW, GBIF, FoC, and one or two other sites – …………<\/div>\n
Now, I will propose (not suggest!) an impossible idea!<\/div>\n<\/div>\n
Please check the urls (also attached screenshots) below –<\/div>\n
  1. RBGE<\/a>\u00a0(you can download HR image file)<\/li>\n
  2. science.mnhn<\/a>\u00a0(click on the image and see HR format)<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    In your uploads, there is picture showing hint of partly lobed or runcinate leaf. Unfortunately I could not find any description of the species. Distribution is a major concern, but FoC admits of report of the species there.<\/p>\n


    please forget\u00a0Taraxacum<\/i>, usually they have broad\/wide, even 3 cm., capitulum, whereas your species is not. It is something else, and I may find the id.<\/p>\n


    Ok … I was wondering too !<\/p>\n


    Chondrilla nudicaulis<\/i>\u00a0L. from The Linnean Collections –\u00a0http:\/\/linnean-online.org\/46199\/<\/a>.and\u00a0http:\/\/linnean-online.org\/9672\/<\/a><\/p>\n

    Launaea nudicaulis<\/i>\u00a0is not distributed in Nepal (could not find any data)<\/div>\n
    Yet, I pasted the links to give an idea of the variability of the leaves and an idea about the involucre.<\/div>\n
    Launaea procumbens<\/i>\u00a0is very variable and similar to\u00a0L. nudicaulis<\/i>.(L. nudicaulis<\/i>\u00a0is extremely variable morphological characters, even in capitula too)..<\/div>\n

    Your plant\u00a0might be\u00a0L. procumbens<\/i>.<\/p>\n


    I guess the key factor is sagitate single leaf which is distinct in this case!<\/p>\n


    Agreed, Sir, that’s why I said “might be”, meaning it’s not the end of my suggestion!<\/p>\n


    L. procumbens<\/em> leaves are completely different !<\/p>\n


    Sorry, Sir, I was stressing\u00a0on involucre, completely overlooking those\u00a0erect\u00a0sagittate leaves.\u00a0Yes, you are absolutely correct.<\/p>\n

    Thank you …,<\/div>\n

    So we shall take it as it is ?<\/p>\n


    Since when did the forum allow identifying a species only by its leaves, Sir ji?<\/p>\n

    I think, in present circumstances, probabilities are –<\/div>\n
    1. While describing the leaves correctly, Hooker, Clarke, FoC all went wrong describing\u00a0the flower of\u00a0Lactuca sagittarioides<\/i>,…. (assuming your identification is correct !!!)<\/li>\n
    2. Though presently\u00a0Lactuca\u00a0<\/i>sagittarioides<\/i>\u00a0is synonymous with\u00a0Ixeridium sagittarioides<\/i>, may be in future some botanist\u00a0would separate them.<\/li>\n
    3. the leaves and the flowers in your uploads are of two different species<\/li>\n
    4. the flowers\u00a0and the leaves are of same species but the species is mis-identified\u00a0(there is a picture of another species to give an idea what a flower of\u00a0Ixeridium<\/i>\u00a0would look like – neither\u00a0tubular nor campanulate, rather tends to rotate form after fully openning)<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

      What do you say, Sir ji?<\/p>\n


      Thanks, …, for the detailed discussions.<\/p>\n

      Flora of China<\/a>\u00a0says for\u00a0Ixeridium sagittarioides<\/em>\u00a0(C. B. Clarke) Pak & Kawano:<\/div>\n
      Capitula with 8-16 florets; peduncle wiry.\u00a0Involucre narrowly cylindric, 7-8 mm. Outer phyllaries ovate to lanceolate, apex acute; inner phyllaries ca. 8[-12], apex acute.\u00a0<\/b>It also says for\u00a0genus\u00a0<\/a>Ixeridium<\/a><\/b>\u00a0(A. Gray) Tzvelev:\u00a0Phyllaries in few series, margin narrow and scarious;\u00a0outer phyllaries few, very short (at most ca. 2 mm,\u00a0<\/b>usually less), \u00b1 unequal;\u00a0inner phyllaries 5 or (7 or)8, linear-lanceolate, equal.<\/b><\/span>\u00a0<\/span>
      \n<\/b>Also I personally feel posted plant matches\u00a0
      GBIF<\/a>\u00a0specimens from\u00a0Nepal<\/a>\u00a0and\u00a0Bhutan<\/a> except for some outer phyllaries being comparatively larger in proportion to inner phyllaries as … has also pointed. I did not find a single specimen in GBIF<\/a>\u00a0from China. Maybe we can further explore dimensions\u00a0given in our own floras.<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n

      Nepal also offers\u00a0Senecio<\/i> spp. having sagittate leaves, may worth giving a try Research gate<\/a><\/p>\n


      I did not mean … species equals the species linked in the paper I sent just minutes ago.<\/p>\n


      What I mean is that the uploaded species. in this thread, can be\u00a0a\u00a0Senecio<\/i>\u00a0if flower and leaves belong to the same plant.<\/p>\n


      That\u00a0is very high altitude\u00a0sp. and do not seem marching.<\/p>\n

      SK999 7 MAR-2018<\/span><\/a> : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)- 1 Mb each<\/span><\/div>\n
      Location:\u00a0Chautara, Nepal \u00a0<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
      Date: 16 December 2017<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
      Altitude: 5000 ft.<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
      Habit : Wild<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>\n


      Appears similar to images at Ainsliaea species- Mudkhu, Kathmandu, Nepal<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n
      These may also be of Ixeridium sagittarioides <\/i>(C. B. Cl.) Pak & Kawano as per another post of yours<\/span><\/a>.<\/div>\n

      Yes \u2026 all same from different locations.<\/p>\n



      Ixeridium sagittarioides (C.B.Clarke) Pak & Kawano<\/a> : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8)- around 600 kb each.<\/span><\/div>\n
      Location: Mudkhu, Kathmandu, Nepal<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
      Elevation: \u00a0<\/span>1452 m.<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
      Date: 10 May 2019<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
      Habit : Wild<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n
      Syn : Ixeris sagittarioides<\/i> (C.B.Clarke) Stebbins<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

      If the leaves, at the extreme top-left of the 1st picture (DSC_0712), are of the same species, it is probably\u00a0Launaea procumbens<\/i>.<\/p>\n

      The species has been reported at 4000 ft in Nepal – Kanchapur area, Darkhani village etc., …. meaning as high as 4000ft.<\/div>\n
      Please check the phyllaries here –\u00a0https:\/\/www.gbif.org\/occurrence\/437854769<\/a><\/div>\n
      Please check leaf variability –\u00a0https:\/\/www.gbif.org\/occurrence\/574977868<\/a><\/div>\n<\/div>\n




      References: <\/span>Catalogue of Life<\/a>\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0GBIF<\/a> (with high resolution specimens) High resolution specimen<\/a>\u00a0 BSI Flora of India checklist<\/a> \u00a0Flora of China<\/a> \u00a0Bhutan Biodiversity Portal<\/a>\u00a0\u00a0Encyclopedia of Life<\/a>\u00a0 Cichorieae Portal<\/a><\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<\/div>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

      Ixeridium sagittarioides (C. B. Cl.) Pak & Kawano (syn: Chondrilla sagittata Wall.; Ixeridium sagittarioides (C. B. Cl.) C. Shih; Ixeris sagittarioides (C. B. Cl.) Stebbins; Lactuca sagittarioides C. B. Cl.; Mycelis sagittarioides (C. B. Cl.) A. N. Sennikov); . China (Yunnan), Bhutan, Myanmar [Burma] (Kachin, Sagaing), Nepal, Jammu & Kashmir…<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":3,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"ht-kb-category":[7627],"ht-kb-tag":[],"class_list":["post-1348053","ht_kb","type-ht_kb","status-publish","format-standard","hentry","ht_kb_category-ixeridium"],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb\/1348053","targetHints":{"allow":["GET"]}}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/ht_kb"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/3"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=1348053"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb\/1348053\/revisions"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=1348053"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"ht_kb_category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb-category?post=1348053"},{"taxonomy":"ht_kb_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb-tag?post=1348053"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}