Barleria cuspidata F.Heyne ex Nees , Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 93 1832.;
lesser yellow nail-dye, spiny barleria • Marathi: काटे कोरांटी kate koranti, पिवळी कोरांटी pivali koranti • Sanskrit: कुरंटक kurantaka • Tamil: மஞ்சட்செம்முள்ளி mañcat-cemmulli, வெள்ளைமுள்ளி vellaimuli;
As per efi thread:
When in doubt I always fall back on FBI. Though two species B. prionitis and B. cuspidata look similar, the deciding factor is leaves subsessile narrowly oblong lanceolate, not more than 8 mm broad in B. cuspidatadistinctly petiolate (petiole 12-25 mm long), elliptic, 2-4 cm broad in B. prionitisAlso bracts of B. cuspidata are narrowly lanceolate smaller; larger, foliaceous and elliptic in B. prionitis.
As per efi thread :

Please refer to Cooke’s Flora

Barleria prionitis L. : leaves elliptic, acuminate bristle-tipped; bracteoles linear-subulate; flowers spicate above
Barleria cuspidata Heyne ex Nees: leaves subsessile, oblong-lanceolate, acute, bristle-tipped; bracteoles zero or a few minute bristles; flowers solitary in opposite axils.
Both species are showing 2 stamens but the flower colour is different in prionitis and cuspidata.
In prionitis flower is orange-yellow but in cuspidata it is yellow.
In both plants leaves are ovate-elliptic, flowers solitary or axillary and bracts linear-lanceolate.
Outer sepals with glandular hairs inside; style glabrous ……… B. cuspidata
Outer sepals without glandular hairs inside; style hirsute at base …. B. prionitis

Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id. request.
Date: 26.12.2011
Location: Sathy, Erode Dist.
Habitat: Rural, Road side.

Habit: Shrub?

A Barleria species, B. lupulina?

In B. lupulina the inflorescence is different, a terminal spike with prominent leafy bracts.

Here, this would be Barleria prionitis L., please check

This herb is Barleria cuspidata, as the leaves suggest. B.prionitis have elliptic leaves.

Earlier discussion on this plant.

Again, … corrected my mistake, I guess.


ID No. MS 260912-104 – Barleria sps – ID requested: Attaching herewith a photograph of Barleria sps. Photo was taken at a small hill near Chamarajanagara, Karnataka on 10.9.12. Growing on rocky hills. ID requested.

This is Barleria cuspidata Heyne ex Nees


Barleria cuspidata: Barleria cuspidata

last week of december at Bamboo Flat, on the way to Mount Harriet

sending images of Barleria cuspidata for confirmation

A small key to identify armed Barleria species
1. Bracts absent or scarious——————B. cuspidata

1. Bracts well developed———————–B. prionitis

2 more images in support of Barleria cuspidata,
image 1- outer sepals ovate-lanceolate, inner sepals linear lanceolate,

image 2-bracts cuspidate at apex,

Barleria cuspidata F.Heyne ex Nees
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on November 24, 2007

at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on November 27, 2010

Excellent photographs …


Acanthceaea week validation of Barleria prionitis and cuspidata : 2 posts by 2 authors. mixed thread- 4 correct images.

attaching images of B.prionitis 3657,3658 and B cuspidata 2410.2413,2418,2415

please validate the same

To me, following:
3657, 3658 … B. prionitis

2410, 2413, 2415, 2418 … B. cuspidata


Acanthaceae Fortnight::Barleria cuspidata :: NSJ-16 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)

Barleria cuspidataYellow Hedge Barleria from Sagargad, near Alibag

please send me exact location for barleria cuspidata as well send me your contct detail i wan to collect b. cuspidata species in our botanical garden

the thread i:Acanthaceae Fortnight::Barleria cuspidata :: NSJ-16
is at this link
This is where you will also find the pictures from now on you can find all the threads you need at this following link:!forum/indiantreepix


Plz id this herb: pa79 – 8jan2013: Plz id this plant with very nice yellow flowers. It also has spines present and the plant is erect … around 3 feet height max.

Barleria prionitis

To me appears close to images at Barleria cuspidata F.Heyne ex Nees



Barleria sp. – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 3 posts by 3 authors. 2 correct images.

which Barlerias are they?

PA100045 & 46 … Barleria montana … commonly known as: mountain barleria • Marathi: डोंगरी कोरांटी dongari koranti
PA100048 & 49 … Barleria cuspidata … commonly known as: lesser yellow nail-dye, spiny barleria • Marathi: काटे कोरांटी kate koranti, पिवळी कोरांटी pivali koranti • Sanskrit: कुरंटक kurantaka • Tamil: மஞ்சட்செம்முள்ளி mañcat-cemmulli, வெள்ளைமுள்ளி vellaimuli … … … Barleria prionitis is confusingly close to B. cuspidata  … I manage to take one for the other. …. clarifying comments please.

PA100045 & 46 is Barleria prattensis Santapau as per another thread


Acanthaceae for id 010110MK03: Attachments (3). 12 posts by 6 authors.

Please id this Acanthaceae member. Locally abundant in Scrub forest floor.

Place: Satyamangalam forests.

Date: 06 Dec 2009

Barleria pionitis..?
Check for the spines..

But the leaves are different here.

check it with Barleria cuspidata. it also bears similar flowers.

Please refer to Cooke’s Flora

Barleria prionitis L. : leaves elliptic, acuminate bristle-tipped; bracteoles linear-subulate; flowers spicate above
Barleria cuspidata Heyne ex Nees: leaves subsessile, oblong-lanceolate, acute, bristle-tipped; bracteoles zero or a few minute bristles; flowers solitary in opposite axils.

Hence it can be comfortably said to be Barleria cuspidata Heyne ex Nees

I am extremely sorry the wrong name please excuse me and pardon me for my negligence. yes the plant is Barleria cuspidata Heyne ex Nees.

One more picture of the same plant bearing solitary flowers on opposite axils.

Barleria cuspidata !!



Konkan, MH :: Barleria for ID :: ARK2021-015: 4 images.
Seen this Barleria in a village near coastal Devgad, MH in the last week of December 2020.
Requested to please provide ID. Am confused between B. prionitis and B. cuspidata?

Bracts  linear, spine-tipped………………………. cuspidata.
Bracts foliaceous………………………………………prionitis
your plant seems cuspidata ma’am,


Andipatti hills flora 17062012 TBN 01 FOR ID: Please identify this plant details of which are as follows:

Date : 17/06/2012                                                          
Location :Malattar dam, Andipatti hills, near Usilampatti( Coordinates: N10* 02 487; E 077* 46 234)Altitude :1050 ft
Habitat :thorny scrub Rf; wild
Habit 😕 under shrub
Height :20 cm
Leaves :As depicted
Flowers :White
Fruits : not seen
Local name :not known

I think this plant is Barleria cuspidata of Acanthaceae.

It is not Barleria cuspidata. In B. cuspidata leaves are Ovate-elliptic. It is linear.
It shows close similarity to my new species B. tamilnadensis (in press) except in the flower colour.

Barleria cristata is very variable!!

In Barleria cristata thorns are absent.

Ok, I agree 🙂

It may be Barleria acanthoides. The key in the recent revision lead me to this id.
Ref.: Revision of the Genus Barleria (Acanthaceae) in India. By Shanksr & Yadav 2010.
Its nice to know about the new find, … Congrats! I look forward to see your published paper…

I think this plant is distributed in Sirumalai hills and Alagar Kovil hills as well.

If I may say so, this apparently unusual plant indicates that there is so much need for extensive fieldwork to unearth all the existing species.

It is different from B. acanthoides from its appearance.
The plant height of this plant is upto 40 cm, leaves linear and petiole up to 0.2 or absent.

It doesn’t look like B. noctiflora either. I look forward to know its id.

It is Barleria cuspidataFlowers white, spine long, straight, leaves oblong-lanceolate

Thanks, …

You may be right as per images at Barleria cuspidata (However, colour is most yellow).
But earlier feedback as below creates doubt:
“It is not Barleria cuspidata. In B. cuspidata leaves are Ovate-elliptic. It is linear.
It shows close similarity to my new species B. tamilnadensis (in press) except in the flower colour.
Unfortunately, I am not getting the publication on the net.

Pl. Check for Barleria noctiflora.

As per Gamble FPM it is perfectly matching; and I have collected with very light yellow to white flowers and identified by BSI as B.cuspidata

Yes. Barleria cuspidata.

Seems to be B. cuspidata

Could this be Barleria cuspidata?

Yes, it is.

Names compiled / updated at

N.B. Please ignore the flower photo illustrated in this post. It is not Barleria cuspidata; it is Barleria prionitis.

Barleria cuspidata F.Heyne ex Nees

bar-LEER-ee-uh — name commemorates French botanist, Jacques Barrelier ... Dave’s Botanary
kus-pi-DAY-tuh — sharp-pointed ... Dave’s Botanarycommonly known as: lesser yellow nail dye, spiny barleria • Gujarati: પીળો કાટાસેરિયો pilo kataseriyo • Marathi: काटे कोरांटी kate koranti, पिवळी कोरांटी pivali koranti • Tamil: மஞ்சட்செம்முள்ளி mancat-cemmulli, வெள்ளைமுள்ளி vellai-mulli • Telugu: బొబ్బి bobbi

botanical namesBarleria cuspidata F.Heyne ex Nees … synonyms: no synonyms known … POWO

Bibliography / etymology
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
lesser yellow nail dye
spiny barleria
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
પીળો કાટાસેરિયો pilo kataseriyo
  • Many thanks to Ashok Korat for help with this name … facebook
  • word variant: કાંટાસળિયો kantasaliyo … Gujarati Lexicon
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
काटे कोरांटी kate koranti
  • Flowers of Sahyadri, a field guide to flowers of north Western Ghats of India by Shrikant Ingalhalikar
  • Revision of the Genus Barleria (Acanthaceae) in India
  • कोरांटी koranti is a generic name for many of Barleria species. It has many variants: कोरंटी koranti, कोरांटी koraanti, कोऱ्हांटी korhanti OR कोरंटा koranta, कोरांटा koraanta, कोऱ्हांटा korhanta … A dictionary, Marathi and English by Molesworth, J. T. (James Thomas)
पिवळी कोरांटी pivali koranti
  • Floristic Survey of Institute of Science – website closed
    पिवळी pivali = yellow colour(ed); कोरांटी koranti = generic name for many of Barleria species and some of Amaranth
    … this name thus refers to yellow flowered plants of these genera
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
மஞ்சட்செம்முள்ளி mancat-cemmulli, வெள்ளைமுள்ளி vellai-mulli
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
బొబ్బి bobbi
~~~~~ x ~~~~~

Names compiled / updated at

