{"id":1402242,"date":"2011-03-22T07:57:44","date_gmt":"2011-03-22T07:57:44","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"2024-12-24T18:49:47","modified_gmt":"2024-12-24T13:19:47","slug":"plumeria-obtusa","status":"publish","type":"ht_kb","link":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/efi\/plumeria-obtusa\/","title":{"rendered":"Plumeria obtusa"},"content":{"rendered":"\n\n\n

Plumeria<\/i> obtusa<\/i> L.<\/span>, <\/span>Sp. Pl. 210 1753<\/i>. (Syn: <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> clusioides<\/i> var. parviflora<\/i> (Griseb.) M. G\u00f3mez<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> emarginata<\/i> var. sericifolia<\/i> (C. Wright ex Griseb.) M. G\u00f3mez<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> obtusa<\/i> var. laevis<\/i> Griseb.<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> obtusa<\/i> var. parviflora<\/i> Griseb.<\/span><\/a>;\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> apiculata<\/i> Urb.<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> bahamensis<\/i> Urb.<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> barahonensis<\/i> Urb.<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> beatensis<\/i> Urb.<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> bicolor<\/i> Seem.<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> cayensis<\/i> Urb.<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> clusioides<\/i> Griseb.<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> confusa<\/i> Britton<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> cubensis<\/i> Urb.<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> cuneifolia<\/i> Helwig<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> dictyophylla<\/i> Urb.<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> ekmanii<\/i> Urb.<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> emarginata<\/i> Griseb.<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> estrellensis<\/i> Urb.<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> inaguensis<\/i> Britton<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> jamaicensis<\/i> Britton<\/span><\/a> [Illegitimate]; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> krugii<\/i> Urb.<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> marchii<\/i> Urb.<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> montana<\/i> Britton & P.Wilson<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> nipensis<\/i> Britton<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> nivea<\/i> Mill.<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> ostenfeldii<\/i> Urb.<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> parvifolia<\/i> Donn<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> portoricensis<\/i> Urb.<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> tenorei<\/i> Gazparr.<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> venosa<\/i> Britton<\/span><\/a>; <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> versicolor<\/i> Dehnh.<\/span><\/a>);
\n<\/span>Aztec<\/b>: cacalloxochitl (meaning – crow flower) \u2022 <\/span>Bengali<\/b>: kathgolop \u2022 <\/span>Canary Islands<\/b>: flor de cebo (meaning – bait flower) \u2022 <\/span>Chinese<\/b>: kang nai xin, hong ji dan hua \u2022 <\/span>Chuukese<\/b>: seur \u2022 <\/span>El Salvador<\/b>: flor de mayo \u2022 <\/span>English<\/b>: dead man’s fingers (Australia), flower of the cross, frangipani, graveyard tree (Caribbean Islands), Mary’s flower, may flower (Nicaragua), pagoda tree (Far East), plumeria, temple tree (India), West Indian jasmine \u2022 <\/span>French<\/b>: frangipanier \u2022 <\/span>Guatemala<\/b>: flor de la cruz \u2022 <\/span>Hawaii<\/b>: melia, pumeli \u2022 <\/span>Hindi<\/b>: \u091a\u092e\u094d\u092a\u093e champa, \u0917\u0941\u0932\u093e\u091a\u093f\u0928 golachin, \u0917\u0941\u0932\u0948\u0928\u094d\u091a\u0940 golenchi \u2022 <\/span>Indonesia<\/b>: kembang kamboja, jepun (Bali) \u2022 <\/span>Italian<\/b>: pomelia, frangipane \u2022 <\/span>Konkani<\/b>: \u091a\u093e\u092e\u094d\u092a\u0945 champe \u2022 <\/span>Kosraen<\/b>: for \u2022 <\/span>Laos<\/b>: Champa \u2022 <\/span>Laos<\/b>: dok champa \u2022 <\/span>Malaysia<\/b>: kemboja kuning \u2022 <\/span>Manipuri<\/b>: khageleihao angouba \u2022 <\/span>Marathi<\/b>: \u091a\u093e\u092b\u093e chafa \u2022 <\/span>Mexico<\/b>: nahuatl \u2022 <\/span>Nicaragua<\/b>: flor de leche (meaning – milk flower), nicaragua (country’s own name), sacuanjoche (<\/span>P. alba<\/i>) \u2022 <\/span>Palauan<\/b>: chelilai \u2022 <\/span>Philippines<\/b>: kalachuchi \u2022 <\/span>Pohnpeian<\/b>: pwohmaria \u2022 <\/span>Portuguese<\/b>: flor-de-Santo-Ant\u00f4nio, jasmim-de-caiena (Brazil), jasmin-do-par\u00e1 (Brazil), jasmin-manga (Brazil) \u2022 <\/span>Puerto Rico<\/b>: alel\u00ed \u2022 <\/span>Sinhalese<\/b>: araliya, pansal mal (meaning – temple flower) \u2022 <\/span>Spanish<\/b>: alhel\u00ed cimarr\u00f3n, suche \u2022 <\/span>St. Barths<\/b>: bois couleuvre (meaning – snake tree) \u2022 <\/span>Tahiti<\/b>: tipanier \u2022 <\/span>Tamil<\/b>: \u0ba8\u0bc6\u0bb2 \u0bb8\u0bae\u0bcd\u0baa\u0b99\u0bcd\u0b95\u0bbf nela sampangi \u2022 <\/span>Thai<\/b>: lilawadee \u2022 <\/span>Venezuela<\/b>: amapola \u2022 <\/span>Yapese<\/b>: suwur


Plumeria obtusa<\/i> is a species of the genus Plumeria<\/span><\/a> (Apocynaceae<\/span><\/a>), native to Central America,[2]<\/span><\/a><\/sup> but widely cultivated for its ornamental and fragrant flowers around the world, where suitably warm climate exists.[3]<\/span><\/a><\/sup>
\n<\/span>The large shrub grows from 5-10m tall (c.12\u201325\u00a0ft)<\/span>
\n<\/sup>P. obtusa<\/span><\/i> is native to the <\/span>
Greater Antilles<\/span><\/a>, northern <\/span>Central America<\/span><\/a> and southern <\/span>Mexico<\/span><\/a>.[2]<\/span><\/a><\/sup> Cultivation is common in warmer parts of the world, including <\/span>Southeast Asia<\/span><\/a>
\nThis plant is commonly used as an ornamental, grown for its flowers. In Cambodia the flowers are used to make necklaces and in offerings to the deities.<\/span>
[3]<\/span><\/a><\/sup> In traditional medicine used in that country, a decoction of the bark is given in varying doses as a purgative or as a remedy against oedemas.
\n<\/span>(From <\/span>
Wikipedia<\/span><\/a> on 29.7.13)

efloraofindia:”For Id 14102011MR1\u2019\u2019 Chapha in Marathi Pune<\/a>:
\nRequest for identification<\/div>\n
Date\/Time-Oct 2011<\/span>
\nLocation- Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune<\/span>
\nHabitat- Garden\/ Urban\/ Wild\/ Type-Garden<\/span>
\nPlant Habit- Tree\/ Shrub\/ Climber\/ Herb- Shrub<\/span>
\nHeight\/Length- 3 feet<\/span>
\nLeaves Type\/ Shape\/ Size-green
\nFlowers Size\/ Colour\/ Calyx\/ Bracts- white flower<\/span>
\nFruits Type\/ Shape\/ Size Seeds-Not seen<\/p>\n


efloraofindia:”For Id 14102011MR2\u2019\u2019 ? Another Chapha Pune<\/a>:
\nDate\/Time-Sep 2011<\/span><\/div>\n

Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune<\/span>
\nHabitat- Garden\/ Urban\/ Wild\/ Type-Garden<\/span>
\nPlant Habit- Tree\/ Shrub\/ Climber\/ Herb- Shrub<\/span>
\nHeight\/Length- 6-7 feet
\n<\/span>Leaves Type\/ Shape\/ Size-green
\nFlowers Size\/ Colour\/ Calyx\/ Bracts- white<\/span>
\nFruits Type\/ Shape\/ Size Seeds-Not seen<\/p>\n


plumeria obtusa<\/i><\/p>\n


One query are there many varieties of this same flower because the flowers petals in the two posts that I posted today look different<\/p>\n


… its just not the flower petal… if you look closely… the leaves often are different …there is a
\nvariablility inherent \u00a0in the plumerias… keep looking… \u00a0we have several of these along my daily walk… \u00a0 all have a just a tad bit different leaves or petals or even flower scent… \u00a0that ‘s what make the walk so interesting… it just like the case of many of the sarcomas…. where there is marked variability in the cells… if you keep looking at soft tissue tumors… yet they are all sarcomas… and here they are\u00a0all plumeria obtusa<\/i>…
\nit boils down to experience… curiosity and willingness to put it together ( you have these last qualifications in abundance)
\n<\/span>your flower in thread “”For Id 14102011MR1\u2019\u2019 is older… opened the day before… if you smell such a flower.. almost no scent… or very faint…. do not inhale too deeply… many small pollinators hide in the nectar tube…ha ha<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


… you almost took me from the floral world back to my Histopath section and formalin !!! Thank God you drove back to the world of perfumed flowers and pollen. Thank you it was interesting reading<\/p>\n


I love the fragrance of this flower. Here is mine.<\/p>\n


here is one more photo of the flower, but from a different plant.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n

Place : Jaipur, Rajasthan
\nDate \u00a0: \u00a0November 2010<\/span>
\nHabitat : Cultivated<\/span><\/div>\n

Plumeria obtusa<\/i> for sure<\/p>\n


This is the flower I knew as Phandhara<\/b> (White)\u00a0Chapha<\/b>. I remember making finger rings from this flower in my childhood.<\/p>\n


Oh thanks, good to know flowers also smiles [?][?]<\/p>\n


Yes flowers smile, laugh, cry… even get mad… didn’t you know? \u00a0as do the leaves? They even enjoy music and dance… I am not joking…. its serious business… scientific business that is… lot has been researched and written about…. And now I suspect they do not like cell-phone towers towering just above them… <\/span><\/p>\n


…., thanks for this valuable information. \u00a0I know flowers laugh when they are happy, and cry when they are sad, but due to our own pre-occupation we fail to notice it. \u00a0Just once get fully identified with it and sit with <\/span>them for some time and you will notice it.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

Yes…\u00a0\u00a0…, you are right.. most of us came to botany because of our love for greenery or for the love of flowers… <\/span><\/div>\n
my current balcony is also full of flowers… all kinds.. warm weather tropicals , temperate zone and some cold weather \u00a0ones… \u00a0mostly very prolific … <\/span><\/div>\n
But the plants do not like to flower when people fight… I have \u00a0neighbors who periodically \u00a0fight a lot among themselves, and their vibrations \u00a0must be reaching my plants, they shut down, stop producing flowers, \u00a0when the crescendo of their fights is at the height, my plants stop blooming… \u00a0 when they go on vacation (long ones) of 3 -4 months like visiting their sons in us or uk… my plants bloom like crazy… and look very happy…and peaceful… ( not based on seasons… they go sometimes in winter, sometimes in summer , so my plants are responding to absence of negative vibrations regardless of season.. \u00a0since they do not announce their departures, we learn of their absence by the profuse blooming … \u00a0 as if the plants are dancing in joy… \u00a0then we do our sherlock homes and confirm that they are gone taking their their vibrations) <\/span><\/div>\n
I have learnt over the years to overcome the neighbors fights ( to a degree, not fully yet) by meditating near the plants, getting into their xylem and travelling around inside coaxing… or just floating, and playing devotional
\nsongs cds… \u00a0near the balcony… had to set up a separate music system with small speakers esp for the flowering plants.. <\/span><\/div>\n
My mom used to be able to talk to trees and they would visibly respond… I have seen it with my own eyes and even done some super8 movies… which at this point I dont own.. \u00a0otherwise it would be a great small demo… I try
\nto talk the way my Mom did , \u00a0 I am not there yet… but communicating with plants and asking them what they like is a very good way to nurture them… <\/span><\/div>\n
Mysteries of life…. older I get more mysteries present themselves… and dogmas fall away…. <\/span>…., see what you started… \u00a0keep doing it… makes me remember…<\/span><\/div>\n
Plumeria For ID : Nasik : 310713 : AK-2<\/a> : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors.
\n<\/span>Plumeria seen <\/span>on 11\/4\/13 at Gangajal Nursery, Nasik<\/span>. For species confirmation please.<\/span><\/div>\n
plumeria obtusa<\/i> pink dwarf<\/span><\/div>\n
Thanks a lot for the id. On searching, could this be <\/span>Plumeria obtusa<\/i> ‘Dwarf Singapore Pink’ ?<\/span><\/div>\n

Plumeria For ID : Nasik : 010813 : AK-1<\/a> : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author.
\n<\/span>Plumeria<\/i> seen <\/span>at Gangajal Nursery with white flowers on 11\/4\/13.
\n<\/span>… , would this be <\/span>Plumeria obtusa<\/i> ‘Dwarf Singapore White’ ? Kindly confirm id.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Plumeria alba<\/a> : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1).<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Thanks, …,<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n



Trees of Delhi: A Field Guide<\/span><\/a> By Pradip Krishen (2006) states that Plumeria alba<\/i> misapplied to Plumeria obtusa<\/span><\/b><\/a>
\nMay I request experts to solve this issue.<\/span><\/div>\n
kindly see the leaf tip<\/div>\n<\/div>\n
Thanks, ….<\/div>\n
Trees of Delhi: A Field Guide<\/span><\/a> By Pradip Krishen (2006) states that Plumeria alba<\/i> misapplied to Plumeria obtusa<\/span><\/b><\/a>
\nIt matches well with <\/span>Plumeria obtusa<\/b> <\/span>with apex broad with a notch or only a tiny point<\/span> as per <\/span>
Trees of Delhi: A Field Guide<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Plumeria alba (Family: Apocynaceae) :: Hooghly, WB:<\/a><\/p>\n

It is another Plumeria<\/i> species – Plumeria alba<\/i>. The flowers and leaves are more elongated in this species than the other two Plumeria<\/i>.<\/span><\/div>\n
Species : Plumeria alba<\/i><\/div>\n
Bengali name : GULANCHA<\/b><\/div>\n
Date : 21-May-2009, 4.32 p.m.<\/div>\n
Place : Garalgacha (Hooghly), West Bengal<\/span><\/div>\n
Type : Garden, roadside
\n<\/span>ID help : <\/span>

Thanks, … <\/span>It matches well with <\/span>Plumeria obtusa<\/b> <\/span>with apex broad with a notch or only a tiny point as per <\/span>Trees of Delhi: A Field Guide<\/span><\/a>
Trees of Delhi: A Field Guide<\/span><\/a> By Pradip Krishen (2006) states that <\/span>Plumeria alba<\/i> misapplied to <\/span>Plumeria obtusa<\/span><\/b><\/a><\/p>\n


Thanks … Would you believe that just yesterday I found out that all my plumeria need to be rechecked!
\nSpecially after visiting –
http:\/\/www.biolib.cz\/en\/taxon\/id62948\/<\/span><\/a> !!!<\/p>\n


Rather the best resource to identify Plumeria species is

efloraofindia:”For Id 29012013MR1\u2019\u2019 tree with white flowers at Pune:<\/a>
\nrequesting identification of this medium height tree with white flowers <\/span>in a private society garden<\/span> at Pune.<\/span> The flowers look like Chapha flowers in Marathi but are much bigger in size<\/span><\/div>\n

This plant looks like Plumeria alba.<\/i><\/p>\n


Thanks, …
\n<\/span>It matches well with <\/span>Plumeria obtusa<\/b> <\/span>with apex broad with a notch or only a tiny point as per <\/span>
Trees of Delhi: A Field Guide<\/span><\/a>
Trees of Delhi: A Field Guide<\/span><\/a> By Pradip Krishen (2006) states that <\/span>Plumeria alba<\/i> misapplied to <\/span>Plumeria obtusa<\/span><\/b><\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Thank you for the Id and the link to Trees of Delhi. It was very useful.<\/p>\n


efloraofindia:” which Plumeria species is this at Pune :03042014: MR-1<\/a>: 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments(2).
\nMar 2014 Pune
\n<\/span>Requesting identification of this <\/span>Plumeria<\/i> species <\/span>at a housing society garden<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


attaching one more image of leaves<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Plumeria obtusa<\/i><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


The leaves are pointed not obtuse.<\/p>\n


Thank you … for the Id. Promila ji as per <\/span>Trees of Delhi: A Field Guide<\/span><\/a> By Pradip Krishen (2006)<\/span><\/span> leaves of <\/span>Plumeria obtusa have apex broad with a notch or only a tiny point.<\/span> <\/span>… as per this book is the plant that I have posted Plumeria obtusa<\/i> var. <\/span>obtusa.<\/span><\/i><\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

Leaves are more than 20cm in length, slightly hairy stalk and underneath on the main nerve. <\/span><\/span>Also noticed that the stalk of the inflorescence was hanging down.<\/span> <\/span><\/span>At first I thought that it was damaged but it is not so.<\/span><\/div>\n
Can this be <\/span><\/span>Plumeria obtusa<\/i> Cultivar: Hanging Windmill ? ref<\/div>\n
Also noticed that the first flower which bloomed had 6 petals while the rest in the inflorescence are now with 5 petals<\/span><\/div>\n

I won”t be surprised if it turns out to be the elusive P. alba<\/i>. The leaf shape matches. Close up of leaf margin should help.<\/p>\n


Thank you … attaching pictures of leaf margin .<\/p>\n


I think P. obtusa<\/i> only.<\/p>\n


Thank you …<\/p>\n


Plumeria For ID : Muscat : 120714 : AK-24<\/a> : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1).
\nCultivated Plumeria seen in one of the gardens<\/span> in Muscat<\/span> with White flowers blooming throughout the year.
\n<\/span>Plumeria alba<\/i>?<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Looks like Plumeria hybrid magnificent.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Plumeria<\/span><\/a>–\u00a0<\/span>species in India & eFloraofindia with details & some keys<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n


Is it not Plumeria obtusa<\/span><\/b><\/a>\u00a0as per Trees of Delhi: A Field Guide<\/span><\/a> By Pradip Krishen (2006) ?<\/p>\n


We should see the leaves before finally deciding the cultivar.\u00a0 Even both the cultivars have obtuse leaves but other character full side view of flowering stem and leaf and leaf stem play an important role in any plant.<\/p>\n


Yes Plumeria obtusa<\/i>, very common in Delhi.<\/p>\n


Thanks for the id.<\/p>\n



Plumeria For ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 17SEP14 : AK-21<\/a> : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1).
\nSeen <\/span>on 26\/7\/2014 in Lalbagh.<\/span><\/div>\n
Plumeria obtusa<\/i>?
\nKindly confirm id.<\/span><\/div>\n

Some of the leaves are not obtuse. Could it be <\/span>P. alba<\/i>.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


efi page on Plumeria obtusa<\/span><\/a>. No efi page on P.alba so far.<\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

Pl. click <\/span>Trees of Delhi: A Field Guide<\/span><\/a> By Pradip Krishen (2006).
\n<\/span><\/span>As per this it’s <\/span>
Plumeria obtusa<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n

For me it is<\/span> Plumeria obtusa.<\/span><\/i>\u00a0\u00a0… is correct<\/span>.<\/p>\n


Plumeria obtusa<\/i><\/span><\/p>\n



Plumeria obtusa :: TMC Biodiversity Park :: 15 APR 18<\/a> : 2 posts by 2 authors. 3 images.
\nTMC Biodiversity Park<\/span> \u00a0<\/span>Thane
\n<\/span>Date: April 15, 2018 … Altitude: about 15 m (50 feet) asl
\n<\/span>Plumeria obtusa<\/i> \u00a0L.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n



Tree for ID<\/a> : 4 posts by 2 authors. 2 images.<\/div>\n
Khimsar, Rajasthan, january 2018.<\/span><\/div>\n

Pl. check <\/span>https:\/\/sites.google.<\/span>com\/site\/efloraofindia\/<\/span>species\/a—l\/a\/apocynaceae\/<\/span>plumeria<\/span><\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Thank you. For me it would be Plumeria obtu<\/i>sa…<\/p>\n<\/div>\n


Plumeria For ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 29JAN17 : AK-16<\/a>\u00a0: 5 posts by 2 authors.\u00a0Attachments\u00a0<\/span>(5)
\n<\/span>Plumeria<\/em>\u00a0photographed\u00a0<\/span>in Lalbagh<\/span> recently, with no flowers and very few leaves.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

Name plate suggested\u00a0Plumeria lambertiana<\/em>.<\/div>\n
Experts, kindly help.<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Pl. Check comparative images at EFI.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

The given name is a syn. of\u00a0Plumeria rubra<\/em><\/span><\/a> but leaves are not acuminate.
\nPl. check with images of\u00a0<\/span>
Plumeria obtusa<\/em>\u00a0L.<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n

As per the plant list at \u00a0http:\/\/www.theplantlist.org\/tpl\/record\/kew-161631<\/span><\/a>\u00a0it is a synonym\u00a0of\u00a0P.rubra<\/em>.\u00a0But \u00a0need to check the leaves \u00a0as suggested by \u2026<\/p>\n


Plumeria obtusa<\/em> is correct ID.<\/p>\n

In Delhi on 4\/4\/08; at the Red Fort Garden, New Delhi- June’10?; Mumbai- Nov’10<\/b>?;<\/span><\/td>\nTrees of Delhi- Flowers in April, peaking in May & again in the rains.<\/span><\/span><\/td>\n<\/td>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<\/div>\n
Apocynaceae (oleander family) – Plumeria alba – efloraofindia | Google Groups<\/span><\/span><\/a>
Etymology- Plumeria alba – efloraofindia | Google Groups<\/span><\/span><\/a><\/div>\n
GARDEN :: Apocynaceae (dogbane family) \u00bb Plumeria obtusa – efloraofindia | Google Groups<\/span><\/span><\/a><\/div>\n
Grasshopper – efloraofindia | Google Groups<\/span><\/span><\/a>
Pagoda tree – efloraofindia | Google Groups<\/span><\/span><\/a>
Validate – efloraofindia | Google Groups<\/span><\/span><\/a>
… fruits of Plumeria – indiantreepix | Google Groups<\/span><\/span><\/a>
Flowering trees in delhi–Two plumerias – indiantreepix | Google Groups<\/span><\/span><\/a>
White Frangipani- Khair Champa\/Safed Champa (Plumeria obtusa) – indiantreepix | Google Groups<\/span><\/span><\/a><\/div>\n

Pagoda tree<\/a> : Attachments (1). 10 posts by 8 authors.
\nSending a picture of Pogoda tree shot <\/span>at the Red Fort Garden, New Delhi.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n


this is plumeria alba<\/i>.<\/p>\n


Pagoda tree<\/b> is Styphnolobium japonicum<\/i><\/span> and I feel this is not the tree!
\nAs … said it Plumeria alba<\/i><\/p>\n


I\u00a0also agree with … It is indeed Plumera alba<\/i><\/p>\n


Looks like Plumeria rubra<\/i> Linn. (Pagoda tree<\/b> ) to me. According to Trees of Mumbai book the crooked trunk with blunt and swollen \u00a0branches matches with the pics. The flowers are upright clustered from the tip of the branches.<\/span><\/p>\n


Plumeria<\/i> -Frangipani is also known temple tree or Pagoda tree<\/b> as in South East Asia they are planted around Pagodas. But I am not sure if all varieties of Plumeria<\/i> are known as Pagoda tree or some particular one.<\/p>\n


My earlier input was based on the book ‘Trees of Mumbai’ which has mentioned\u00a0 the description of the flowers as “The funnel shaped flower is large, reddish white or fully waxy white with a golden centre.”
\n<\/span>In Trees in Delhi there is lot of\u00a0 info. on Plumeria<\/i> species . It is mentioned that there are 2 species of Plumeria<\/i> in Delhi – Plumeria rubra<\/i> there are four forms and within Plumeria obtusa<\/i> there are two forms. Please refer to Pg 134 .<\/span><\/p>\n


I think this could be Plumeria obtusa<\/i>!! Leaf apex seems to be obtuse…..<\/p>\n


Plumeria obtusa<\/i> from my side too.<\/p>\n

ID Requested_28122010_DS_SN2<\/a>:
\nThe tree<\/span> found in Murshidabad Hazarduari ground, West Bengal.
\n<\/span>Time: Dec. 2010
\nOnly one flower left.<\/p>\n



Plumeria obtusa L. :: Manor, Palghar :: Mar 24, 2007 \u00b7 JUN23 DV484<\/a>: 3 images.<\/p>\n

Plumeria obtusa<\/i>\u00a0L.<\/div>\n
Manor, Palghar :: Mar 24, 2007 \u00b7 2:13 PM IST :: about 20 m (70 ft) asl
\n<\/span>Many thanks to\u00a0<\/span>
Scott K. Johnsgard<\/a>\u00a0for validating the ID at\u00a0<\/span>iNaturalist<\/a><\/div>\n



Apocynaceae: Plumeria alba L.<\/a>: 1 high res. image.
\nlocation\/date:\u00a0University of Agricultural Sciences campus, Bangalore, July 1997<\/span><\/p>\n


I think it should be corrected labeled as\u00a0Plumeria obtusa<\/i>\u00a0L.:




Apocynaceae: Plumeria alba!<\/a>: 1 high res. image.
\nPlumeria alba<\/em> from Visakhapatnam district of Andhra pradesh,<\/span><\/p>\n


I think this should be





The Plant List 1<\/a>\u00a0 The Plant List 2<\/a>\u00a0 <\/span>GRIN<\/a> \u00a0Flora of Pakistan<\/a>\u00a0\u00a0Flora of China<\/a>\u00a0 <\/span>Flowers of India<\/a>\u00a0 Wikipedia<\/a>\u00a0 Dinesh Valke\u2019s Flickr Post<\/a>\u00a0\u00a0<\/span>\u00a0Wikimedia Commons<\/a>\u00a0\u00a0Plants of Hawaii<\/span><\/a><\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Plumeria obtusa L., Sp. Pl. 210 1753. (Syn: Plumeria clusioides var. parviflora (Griseb.) M. G\u00f3mez; Plumeria emarginata var. sericifolia (C. Wright ex Griseb.) M. G\u00f3mez; Plumeria obtusa var. laevis Griseb.; Plumeria obtusa var. parviflora Griseb.;\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Plumeria apiculata Urb.; Plumeria bahamensis Urb.; Plumeria barahonensis Urb.; Plumeria beatensis Urb.; Plumeria bicolor Seem.;…<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":2,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"closed","template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"ht-kb-category":[6071],"ht-kb-tag":[],"class_list":["post-1402242","ht_kb","type-ht_kb","status-publish","format-standard","hentry","ht_kb_category-plumeria"],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb\/1402242","targetHints":{"allow":["GET"]}}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/ht_kb"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/2"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=1402242"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb\/1402242\/revisions"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=1402242"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"ht_kb_category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb-category?post=1402242"},{"taxonomy":"ht_kb_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/efloraofindia.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/ht-kb-tag?post=1402242"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}