Acacia blanca, White siris, Tall albizia • Hindi: Safed siris • Urdu: Sarapatri sirsi • Assamese: Tantari-asing • Telugu: Tella chinduga • Kannada: Belari • Malayalam: Jalavaka • Marathi: Kinhai;
Unmistakeable Albizia for its pale yellow bark and Rufous brown fruit pod, occasionally common;
nectary gland at the base of leaf rachis;
As per efi thread:
To me it is not Albizia odoratissima but procera, based on the following
1. Color of the bark in this case is yellowish white without vertical fissures but in A. odoratissima is is blackish and with vertical fissures
2. Leaves are four pair of pinnae, each has roughly 8 pairs of slightly angular egg shaped light colored leaflets
In A. odoratissima both the number of pinnae and leaflets more, leaflets are oblong and of darker color
3. Flowering A. procera Jul – Sep, A. odoratissima Apr – Jun
The flowering season is Jun July (Albizia procera) as against its brother Albizia lebek which is more common in the area (Pune) which flowers in April.


albizzia procera:
albizzia procera today morning at my place in alibaug


albizzia procera:
fallen flowers of albizzia procera
they had a soft fragrance
yesterday at my place, alibaug

ID REQUEST 31052011 PJ1:
Id  requested for the following attachment.

Date/Time-: 08/05/11   –    17:00
Location- Place, Altitude – Kaiga , Uttar Kannada ,Karnataka, 380 mtrs
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-   wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- tree
Height/Length- 12 mtr

Albizzia procera………..probably took hint from the nectary gland at the base of leaf rachis….a character in Albizzia lebbek also…

To me it look like Albizia procera

I also feel it is Albizzia procera.


Albizia procera:
Albizia procera
Family Mimosaceae
I had been observing these very large Albizia procera trees in Mrutunjay temple area of Kothrud. Pune
First time got a chance to observe the flowers from close. Luckily some branches drooping down had few inflorescences. Generally it is difficult to  get a glimpse as the tree is7-8 floors tall. The flowering season is Jun
as against its brother Albizia lebek which is more common in the area which flowers in April.

Never observed in Bengal !!

This is very common in Balaghat and Seoni area A. procera ‘The Safed Siris’

Mine pics of leaves trunk from Herbal Garden Samalkha Panipat



Excellent and Complete set


in Mrutunjay- temple area of Kothrud, Pune– June’10; Albizia procera – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Albizia procera:
Name of the Species: Albizia procera

Common/Local Name: Kinai, White Siris, Doon Siris
Family: Mimosaceae
Photographed on: 08th Jan., 2012
Photographed at: Barvi Dam Forest, Badlapur, Maharashtra.
Habitat: Deciduous forest
Description : Unmistakeable Albizia for its pale yellow bark and Rufous brown fruit pod, occasionally common.


Tree for ID – VAI26122011:
Sorry for not attaching the images with my last post on this subject. Please help with ID.

This looks like Albizia procera locally called Kinhai or Safed Siris.

Thank you very much.


Plz id this tree: pa99 – 28feb2013:
Plz id this tall tree from Yeoor region. Flowers and fruits are not there but I took some pix of the leaf from diferent angle (6 images).

This is Safed Siris [Albizia procera]. Sending a few photographs.

Albizia procera makes a good canopy tree. I am looking for a few saplings to be planted at my farm.

Tree For ID : Jim Corbett,Uttarakhand : 230614 : AK-44 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).
Tree seen in the forest on 17/5/14.
… , your expertise has prompted me to post these pictures.

Syzygium are generally evergreen trees. My guess would be Safed Siris [Albizia procera].

It is also think that it is Albizzia procera.

After seeing these additional images and matching them with type, I now agree with … who suggested that it seems closer to A. procera.

Albizzia procera’s trunk should be light grey.

Tree ID Request – Guess is Safed Sirish (Albizia procera) : 16 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)
Date/Time- 15-Sep-2018
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Ruby More, Kolkata

Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type – Urban
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Tree
Height/Length- 50 Feet

Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Twice Feathered (bipinnate)
Inflorescence Type/ Size- Small White puff ball like in cluster
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- < 3 cm

Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- not seen
Other Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc.- Trunk is whitish and branch-less for 20 feet or so

are you sure. its not that weedy khirkadam, thats all over esp the lake gardens bridge? does this tree have fruits hanging?

You can compare this with Albizia odoratissima, as per the close-up.

Please send better pictures for proper ID. It is better to avoid PiPs.

Not sure. Actually I do not know khirkadam. Could you share scientific name. Also I have see pics in efi. They look very promising. Will send a few more snaps shortly.

Did not notice pods yet. I am not aware of khirkadam tree. – what is the scientific name of that? I guess this is not black shirish as well as this has a very tall bole before branching, one of the characteristics of white shirish.
Sending some more picture of the tree.
Attachments (3)

a close up of the bark.
Attachments (1)

i meant Acacia leucophloea
we have case, one where i said khir kadam is this thread
Nevermind. your tree’s leaves and total height and habit are very different. Not an acacia
PS  now lets see what Acacia experts or taxonomists have to say

I had checked with my keys which directed me to Albizia odoratissima. Now you have to confirm by authentic matching.

To me it is not Albizia odoratissima but procera, based on the following
1. Color of the bark in this case is yellowish white without vertical fissures but in A. odoratissimais is blackish and with vertical fissures
2. Leaves are four pair of pinnae, each has roughly 8 pairs of slightly angular egg shaped light colored leaflets
In A. odoratissima both the number of pinnae and leaflets more, leaflets are oblong and of darker color
3. Flowering A. procera Jul – Sep, A. odoratissima Apr – Jun
And I got a confirmation from a relative of mine who is from jangle Mahal of Bankura distrct. She told she has these safed siris trees in her garden (naturally grown from local jungle) and those and the one in my photograph are same.
Attaching a close up of a leaf
Attachments (1)

Earlier I had seen only the first image with an inset of a portion of the flowering twig posted on 15  Sept.
Now I have seen the three images posted on 16 Sept.  Yes, they are identifiable to Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth., occurring in India (almost throughout), tropical Asia and Northern Australia.


Below given is a request from Swagat ji in a different thread. May I request members to post pictures, details etc. for discussion.
“Hi all,
I have heard about some other species also….
2) Albizia mollis – लाल शिरीष
Would like to know more about it.

I am a little disturbed. What is the aim of this site? That one goes out with a digital camera anywhere, snaps  pictures of a some flowers, trees or bushes, and uploads them to the site for identification? Is our site only an identification parade?
At the same time it would be interesting to know whether there were the same number of requests for identification before the advent of DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY?
Take the case of Albizia. Wikipedia lists not less than 171 varieties of albizia. In addition there were 34 varieties which have now been shifted to other trees. Choose any three varieties adn ask info on this site_ well is the site acting as a research assistant? I am sorry if I am saying something which may not be liked by many of our friends. But what is the objective of this site? i.d and i.d. and i.d.??
Incidentaly albizia procera is tall albizia, probably very common in India, but the more common probably is albizia lebbeck (Kala siris). Kala and Safed is because of the colour of the bark.
Albizzia julibrissin (var. mollis?) which is also known as albizia mollis (lal siris) is pink siris or Persian silk tree. This has the speciality of tolerating very cold weather as well.
Albizia mollis syn. albizia odoratissima var. mollis is Ceylon Rosewood.
I dont know why MOLLIS is a variety of both albizia julibrissin and albizia odoretissima. Maybe because of sililarity of flowers or bark?
But my favourite is the raintree (Albizia saman) with pink powder puff flowers and a spreading lovely crown. Whenever I stayed at Panaji Circuit House, I used to stare at the lovely raintree which   they had at the back of the building. I dont know whether it still survives there.
Sory for my outburst again.

Several mails on Albizia appeared in the last few days. It is the flowering season of the Albizias, I would have liked to see some photographs, particularly to distinguish one from the other. Some of the species can be distiguished by the stem colour, but not always.
The common species which are found in India,
1. A. amara– have yellow fragrant flowers, a common avenue tree in S. India
2. A. labbek– the desi siris, with spreading crown, beautiful pinkish flowers, the colour is due to the coloured stamens. in most of the Albizia sp. the petals are either absent or inconspicuous. Women folk often use the flowers (cluster of flowers on a head, again each flower has a cluster of coloured and long stamens, giving a silky appearnce- often also known as silk plant.) to adore hair style and as ear ornament.
3. A. stipulata– a common shade tree in Tea and Coffee plantation
4. A. procera– almost like labbek, known as safed siris- for whitish bark
5. A. odoratissima– the black siris, often known as Fragrant Albizia, a common host of lac insects.
6. A. julibrissia– has two vars. A. julibrissis var. julibrissia- the persian silk tree and A. julibrissia var. mollis or A. mollis- the red or pink Albizia, the young stem is densely hairy , flowers light pink, not so attractive as A. labbek.
7. A. saman or Samanea saman or Pithocelbium saman – the rain tree, mostly with golden brown flowers, sometime pinkish. An Avenue tree and shade tree, perhaps the most common of the species.
All Albiziz flowers attract a number of birds with pointed beaks, as flower peckers, humming birds.
About two centuries back Alexander von Humboldt in his famous S. America Expedition found a rain tree in Venezuela in which he took
much fascination, It had a crown with circumference slightly less than two hundred meters, and he was told that the plant was 500 years old.
In Bengal village  old labbek trees were once common, but they are becoming rare now.

‘Albizzia procera’ is called ‘Kinai’ ‘किनई’ in Marathi.
Photographed at Durgwadi, Dist. Pune, Maharashtra
Date- 30th Oct 2009.
Please confirm the ID.

…, this one for you:
Hindi: Safed siris. Beng: Koroi. Mar: Kinhai. Tel: Tella chinduga. Tam: Kanda vagei. Kan: Bellate. Mal: Karunthagara. Trade: White Siris.


Location: Mhow, Dist Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. Tree growing on a hill in Mhow.

This appears ro Albizia odoratissima of Mimosaceae looking at the brown pods.

Appears more closer to Albizia procera


30102019EPT13 : 15 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3)- around 650 kb each.
Respected members presenting for ID
Location : Chennai outskirts 
Date :25.10.2019
Elevation : 23 mts.
Habitat : FOREST

is three a tree? is there a scent to these flowers?

Yes. A tree.  About 5 meters height. Sorry , Scent I could not make out because of distance.

Sorry. It is a shrub rather than a tree. This is after some search, the tree verses shrub. Excuse my ignorance, please.

Calliandra ??

Calliandra haematocephala white form, Sir??

Other recipients:
I was guessing so but could not finalise the leaf structure ! Thank you. Saroj Kasaju
I was guessing so but could not finalise the leaf structure !

Pl. also check https://sites.google.com/site/efloraofindia/species/a—l/f/fabaceae/samanea/samanea-saman

…, its not at all Samanea saman, resembles Albizia lebbeck to me,

Thanks, …  Yes, it is possible.

thanks for your responses. I think it is Albizia procera.
destined to become a tree, from its short height right now. if can get to it again, please take full plant/tree photos, photos of the leaf//structure// ie branching pattern and stem/trunk barkand later fruit as it develops.
SK 2950 09 August 2021: 4 very high res. images.
Location: Far West, Nepal
Altitude: 728m.
Date: July 2021
Habit : Wild

Albizia sp.,

It is Albizia procera(Roxb.) Benth. as per images and details herein and as per comparative images at Albizia after checking all species as per Checklist of Nepal.



Tree for ID – VAI26122011:

Is it possible to identify this tree – I observed a large number (about 25) of red-breasted parakeets (Psittacula alexandri) removing bits of bark and feeding on the soft stuff beneath and spitting out the remaining. All these parakeets were female. This tree is providing shade in a tea-estate to the tea bushes. If not possible from this photo, I can try to get a better one of the leaves.
Location: Hathikhira Tea Estate, Karimganj District, Assam
Date: 26th December 2011
Equipment: Nikon D300s with Sigma 150-500mm OS lens

Wow…….. Red-breasted parakeet…. I have never seen this one…. : (Thanks for sharing…..I think they are eating the resins…. they rubit inside on the uppersurface of the beak and then drop it…..Thats the way they eat….

I am not able to find details of how these parakeets eat bark or resins – could you please send me any links or more information ? I observed that they broke off small bits of bark and then dropped them after chewing.

I cant see or say they are red breasted parakeets from the three on this tree

That’s because they are all showing their backs to the camera (I took a wide-angle photo of the tree to show its trunk and leaves)! Here is another image of the same parakeets taken with maximum zoom (500mm):
http://www.flickr.com/photos/ivijayanand/6574752713/ – you can see more images on my photostream.
I had posted these images to the Oriental Bird Images Database and I have received a query on the species of the tree. If anyone can help me to identify the tree that will be very helpful – if required I can go back to the place where I took the photo and get some more pictures of the tree.

Just a guess Albizia procera

I have attached 2 more photos of the tree (fruit and leaves) which I had posted earlier with the same subject line (on which the red-breasted parakeets were feeding). Please help by providing the ID. … has suggested *Albizia procera*- thank you, Sir. This tree appears to be a common species in tea-gardens and grows to a height of about 30-40 feet.

I think you missed the attachments.

Albizia procera, I think

Fwd: Tree for Id from Coonoor, Nilgiris : 9 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (1).
Could someone help me the id of this tree from a tea garden near Coonoor in the Nilgiris? Picture was taken in early July 2014.

be specific with picture sir…..it is very difficult…

Pl. send the close up of leaves etc.

The closest shot I have is attached. Hope its of some use. Attachments (1).

I would like a higher quality picture so I can enlarge the leaves and flowers (the larger pixel numbers)
But from what I see overall
the leaves seem to be feathery like those of mimosa or even delonix
the dark flat seedpods hanging underneath the canopy reminds me again of Albizzia, since delonix’s seed pods never really bunch up  like they seem to be doing here.
ALSO since its growing in a tea garden I can be sure that some gardener or horticulturist has cut away a main branch of the tree, yet  the remaining  branching pattern reminds of the siris (albizia) .
On the other hand a white variant (though very rare) of delonix flowers is not unheard of, I have even seen one in deep forests of Bihar.
sorry cant be specific.
But my vote is for the feathery shade tree like albizia.

Could be a species of Albizia.
Albizias are commonly planted as shade trees in tea estates.

yes, it is some Albizzia sp.

The canopy is like that in Albizia saman

Going by the bark, one possibility is Albizia procera(Roxb.) Benth.


Tree for ID : Nasik : 10JAN22 : AK – 19: 3 images.
Seen at the base of Borgad.

I’m afraid these images have been taken from a distance.
Will get better ones during my next visit.

Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth. [Fabaceae].

Picture quality was poor since taken at a long distance.

Adding a little better pictures taken yesterday. (20.1.22)
4 images.


Identification of tree: 3 very high res. images.
I shall appreciate if you can help me in identify this plant.

When and where was it clicked?

Pl. check with https://efloraofindia.com/2011/02/04/albizia-procera/

I think this is the correct id.


Fabaceae: Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth.: 1 high res. image.
location/date: Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994

