This plant was subsequently identified by … as
Rhaphidophora decursiva<\/i>, It was definitely not Monstera deliciosa<\/i> which has less dissected leaves and large perforations on the blade. <\/span>While going through Rhaphidophora decursiva<\/i> in Flora of China, two things were noticed by me<\/div>\n1. According to Flora of China and I reproduce “
There has been much confusion over <\/span>Rhaphidophora decursiva<\/i> and <\/span>Epipremnum pinnatum <\/i>because both species have large, pinnatifid leaves, but <\/span>E. pinnatum<\/b><\/span> has a leaf blade with tiny perforations (ca. 2 mm) along and adjacent to the midrib, an ovary with 2 or 3 ovules, and a sessile, longitudinally linear-oblong stigma.<\/span> There is also a difference in leaf arrangement: <\/span>R.<\/span> decursiva<\/span><\/b> has foliage leaves scattered and interspersed with several (up to 7) cataphyll-bearing nodes<\/span>, whereas <\/span><\/span><\/span>E<\/span>. pinnatum<\/span><\/i><\/span><\/span> has leaves often clustered distally without such cataphyll-bearing nodes<\/span>.”<\/span><\/div>\n