Assam; Bangladesh; China South-Central; East Himalaya; Hawaii; Myanmar; Nepal; Thailand; Tibet; Vietnam; West Himalaya as per Catalogue of Life;
Utis in Nepalese, Nepalese Alder;


Place: along Avalanche Road in Ooty (~ 7259 ft asl), Tamilnadu
Time: November 16, 2011 at 9.17am
Habit: large majestic tree
Habitat: planted along roadside
Plant: about 15 – 20 m high, equally wide
Inflorescence: catkin, about 8 – 15 cm long X about 1 cm wide
Flower: about 7-8 mm across

I’m not familiar with many Indian oaks. Doesn’t look like the Google images of Q. oblongata/ Q. leucotrichophora. Nice-looking tree.

My guide had told me, it could possibly be an Oak tree.
Your quick response gives me confidence in thinking it to be not an Oak !! 🙂

I actually do believe it is an oak (or something else in Fagaceae), but I tend to doubt that it is Q. oblongata (Q. leucotrichophora.) This is the only Indian oak that is occasionally seen in the US. Sadly, I’m even less familiar with your other oak species. 🙁

some ways I know how to know a oak’s id is by looking at the leaves full face on, tip end, and back…
and the acorn… outside and broken open.. just peeking under the shell …
and tasting it.. they tend to be bitter when growing in tropical or semitropical areas, so I won’t hold you up to have had tasted it..

I thought Alnus sp.

Could not go any further to get a long shot showing entire tree (or its canopy).
Had short time to capture road side flora while sight-seeing.
They were found occasionally on other roads too.
No, could not get to study the fruits (short time).
Do not have any leaf showing full face.
These are the only photos with me.

Putting one possibility: Alnus nepalensis.

In Britain Alnus are very very common.
When I saw your pics my 1st thought was Alnus. Especially the female young cones.
Alnus nepalense would look good to me.

But I am a mere amateur and do not have the extensive knowledge of the experts here.

Another clear pic here… http://www.biologie.uni-hamburg.de/

Yes …, it has been reported growing in Ooty, the catkins resemble this species

Many thanks … and … for validating the Alnus nepalensis ID.
While suggesting this ID, have found that the catkins’ dimensions (read: length) seem to show variance in various pages of internet.
The fruits however match very well.
Thus, taking it as Alnus nepalensis.


VOF Week: Large Mulberry like Tree for id from the Trek:
This large tree was present at few places en route Ghanghariya… in general appears like Mulberry… id please…

This is Alnus nepalensis

…our tree specialist… for very quick identification…

Yes Alnus nepalensis. Found lots of them in Manali.

Plant From N. Sikkim for Id Assistance Apr-15 : 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2)
Please identify this plant. From Upper Dzongu, N. Sikkim, April 2015.

I hope this can be Alnus sp.

Yes …, This could be Alnus nepalensis, probably the commonest tree in Sikkim, locally called Utis.
The identity can not be confirmed as the photographs are devoid of flowers and fruits and the habit of the plant is not mentioned.  … is requested to furnish the details of habit and habitat and frequency along with photographs of flowers or fruits if possible.
Here is the photo of a pure strand of Alnus nepalensis from Sikkim.
Attachments (1)

Thanks everyone for id, sir the plant was found on roadside at base of mountain slope. Plant Height 4ft appx.
Flowers & fruits were absent.

Identified by … as Alnus nepalensis.
It is a young sapling of this plant known as Himalayan Alder and Uttis locally in Nepali. Very common.

So the confusion ends now. In fact it is a very common element in subtropical to temperate forests.

This is Alnus nepalensis

This is Alnus nepalensis.

A reply from another thread:
” The leaf of the first and second picture is of Alnus nepalensis…”


Tree ID SN9162 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Wild tree from Kullu Himachal for ID

Alnus nepalensis D. Don

Alnus nepalensis D.Don (accepted name) : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Location: Chalnakhel , Nepal
Altitude:  5000 ft.
Date: 12 November 2016
Alnus nepalensis D.Don (accepted name)
Nepali Name: उत्तिस  Uttis 


Alnus nepalensis D.Don : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)- around 400 kb each.

Location: Nagarkot, Nepal
Altitude : 6000 ft.
Date: 18 July 2018
Habit : Wild 


Yes …

Utis ??? what is that?

Nepali name !

so how do you write it in devnagari

उतिस !

ID Request- Munnar-PKA12 : 14 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (4)

This tree was spotted near Top-Station, Munnar.
Looks like some Aporosa sp. (Euphorbiaceae Family)..

Either Aporosa fusiformis or A. cardiosperma.  Not possible to say without the female flowers!

Leaves look different from any of the species available in efi site so far or in Biotik:

Aporosa cardiosperma 

Aporosa indoacuminata

Aporosa octandra

From Biotik:
Aporosa acuminata Thw. (Aporosa indo-acuminata Chakrab. & N.P.Balakr. sp. nov. as per Flora of India Vol. 23 (2012))
Aporosa bourdillonii Stapf
Aporosa fusiformis Thw.
Aporosa lindleyana (Wt.) Bail. Aporosa lindleyana (Wight) Baill. is a synonym of Aporosa cardiosperma

Well, species identification impossible for me without the female counterpart in case this is an Aporosa.

This neither Aporosa nor a Euphorbiaceae member…. I forget its name for now.. will let you know later….

Yes …, I started thinking so. Please bring out the name.


It is Alnus Nepalensis, It is exotic and common in Munnar

Yes, … is right..
Alnus nepalensis belongs to Betulaceae
Commonly known as Nepal Alder is a large deciduous tree with bark which is dark green, and can become silvery-grey in the open. Male flowers are borne in slender catkins, up to 12 cm long. Female flowers are borne in avoid cone-like clusters, up to 1.5 cm long, which become woody. Leaves are elliptic to ovate with rounded or shortly pointed tip. Margins are sometimes wavy. Nutlet has a narrow papery wing. Wood of this tree is soft and light, and easily worked. It is occasionally used for making boxes and in light construction, and as firewood. Bark is used for deying and tanning. Nepal Alder is found in the Himalayas, from Himachal Pradesh to SW China and Burma, at altitudes of 1000-3000 m. It is often planted to prevent landslides. Flowering: October-December.

Utis is here again.


Tree for ID-18032011-PR-3 From Chennai:
There was a pair of these trees with large leaves in the Theosophical Society, Chennai.
Please help me with the ID.

This is one of the unidentified trees.  Theosophical society is a place to see rare trees.   It has more than 120 species of trees ( recorded by me).  Of course a few have not yet been identified.
Mostly they are exotic and planted by foreign dignitaries who visit the TS.  Many have brought the saplings from their countries and planted.

Then one must hope that some of our overseas members will be able to spot the foreigner in our midst.
When are you visiting Chennai, Sir?
The total of 120 species is tantalising!  I am looking forward to  your leading us on a Tree-walk  in this treasure trove of trees. Did you see that the Butea is in full bloom?  Thanks for the tip re the Gustavia. It was a beautiful sight though it had HUGE bees on the flowers.

Alnus nepalensis


SK 3102 02 November 2021: 10 very high res. images.

Location: Rara, Nepal
Altitude:  2957m.
Date: 22 August 2021
Habit : Wild
Alnus nepalensis D. Don ??

Yes, appears close to images at Alnus nepalensis

Alnus nitida (Spach) Endl. which is prominent in west Nepal!

What are the keys? (May be available in local books or in Flora of Bhutan?)

Could not find the keys in Flora of Bhutan, eflora and BSI Flora of India.

Description of  A. nepalensis in Flora of Bhutan:
Tree up to 20 m. Leaves broadly elliptic, 9-15 x 4 – 9 cm, acute, base rounded or cuneate, minutely brown-glandular beneath, pubescent on veins; petiole 1- 2 cm; stipules oblong, c 1 cm, auriculate. Male catkins 5-7 x 0.3-0.4 cm. Female spikes c 1 x 0.2 cm when young, ·becoming c 1.5 x 0.8 when mature; scales obpyramidal, 3 mm. Achenes triangular, embryo elliptic, bearing wings c 1 mm at each side of apex.
Bhutan: S- Gaylegphug district (N of Gaylegphug), C- Thimphu to Tashigang districts, scattered, N- Upper Mo Chu district (Gasa); Sikkim. Warm broadleaved forests, 1600-2300 m, often in secondary forest , abandoned cultivation etc., more rarely in Cool broad-leaved forest up to 3300 m. July- October.
Sometimes used as fuel (16).
Description of  A. nitida in Flora of Pakistan:
A tree 20 m or more tall. Young shoots pubescent, becoming glabrescent when old. Leaves ovate to elliptic-ovate, 5-15 cm x 3-9 cm, acute or acuminate, remotely serrate to sub-serrate, pubescent to pilose, often villous at the angles of the veins on the under surface, base cuneate to rounded; petiole 1-4 cm long, glabrous to pubescent. Male flowers in catkins, up to 19 cm long; peduncle 5-6.5 mm long; bract c. 1.2 mm long, more or less ovate, bracteoles smaller, suborbiculate. Tepals oblong-obovate to spathulate, c. l mm long, apex and margin minutely toothed. Anthers c. 1 mm long, filament slightly shorter than the tepals, scarcely forked. Female flowers in erect ‘woody cones’, 3-3.5 cm x c. 1.2 cm; bract broadly ovate, bracteoles suborbiculate. Styles 2, linear. Fruiting scale 5-lobed, 5-6 mm long, apex obliquely truncate. Nut 2.5-4 mm long, fringed by the narrow and more or less leathery wings.
Fl.Per.: the male catkins bloom in Sept.-Oct., the female flowers opening first.
Pl. check.

Based on this taking it as Alnus nepalensis


One more tree for ID from Chaukori, Uttarakhand-GS15032022-2:
Please help with the ID of tree photographed from Chaukori, Uttarakhand, 16-4-2012.

Any possibility of Alnus nepalensis..?

Alnus nepalensis


Requesting a tree id_01: 140323: 1 very high res. image.

The attached specimen is a tree with alternate leaves and the flowers (inflorescence, what appears to me as catkins) are borne on axillary stalks. 
This tree is commonly found in the forests of the peppara wildlife sanctuary and adjacent areas upto Braemore. 

Alnus nepalensis D.Don !

Yes, it is (But it is an exotic in the area) as per images at

I saw quite some individuals of these trees in the mid elevation forests of Braemore and adjacent forests. I’m not very sure if they are exotic there!
Any help from someone on this would be appreciated.

Pl. see Flora of Peninsular India.

Also see … remarks at ID Request- Munnar-PKA12

India Biodiversity Portal says “Raised in plantations in the High Ranges”
