Albizia odoratissima (L.f.) Benth., (syn. Acacia lomatocarpa DC.; Acacia odoratissima (L.f.) Willd.; Albizia kalkora auct. non Prain (misapplied); Albizia micantha Bovin; Albizia micrantha B.Boivin; Albizia odoratissima var. mollis Baker; Feuilleea odoratissima (L. f.) Kuntze; Mimosa odoratissima L.f.); . al-BIZ-ee-uh — named for Filipo del Albizzi, Florentine nobleman … Dave’s Botanary oh-dor-uh-TISS-ee-muh — most fragrant … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: black siris, Ceylon rosewood, fragrant albizia, tea shade tree • Assamese: কৰৈ koroi • Bengali: কাকুর সিরিস kakur siris • Garo: khelbi • Gujarati: કાળો શિરીષ kalo shirish • Hindi: काला सिरिस kala siris • Kannada: ಬಿಲ್ವಾರದಮರ bilvaradamara, ಕಾಡು ಬಾಗೆ kaadu baage • Khasi: dieng krait • Konkani: काळी शिरस kali siras • Malayalam: കരുവാക karuvaka, കുന്നിവാക kunnivaka, നെല്ലിവാക nellivaka, പുളിവാക pulivaka • Manipuri: uin • Marathi: चिंचवा chinchava • Mizo: kangtekpa • Nepali: कालो शिरिश kalo shirish • Oriya: ଟିଣିଆ tiniya • Punjabi: ਲਸਰੇ lasre, ਲਸਰੀਂ lasrin • Sanskrit: शिरीष shirisha • Tamil: சிலை cilai, கருவாகை karu-vakai • Telugu: చిందుగ cinduga, కొండసిగర konda sigara • Tulu: ಚೌತೆ ಬಾಜಿ chawthe baaji . Names compiled / updated at . Native to: Bangladesh, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam . Leaflets, up to 13 pairs, seesile to subsessile, narrowly oblong, Flowers sessile, corolla white, pods purplish green to brown, seeds (looks 10-12). Pinnae 4-6 pairs; leaflets 6-15 pairs; leaflet broader than 6 mm is A. odoratissima. Albizia chinensis never has less than 20 pairs of leaflets, here I count 15-16 pairs. Also leaflets are very narrow and very closely set. . Fwd: Tree ID Help please : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2). It is our Holy tree Prosopis cinerea (L.) Druce, (= Prosopis spicigera): Khejri, loong, Banni (Kan) Albizia odoratissima perhaps Yes strong possibility of Albizia odoratissima Earlier thought of Albizzia amara which is flowering presently in pune but doesn’t appear to be so. Albizia odoratissima flowers in July here Tree For ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 06DEC14 : AK-19 : 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4) Tree seen in Lalbagh on 15/11/14. No flowers, only pods. Is it Caesalpinia violacea? Thanks, …, Does not match with images of Caesalpinia violacea at Albizia Species For ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 04MAY17 : AK-02 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) Albizia Species seen in Lalbagh on 30th April. For Species id please. Pl. Check comparative images in efi at Albizia page I think close to images at Albizia odoratissima (L.f.) Benth. as per comparative images at Albizia The images are of Albizia odoratissima. Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week :: Albizia odoratissima at Kalambuli, Karnataka: May 29, 2009 … along NH 4A near Kalambuli, Karnataka If it is native to our part of the world… how come we know of only one such tree in Kolkata …. ???? I wonder… Agreed … Same is the case here in Pune. Only 2 trees known to me. yes isn’t that strange? its common in moist deciduous forest,, here in Maharashtra and Gujarat its quite common.. Yes … strict science methology is ok… and for papers one must adhere to it… ……, yes agreed with you, actually Forest Department 2-3 decades back started with Urban Forestry and planted the trees across the city every where in India with the fast growing species of trees and also used the same species for beautification and the exotic where easily available for them, that time they never knew and never thought about the lifespan of the tree in our environmental conditions, but yes i must say that now Forest Department are selecting the Native trees for plantation.. we live with hopes… lets see… I herewith uploaded the fruiting twigs of Albizia odoratissima from Hosur area, Krishnagiri Dt, Tamil nadu Thank you very much … for sharing photos of Albizia odoratissima fruits. The identity is correct. Thank you very much … for validating the ID.
Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (Mimosaceae) Week: Albizia chinensis Kudremukh: You need to check this one. Albizia chinensis never has less than 20 pairs of leaflets, her I count 15-16 pairs. Also leaflets are very narrow and very closely set. Pinnae 4-6 pairs; leaflets 6-15 pairs; leaflet broader than 6 mm is A. odoratissima. . Query: Bengali name of Albizia odoratissima: I do not know about Kakur, but i had heard a word Kakurbari meaning uncles residence. I have tried to spell the words in bengali dialect. কাকুর সিরিস (Kakur) (Sirish) Many thanks … for name in Bangla script.
Albizia odoratissima – efloraofindia | Google Groups . Albizia procera – श्वेत शिरीष : 6 posts by 4 authors. Nil images. I have heard about some other species also…. ……….. 2) Albizia mollis – लाल शिरीष ……….. Would like to know more about it. I am a little disturbed. What is the aim of this site? That one goes out with a digital camera anywhere, snaps pictures of a some flowers, trees or bushes, and uploads them to the site for identification? Is our site only an identification parade? Several mails on Albizia appeared in the last few days. It is the flowering season of the Albizias, I would have liked to see some photographs, particularly to distinguish one from the other. Some of the species can be distiguished by the stem colour, but not always. 1. A. amara– have yellow fragrant flowers, a common avenue tree in S. India 2. A. labbek– the desi siris, with spreading crown, beautiful pinkish flowers, the colour is due to the coloured stamens. in most of the Albizia sp. the petals are either absent or inconspicuous. Women folk often use the flowers (cluster of flowers on a head, again each flower has a cluster of coloured and long stamens, giving a silky appearance- often also known as silk plant.) to adore hair style and as ear ornament. 3. A. stipulata– a common shade tree in Tea and Coffee plantation 4. A. procera– almost like labbek, known as safed siris- for whitish bark 5. A. odoratissima– the black siris, often known as Fragrant Albizia, a common host of lac insects. 6. A. julibrissia– has two vars. A. julibrissis var. julibrissia– the persian silk tree and A. julibrissia var. mollis or A. mollis– the red or pink Albizia, the young stem is densely hairy , flowers light pink, not so attractive as A. labbek. 7. A. saman or Samanea saman or Pithocelbium saman – the rain tree, mostly with golden brown flowers, sometime pinkish. An Avenue tree and shade tree, perhaps the most common of the species. All Albizia flowers attract a number of birds with pointed beaks, as flower peckers, humming birds. About two centuries back Alexander von Humboldt in his famous S. America Expedition found a rain tree in Venezuela in which he took much fascination, It had a crown with circumference slightly less than two hundred meters, and he was told that the plant was 500 years old. In Bengal village old labbek trees were once common, but they are becoming rare now. Thanks, …, For enlightening us about the various Albizia species in India & their differences. I think flowers of A. labbek– the desi siris should be greenish & not pinkish as stated above. This is a point which disturbs me over the time. In my village I was very much attached to a desi siris plant of huge size, which I identified as lebbek. In interior villages of Bengal, you find plants mainly with pink flowers. In Calcutta you may find a number of siris wth greenish white flowers, often identified as lebbek. I have some doubt about their identity. I am attaching a lebbek photo from web site, showing pinkish flowers. My botanist friend from Jharkhand informs they have a number of lebbek plants, all with pink flowers. However, the possibility can not be denied there may be two different vaieties of lebbek. To add confusion rain tree has also two flower types. Attachments (1) If … sends a much bigger picture, may be we can find out something It looks very close to Albizia odoratissima. Would love to know the differences. I looked at the descriptions in Pradip Krishen’s book and decided it as Molucca Albizia I am also agreed with … ID. This might be Albizia odoratissima. The two genera are differentiated on the basis of flowers being in spikes in Falcataria and small heads in Albizia, although spikes are not generally clear in photographs. Pinnae 2-4 pairs Pinnae 6-20 pairs Leaflets 6-14 pairs, 20-30 mm long Leaflets 6-26 pairs, 10-15 mm long Flowers in heads Flowers in spikes Stamens 15 mm long Stamens 10 mm long In the last photograph three pairs of pinnae are clearly seen. Sir all your observations are heading towards A. odoratissima. It is Albizia odoratissima only, In A. moluccana the number pinnae pairs is around 10, leaflet size also smaller. 20 pairs of leaflets. It does not look like F.moluccana! Flora of Chakrata-2012: Albizia for Id: Looks like A. lebbeck This is Albizia odoratissima (L.f.) Benth. as per images and details herein. Sorry … it’s not odoratissima, differing from leaflets number and pubescent, It matches as per details below from Flora of Pakistan: Pinnae 3-8 pairs, subsessile, 4.5-9.0 cm long, each with 8-20 pairs of leaflets, 1.7-2.5 cm long, c. 5-10 mm broad, oblique, leaflets oblong, usually obtuse or acute, pubescent or nearly glabrous above, hairy below. Yes, …, as per the above literature it’s, but still doubting for me, I will cross check again, . Nepali name(s) of Albizia odoratissima : कार्कुर सिरिष Kaarkur Sirish / कालो सिरिष Kaalo Sirish Names of Plants in India :: Albizia odoratissima (L.f.) Benth.: al-BIZ-ee-uh — named for Filipo del Albizzi, Florentine nobleman … Dave’s Botanary oh-dor-uh-TISS-ee-muh — most fragrant … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: black siris, Ceylon rosewood, fragrant albizia, tea shade tree • Assamese: কৰৈ koroi • Bengali: কাকুর সিরিস kakur siris • Garo: khelbi • Gujarati: કાળો શિરીષ kalo shirish • Hindi: काला सिरिस kala siris • Kannada: ಕಾಡು ಬಾಗೆ kaadu baage • Khasi: dieng krait • Konkani: काळी शिरस kali siras • Malayalam: കരുവാക karuvaka, കുന്നിവാക kunnivaka, നെല്ലിവാക nellivaka, പുളിവാക pulivaka • Manipuri: uin • Marathi: चिंचवा chinchava • Mizo: kangtekpa • Nepali: कालो शिरिश kalo shirish • Oriya: ଟିଣିଆ tiniya • Punjabi: ਲਸਰੇ lasre, ਲਸਰੀਂ lasrin • Sanskrit: शिरीष shirisha • Tamil: சிலை cilai, கருவாகை karu-vakai • Telugu: చిందుగ cinduga botanical names: Albizia odoratissima (L.f.) Benth. … synonyms: Acacia lomatocarpa DC. • Acacia odoratissima (L.f.) Willd. • Albizia kalkora auct. non Prain (misapplied) • Albizia micantha Bovin • Albizia micrantha B.Boivin • Feuilleea odoratissima (L. f.) Kuntze • Mimosa odoratissima L.f. … The Plants List ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Photographed along NH 4A near Kalambuli, Karnataka More views: ………… It is a pleasure to experience your photography on this forum. I have one question – why is this tree known as black sirish? I don’t understand the siginificance of the colour black. It is called Kala Siris becuse compared to the other species of this family, it’s leaves are very dark and when they dry they assume a black colour. Many many thanks … Will add this reasoning to my notes in Names of Plants in India. … names update … • Telugu: చిందుగ cinduga, కొండసిగర konda sigara al-BIZ-ee-uh — named for Filipo del Albizzi, Florentine nobleman … Dave’s Botanary Bibliography / etymology ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ black siris Ceylon rosewood fragrant albizia
raiyat’s tree
tea shade tree
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~ ক’লা কৰৈ kola koroi
ক’লা শিৰিস kola siris
চাম কৰৈ sam koroi
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~ জং শিরীষ jam siris কাউখা কড়ই kaukha karai কাকুর শিরীষ kakur siris কালো কড়ই kalo karai কালো শিরীষ kalo siris
তেতুইয়া কড়ই tetuiya karai তেতুরা, চিরকুন্দা tetura chirakunda ~~~~~ GARO ~~~~~ khelbi
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~ ધોળો સરસડો dholo sarasado સફેદ શીરષ safed shirash ~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~ काला सिरिस kala siris
~~~~~ KACHCHHI ~~~~~ અછો સરસડો acho sarasado
~~~~~ KHASI ~~~~~ dieng saw
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~ ಏನುಬಾಗೆ aenubaage
ಬಚಾರಿ bachari
ಬೆಟ್ಟಸುಜ್ಜಲು bettasujjalu
ಬಿಳಿಕಂಬಿ bilikambi
ಬಿಲ್ವಾರದಮರ bilvaradamara
ಗೋಲಂಚಿ golanchi
ಕಾಡು ಬಾಗೆ kaadu baage
ಕಡಚೆ kadache
ಕಲ್ಬಾಗಿ kalbaagi
ಕಲಿಂಗಿ kalingi
ಕಲ್ ಸಿರೀಷ kal sirish
ಪುಳಿಬಾಗೆ pulibaage
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~ काळी सिरस kali siras
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~ കരുവാക karuvaka കുന്നിവാക kunnivaka നെല്ലിവാക nellivaka
പുളിവാക pulivaka ~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~ चिंचवा chinchava
काळा शिरीष kala shirish
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~ कालो सिरिष kaalo sirish
कार्कुर सिरिष kaarkur sirish
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~ ଟିଣିଆ tiniya
~~~~~ PUNJABI ~~~~~ ਲਸਰੇ lasre
ਲਸਰੀਂ lasrin
~~~~~ RAJASTHANI ~~~~~ चिचिवा chichiva ~~~~~ SANTALI ~~~~~ ᱡᱟᱱ ᱥᱤᱨᱤᱥ jan siris
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~ சிலை cilai
கருவாகை karu-vakai
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~ చిందుగచెట్టు chinduga chettu
గనర ganara కొండసిగర konda sigara ~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~ ಚೌತೆ ಬಾಜಿ chawthe baaji
~~~~~ x ~~~~~ Names compiled / updated at . MS,May,2022/08 Albizia sp. for id.: 1 very high res. images. Altitude : ca. 1,000 m. Date : 22-05-2019 Habit : Tree Habitat :Wild Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. ?? What do you think? I think it is A. odoratissima I too agree with Albizia odoratissima, . SK 3680 27 January 2023: 4 very high res. images. May be some Albizia: I guess so Looks close to Albizia odoratissima. I guess you are right … ! Yes, possible as per images at Albizia odoratissima (L.f.) Benth. . Fabaceae: Albizia odoratissima (L.f.) Benth.: 1 high res. image. synonyms: Acacia odoratissima (L.f.) Willd. location/date: Tarubanda village, Melghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Amravati Distr., Maharashtra, November 1994 . Tree identification #rawatbhata1: 4 high res. images. Habitat: Rocky slope/River side Habit: Tree Loc: Bhainsrorgarh wildlife sanctuary, Rawatbhata Chittorgarh Date: 24112024 Leaves & bark similar to A. lebbeck, but I’m not find any pods around habitat Pl. check Do you agree with the id? Yes, it’s fine. . References: |
Albizia odoratissima
Updated on February 2, 2025