I think yes.<\/p>\n
Many thanks but other doubt is\u00a0Red Nerine Lily, Guernsey Lily, Berglelie \u00a0Botanical name: Nerine sarniensis<\/i>\u00a0\u00a0 Family: Amaryllidaceae<\/i><\/p>\nThats why I think we need to look at it again.<\/p>\n
This is
Nerine sarniensis<\/i>.<\/p>\nI have seen & photographed in Srinagar.<\/p>\n
I agree with … ID.<\/p>\n
… ID is correct.\u00a0 It is
Red Spider Lily<\/b> Lycoris radiata<\/i> for sure.<\/p>\n
For some reason I was looking up “tiger” in our database and this popped up… why ?<\/div>\n
i dont know unless the word appears somewhere in the file… REGARDLESS of the why?<\/p><\/div>\n<\/div>\n
I think this a very nice case to illustrate the dangers of just matching up of pictures on google or some picture book…<\/div>\n
This is indeed Spider lily<\/b>\u00a0 Lycoris radiata<\/i> as … has written.<\/div>\nIts NOT
Nerine sarniensis<\/i>.<\/div>\nthis is the danger of just matching some pictures in a hurry… or with a preconceived notion<\/p><\/div>\n
take your time and\u00a0 study the structures… try to study the features and their shapes, color and numbers etc…<\/p>\n
every case is learning process…<\/div>\n
i love this exercise… hope you do too, that’s the only way to grow …<\/div>\n
and gain knowledge of Botany classification and id\u00a0 even when we are nonbotanist-enthusiasts\u00a0 like myself and countless others..<\/div>\n