Capparis divaricata Lam., Encycl. 1: 606 1785. (syn: Capparis horrida Banks ex Wight & Arn.; Capparis stylosa DC.);
Spreading Caper • Marathi: पाचुंदा Pachunda • Sanskrit: Pakhoda, Pakhauda • Tamil: Turatti • Telugu: Budareni;

Capparis divaricata:
Came across this throny shrub at the outskirts of Pune (Kondwa).
Bot. name: Capparis divaricata 

– Oh what a beauty. A new location found I was not knowing that. One of the trees of this species is present in the Morgaon Ganapati complex near Baramati.

Capparaceae for identification 200412MK03:
Please help me to identify this capparaceae member. Could this be any Capparis sp.?
Leaf size: 6 x 1.5cm
Google Doc

Adding more pictures of the same plant in different location.
Location: Bommiampatty RF; Salem dist., TN
Altitude: 460 M ASL
Date: 14 Apr 2012
Google Doc

Capparis divaricata, I think.

Are these flowers of Capparis divaricata? The leaf morphology is similar to that of C.divaricata.
Altitude: 500 M ASL
Terrain: Dry scrub hillock
Location: an RF near Salem town of TN

Thank you very much … sir; but I imagine the leaves are more linear in C.divaricata. The flowers were taken the previous day (13 Apr 2012) but in a different location of 300 metres away. Time of photography: 02:45 PM

I agree with … All the images belong to Capparis divaricata. Since it is highly variable species and the leaf shape varies from linear, lanceolate, elliptic-lanceolate (for more details kindly refer Jacob’s revision on Capparis )


Plant ID:
Could you please inform me about the plant name?

Date/Time- 2ndSept 2012

Location-Mayureshwar Sanctuary, Supa, (District. Pune)

Habitat- Wild, dry deciduous scrub forest.

Plant Habit- Shrub


Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Simple, alternate, with two stipular spines.

Inflorescence Type/ Size- Not seen

Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- —

Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds-

Other Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc.- Birds like to eat the fruit as told by our guide.

It is Capparis species, probably C. divaricata (?).

Yes this is Capparis divaricata.

I have not seen the fruits of this but the leaves and overall habitat indicates it to be Capparis divaricata as suggested earlier.
Attaching one of my photographs with flowers.

Plant for ID : Capparaceae SMP1::24Jul2013 :  Attachments (5). 4 posts by 3 authors.
Recently spotted this plant with bright red fruits of the size of small guava or big lemon.
I think this is Capparis divaricata.
Pl validate.

Yes it is Capparis divaricata , attached herewith the photo of the flower of it.


Again Lovely catches showing many features of the species

Capparis divaricata with a red gynophore :  Attachments (1). 6 posts by 5 authors.
I wish to share Capparis divaricata Lam. with an unusual red gynophore.

Very beautiful … gynophore as well as size of pistil is unique..

Nice picture, …!
I think the change in color indicates that the flower is pollinated.
In case of Capparis zeylanica the white/creamy flowers turn (entirely) to pink or purple, as we commonly see.

Thank you for the comments,
Yes …, in the morning between 6-7AM the gynophore is red,
I have picked a twig and put it in a polybag, when it is observed at noon the gynophore turned yellow as per the descriptions.

Thanks … for your opinion.
I rechecked my pictures of the same species and found that some are with red and some with yellow gynophore. Interesting findings!


Capparaceae and Cleomaceae Fortnight: Capparis divaricata from Pune :::: PKA10:: : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 4 authors.
Came across this throny shrub at the outskirts of Pune (Kondwa).
Bot. name: Capparis divaricata

Excellent shots … Today you have shown many new plants to us.

Please identify this Capparis sp details of which are as follows:
Date           : 16.06.13                                                             
Location     :Keelakuyilkudi, Madurai
Altitude      :less than 500 ft
Habitat        :wild
Habit           :small tree 
Height         :10 ft
Leaves         :ovate
Flowers       :yellow
Fruits          :not seen

I have revisited the tree. Yet to find the fruits.

Very good find. Never seen such Capparis. Eager to know the ID.
Initially I thought it to be Maerua as per the Key saying: Climbing or straggling shrubs:

Next line says
Sepals in one whorl; stamens 12-20 : Maerua.
Here Sepals appear to be in one whorl but stamens are more than 20 so likely to be Capparis only.
Let us wait for further comments.

Capparis species so far in efi with keys

It looks like Capparis grandis L.f. to me

Thanks for the suggestion that it could be Capparis grandis.

C. divaricata.

Thanks for the id.
I am yet to see fruits in this single tree in this vicinity even though I have visited twice. Could this be a sterile flower? Do all Capparis flowers change colour on getting pollinated? Please clarify.


TSP-DEC2015-39-212: Images of Capparis divaricata (Capparaceae) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6)

It is my pleasure to share few images of Capparis divaricata (Capparaceae


Habit: Large shrub 

Habitat: Scrub foerest 

Sighting: Tumkur, Karnataka, about 800 msl 

Date: 16-07-2014, 29-08-2014, 02-02-2015 and 03-02-2015

ID request 070517SG : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
Requesting ID of this tree, 15-20ft height. Photo taken on 07May 17 at Solapur, Maharashtra.

Capparis divaricata !!
Marathi Name: पाचुंदा


Near Khambataki ghat; Sahyadris Maharashtra3/7/08; Morgaon Ganapati Mandir in Maharashtra near Baramati- March’09; Capparis divaricata – indiantreepix | Google Groups Capparis divaricata – indiantreepix | Google Groups small tree 161209MK1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Pollinators of Capparis divaricata : 3 posts by 2 authors.
Who pollinate flowers of Capparis divaricata.


Swamy/New series/ID/3 -Capparis divaricata: 5 images.
Please ID the plant: Confirm/ suggest a new ID.
Photographed during February 2021 in a Farmland in Chennai.

Capparis bevispina

Your ID does not match with my photos.
Please check:  and other websites for my proposed ID which seems to be correct.

Yes you are right


Capparaceae: Capparis zeylanica L.: 1 image.
synonym: Capparis horrida L.fil.
location/date: Tumkur Distr., Karnataka, July 1997

Leaves look different as per images at

Capparis divaricata Lam. ???

Yes its Capparis divaricata
