{"id":1354459,"date":"2012-05-04T10:52:05","date_gmt":"2012-05-04T10:52:05","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"2024-12-24T13:06:24","modified_gmt":"2024-12-24T07:36:24","slug":"chrysanthemum-coronarium","status":"publish","type":"ht_kb","link":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/efi\/chrysanthemum-coronarium\/","title":{"rendered":"Glebionis coronaria"},"content":{"rendered":"
Glebionis<\/i> coronaria<\/i> (L.) Cass. ex Spach, Hist. nat. v\u00e9g. 10:181. 1841, nom. cons. (Syn: (\u2261) Chrysanthemum coronarium<\/span><\/i><\/a> L. (basionym);\u00a0 (=) Chrysanthemum roxburghii<\/span><\/i><\/a> Desf.; (=) Glebionis roxburghii<\/span><\/i><\/a> (Desf.) Tzvelev;\u00a0(\u2261) Xantophtalmum coronarium<\/span><\/i><\/a> (L.) P. D. Sell);<\/div>\n

The garland chrysanthemum<\/b>, Chrysanthemum coronarium<\/i> or Leucanthemum<\/span><\/a> coronarium<\/i>, also known as chrysanthemum greens<\/b> or edible chrysanthemum<\/b>, is native to the Mediterranean<\/span><\/a> and East Asia<\/span><\/a>. It is a leaf vegetable<\/span><\/a> in the genus<\/span><\/a> Chrysanthemum<\/span><\/a><\/i>, or by some botanists in Leucanthemum<\/span><\/a><\/i>.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n

A <\/span>leafy<\/span><\/a> herb<\/span><\/a>, the garland chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum coronarium<\/i>, is one of the few <\/span>annual plants<\/span><\/a> in its genus and has yellow florets grouped in small rayed flower heads and aromatic, bipinnately <\/span>lobed<\/span><\/a> leaves. The vegetable grows very well in mild or slightly cold climates, but will go quickly into premature flowering in warm summer conditions. Seeds are sown in early spring and fall.<\/span><\/div>\n
“The plant is rich in minerals and vitamins with potassium concentrations at 610 mg\/100 g and carotene at 3.4 g\/100 g in edible portions. In addition, the plant contains various antioxidants (in stem, leaf,and root tissues) that have potential long-term benefits for human health, although toxic (dioxin) properties have also been observed. Extracts from C. coronarium<\/i> var. spatiosum<\/i> have been shown to inhibit growth of Lactobacillus casei<\/i>, a beneficial human intestinal bacterium.”[2]<\/span><\/a><\/sup>\u00a0<\/span><\/div>\n
The plant\u2019s greens are used in many Asian cuisines.<\/span><\/div>\n
(From Wikipedia<\/span><\/a> on 15.5.13)



ornamental3 Hooghly 20-01-13 sk3:<\/a> This is an asteraceae<\/i> thus much i can say.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n

Species : UNKNOWN<\/div>\n
H & H : ornamental, about 4 ft high<\/span><\/div>\n
Date : 20-01-13<\/div>\n

Place : Bandipur (Hooghly)<\/span><\/p>\n


Good morning, this seems to be the <\/span>Chrysanthemum coronarium<\/i> L<\/span><\/a>.<\/span><\/p>\n


Similar looking flowers in Flowersofindia are <\/span>Marguerite Daisy<\/b>, <\/span>Chrysanthemum frutescens<\/i>.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Experts kindly validate.<\/p>\n


Thank you very much …, it’s really very confusing –\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

1) for Chrysanthemum coronarium<\/i> L. :-<\/div>\n