<\/a><\/p>\nSpilanthes acmella confusion: 1-Blainvillea acmella from near Dakpathar:<\/a>\u00a0<\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\nBlainvillea acmella<\/i> (Linnaeus) Philipson, <\/span>Blumea 6 350 1950<\/cite>.<\/span><\/div>\nsyn: <\/span>Verbesina<\/i> acmella<\/i> L.; Blainvillea alba<\/i> Edgew.; Blainvillea platyphylla<\/i> DC<\/span>
\n<\/span><\/div>\nRoughly hairy stiff erect herb; lower leaves opposite, upper alternate, ovate to deltate, up to 7 cm long, toothed; heads radiate, 8-12 mm in diam; phyllaries few, outer leaflike; ray usually white, 2-3 lobed, disc 5-merous; achenes 3-angled, inner flattened; pappus of 2-5 unequal bristles. <\/span><\/span>
\n<\/span><\/div>\nPhotographed from near Dakpathar on way to Chakrata.<\/span><\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/div>\nPerhaps no other binomial has been so cused as Spilanthes acmella<\/i><\/span><\/div>\nThe name Spilanthes acmella<\/i> is based on Verbesina acmella<\/i> L. The combination under Spilanthes<\/i> appeared in Syst. Veg., ed. 13″ 610 1774<\/cite>. Till recently the combination was attributed to Murray in many reputed books, Floras and<\/span> databases (The Plant List, eFlora publications,etc.) but as turns out Murray was only the editor of this publication and Linnaeus the author of this combination, which should correctly be cited as Spilanthes acmella<\/i> (L.) L. Flora of British India recognises four varieties under this: var acmella<\/i> proper, var. calva<\/i>, var. oleracea<\/i> and var. paniculata<\/i>. Interestingly Koster and Philipson (1950) discovered that the Verbesina acmella<\/i> L., actually belongs to Blainvillea<\/i> and should be better known as Blainvillea acmella<\/i> (L.) Philipson. The other names stay under newly recognised genus Acmella<\/i> and none (Indian species) under Spilanthes<\/i>. Incidently also the Blainvillea acmella<\/i> (L.) Philipson includes another species described in Indian Floras as Blainvillea platyphylla<\/i> DC.<\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/div>\nThe species originally described as Spilanthes may accordingly include following within Indian boundaries:<\/u><\/span>
\n<\/span><\/div>\nBlainvillea acmella<\/b> (L.) Philipson (syn: Verbesina acmella<\/i> L.; Spilanthes acmella<\/i> (L.) L.; Blainvillea latifolia<\/i> (L.f.) DC) <\/span>
\n<\/span><\/div>\nAcmella calva<\/b> (DC) R. K. Jensen (syn: Spilanthes<\/i> acmella<\/i> var. calva<\/i> (DC.) Clarke ex Hooker f.; <\/span>Spilanthes<\/i> javanica<\/i> Sch.Bip. ex Miq.<\/span><\/span>)<\/span><\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/span><\/div>\nAcmella ciliata<\/b> (Kunth) Cass. (syn: Spilanthes ciliata<\/i> Kunth.)<\/span><\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/span><\/div>\nAcmella oleracea<\/b> (L.) R. K. Jensen (syn: <\/span>Spilanthes<\/i> acmella<\/i> var. oleracea<\/i> (L.) C.B.Clarke ex Hook.f.; Spilanthes oleracea<\/i> L.)<\/span><\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/span><\/div>\nAcmella paniculata<\/b> (Wall. ex DC) R. K. Jensen (syn: <\/span>Spilanthes<\/i> acmella<\/i> var. paniculata<\/i> (Wall. ex DC.) C.B. Clarke ex Hook. f.; <\/span>Spilanthes<\/i> paniculata<\/i> Wall. ex DC.<\/span><\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/span><\/div>\nAcmella radicans<\/b> (Jacq.) R. K. Jensen var. radicans <\/b>(syn: Spilanthes radicans Jacq.)<\/span><\/span><\/div>\nThe following key can help differentiating species<\/u><\/span><\/span><\/div>\n\u00a0<\/span><\/span><\/div>\n1a. Heads with white ray florets, achenes 3-angled ……… Blainvillea acmella<\/b><\/span><\/span><\/div>\n1b. Heads discoid or with yellow ray florets, achenes flattened ……(2)<\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>\n
2a. Heads discoid ……..(3)<\/span><\/div>\n2b. Heads radiate, ray florets very small, achenes ciliate, pappus of 2-3 bristles ……..(7)<\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>\n