{"id":1360117,"date":"2011-03-10T10:24:59","date_gmt":"2011-03-10T10:24:59","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"2024-12-24T18:51:46","modified_gmt":"2024-12-24T13:21:46","slug":"kaempferia-elegans","status":"publish","type":"ht_kb","link":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/efi\/kaempferia-elegans\/","title":{"rendered":"Kaempferia elegans (Cultivated)"},"content":{"rendered":"
Kaempferia<\/i> elegans<\/i> (Wall.) Baker, Fl. Brit. India 6: 222 1890<\/i>. (Syn: Kaempferia<\/i> atrovirens<\/i> N.E.Br.<\/span><\/a>; Kaempferia<\/i> crawfurdia<\/i> Wall. ex Horan.<\/span><\/a>; Kaempferia<\/i> pulchra<\/i> Ridl.<\/span><\/a>; Monolophus<\/i> elegans<\/i> Wall.<\/span><\/a>);
\nChina (Sichuan) to Indo-China, Borneo: Borneo, China South-Central, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam<\/span> as per
Peacock Ginger, Peacock Plant, Resurrection Lily;<\/b>



amit uid 1 2352011<\/a>:
\nSending photos of Kaemferia<\/i> sp. details as in the photos. Please help in identification<\/p>\n


This looks like Kaempferia pulchra<\/i> to me. What do u say?<\/p>\n


You are correct even I was doubtful of being it as galanga<\/i> or rotundus<\/i> as the nursery men told me. But the images I checked in google shows very variegated leaves this leaves me confused. And one more thing can you provide me the distribution of this species in India.<\/p>\n


I am confused K. elegans<\/i> also looks same<\/p>\n


Pl follow this link to get more info on this sp. http:\/\/www.pacificbulbsociety.Kaempferia<\/span><\/a>
\nThe site mentions a close similarity between K. elegans<\/i> and K. pulchra<\/i>. Quoting them as it is “….Some taxonomists consider this species and Kaempferia pulchra<\/i> to be the same but more research needs to be done regarding this. Although superficially very similar, their flowers are easily distinguishable from each other.”
\nHowever, “The Plant List” treats K. pulchra<\/i> under the synonymy of K. elegans<\/i>.
\nK. elegans<\/i> has been mentioned in the list of Indian Gingers (http:\/\/ <\/span>


Now K. laotica<\/i> also emerge as similar to both of them.<\/p>\n


I dont think your plant is K. laotica<\/i>. Pl go through the attached PDF: Notes on the genus Kaempferia L. (Zingiberaceae) in Thailand<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Thanks .. all doubts clear I will go with K. elegans<\/i> and really thanks for the pdf.<\/p>\n

16082011-BS-001: Monocot Herb for ID from Arya PG College Panipat Haryana<\/a>:
\nPls id this small about 20 inches high monocot herb.
\n<\/span>Shot from Arya PG College Campus Panipat<\/span>.<\/div>\n
This plant was brought from a local Nursery.<\/span> Nurserymen said this was by chance came here with other plants from Dehradoon.
\nleaves \u00a0were simple \u00a0about 5-6 inches and flowers about 1.5 inches<\/span>. Although this is also cultivated in garden as per Nurserymen. 3 pics were shot today and 3 pics 3-4 days back. Flower was solitary.<\/div>\n
I was thinking of Kaempferia pulchra<\/i> but it is synonym of K. elegans<\/i>
\nfinally K elegans<\/i><\/div>\n
two leaves single flower from Alipore 30-05-12 SK3:<\/a>
\nDon’t have the slightest idea even of the family.<\/div>\n
Species : UNKNOWN<\/div>\n
Habit & Habitat : ornamental herb, height- ground level, grows in shady place?<\/span><\/div>\n
Date : 25-05-12, 1.12 p.m.
\n<\/span>Place : The Agri-Hort. Soc. of India, Alipore (KOLKATA)<\/span><\/div>\n

looks like Maranta. <\/i><\/span><\/b>not sure<\/p>\n

Very little could be found on flowers of Maranta<\/i> sps. According to a ‘pdf’ file<\/span><\/a>, available from – http:\/\/efloras.org\/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=600&taxon_id=119663<\/span><\/a>, there are about 32 species in this genus. But almost all flowers picture are available for Maranta arundinacea<\/i>. However, two close match –<\/div>\n