
Biophytum insigne Gamble (India (Tamil Nadu) as per Catalogue of Life)


Biophytum nervifolium Thw. (Flower pedicels are always longer than sepals in B. reinwardtii, but the pedicel is always half or less as long as the sepals in B. nervifolium. Further the nervation is more clear and strong in B. nervifolium)




















Images by tspkumar





Biophytum reinwardtii (Zucc.) Klotzsch (Nepal, Sikkim, Darjeeling, India (widespread), Sri Lanka, Myanmar [Burma] (Bago), S-China, Java, peninsular Malaysia (Kelantan), SW-Sulawesi, E-New Guinea, Thailand, Bangladesh as per Catalogue of life) (B. reinwardtii (Zucc.) Kl: Leaflets 10-20 pairs, tip rounded,, base equal, lateral nerves slender, oblique; peduncles slender; capsule almost as long as calyx. B. sensitivum: leaflets 6-15 pairs (nearly 12 pairs in var. nervifolium in FBI), usually apiculate, terminal leaflet with oblique base, lateral nerves few slender (strong in var. nervifolium) and wavy, especially in lower part. The species is often confused with B. sensivitum in which peduncles are much more robust, pedicels hardly 1/3 as long as calyx, larger flowers and capsule shorter than fruiting calyx. Flower pedicels are always longer than sepals in B. reinwardtii, but the pedicel is always half or less as long as the sepals in B. nervifolium. Further the nervation is more clear and strong in B. nervifolium)




























One may be surprised and shocked if I say Biophytum sensitivum (L.) DC. is not available in India. 
Biophytum sensitivum has the sepals more or less equal to the petals whereas in B.nervifolium it is just half a way up to the petals (Ref. eflorofindia thread 1) 
Santosh ji has done a lot of research on this genus and his conclusions should be more authentic than The Plant List. It is convenient for us that we place all our specimens of B. sensivitum (from India) under B. nervifolium; (Ref. efloraofindia thread 2) 
Biophytum sensitivum (L.) DC. is not occurring in India. It has been said to be reported from India, Sri Lanka, Africa and S E Asian countries. But recent studies shows that the Indian so called B. sensitivum consists of at least five different species B. nervifolium, B. veldkampii, B. poterioides, B. longibracteatum, B. nervifolium var assamicum (previously known as B. sensistivum var assamicum) and the true B. sensistivum is not recorded from India. The species previously called B. sensitivum from Sri Lanka is B. hermani (but I think this also represents B. reinwardtii) and the African one is called B. helenae. More studies are needed to unravel the mysteries. (Ref. efloraofindia thread 3



elementary question about Oxalidaceae : 1 image. 4 posts by 3 authors.
I have an elementary question about the family Oxalidaceae. I am following the posts of the members and the contributions by all are really fantastic. I read somewhere that the leaves of some plants in this family close when we touch them. Is it true of all the plants in this family or only some?

This is applicable to Biophytum only. It is so called because of this nature ‘Bio’ means life and ‘phyton’ means plant ie the plant is sensitive to touch. It was intially thought that only one species is sensitive to touch B. sensitivum. This was the reason why Carl Linnaeaus named all his received specimens around the world as B. sensitivum. Later we came to know that almost all unbranched species of Biophytum are sensitive to touch. They never close their leaflets as that of our common touch me not plant Mimosa pudica.
See the attached Photograph of Biophytum poterioides showing normal and closed leaves!!

Pl. go throughBiophytum‎‎ ‎(Oxalidaceae) page with images of species in efloraofindia.

I request you to pl. go through & point out mistakes, if any. I hope this will aid in identifications in future. If anybody can send images of other species of this genera (for incorporation in the website), if any, or can identify unidentified images, it will be really nice.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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