Cestrum aurantiacum Lindl., Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 30(Misc.): 71 1844. (Syn: Cestrum auriculatum Ruiz & Pav.; Cestrum chaculanum Loes.; Cestrum paucinervium Francey; Cestrum pedunculare Pav. ex Dunal; Cestrum regelii Planch.; Cestrum warszewiczii Klotzsch; Habrothamnus aurantiacus Regel ..);
Mexico to Venezuela: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico Central, Mexico Gulf, Mexico Northeast, Mexico Southeast, Mexico Southwest, Nicaragua, Panamá, Venezuela; Introduced into: Bangladesh, Cape Provinces, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Hawaii, Jawa, Kenya, KwaZulu-Natal, Mauritius, Mozambique, New South Wales, New Zealand North, Northern Provinces, Queensland, Réunion, Swaziland, Tanzania, West Himalaya, Zambia, Zimbabwe as POWO;
Common name: Orange Cestrum, Yellow Cestrum, Yellow Shrub Jessamine • Kannada: ನಿಶಾಗಂಧಿ Nishaagandhi, ರಾತ್ರಿರಾಣಿ Ratrirani


SK510 10 MAY-2017:ID : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (10)
Location:  Taplejung, Nepal
Date: 18 April 2017
Altitude: 5500 ft. 

This is Cestrum aurantiacum Lindl.


Cestrum aurantiacum Lindl. ??? : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (8)
Location:  Chowrasta, Darjeeling, India 
Date: 21 May 2017
Altitude: 70000 ft.
SK510 10 MAY-2017:ID  ??

I think you are right … I have seen same plant in Mussoorie, laden with fruits..

Thank you … for validating.


Solanaceae shrub for id 040211MK3:
Kindly help to id this Solanaceae shrub found planted at a private garden at Ooty, Nilgiris. Could this be any Cestrum sp.?

Date/Time- 24-01-2011 / 11:14 AM
Location- Place, Altitude, GP ca.2200asl; Ooty, TN
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- garden
Plant Habit-dense shrub
Height/Length- c 2 M
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- ca.10 x 5 cm
Inflorescence Type/ Size- raceme; 10-15 cm longer
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- yellow; c. 5 cm longer; 0.5cm across
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- white; 1.5cm across

Cestrum aurantiacum
I had seen this plant in (Munnar) Kerala
Native of south America.

Solanaceae week :: Cestrum aurantiacum:
Cestrum aurantiacum
From Munnar Kerala. Near the lake Dec 2009.

ID request – “Cestrum aurantiacum” – NBR 291012:
One of my friend from WII, …, sent this plant to me,
forwarding for ID in the prescribed format.
Date/Time- NA
Location Place, Altitude, GPS – 1700-2300m in the Jharipani to Landour area, Mussoorie/Uttarakhand
Habitat Garden/Urban/Wild/Type – Wild / growing in fairly extensive clumps in shaded areas along the roadside and in nalas
Plant Habit Tree/Shrub/climber/Herb, Height/Length – Shrub
Leaves Type/Shape/ Size – simple (picture provided)
Inflorescence Type/Size
Flowers Size/Colour/Calyx/Bracts – orange – pic provided
Fruits Type/Shape/Size Seeds – White, rounded – pic provided
Other Info. Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses – NA
For me it looks like “Cestrum aurantiacum” of Solanace

Me too strongly believe it to be Cestrum aurantiacum of Solanaceae.
My sightings at Ooty …

Thanks …, for confirming and Nice photos

Thanks … for the id and … and … for the pictures… I was wondering what this was…
Since the other cestrum’s pollen is highly allergenic, I would wonder if this one shares the pathogenic properties? I’ll have to do some extensive searches… if I find anything will write it here

efloraindia: 141011 BRS62:
Pl. find the attached file contain a photo for id. request.
Date/Time-Location- 06.10.2011
Place, Altitude, GPS- Munnar (Kerala) 1800 MSL
Habitat- Urban (Road side)
Plant Habit- Shrub

Any relationship with Cestrum

Can this be Cestrum parqui by any chance??

Please check Cestrum aurantiacum Lindl.

Cestrum aurantiacum


Cestrum aurantiacum Lindl. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2).
Cestrum aurantiacum Lindl., Fam : Solanaceae,
invaded species, growing along roadside in Nilgiri Hills Tamilnadu


Cestrum aurantiacum Lindl.
in Ooty on November 15-16, 2011 

Very beautiful upload

This shrub was occasionally blooming along the hilly road to Mussoorie from Dehradun…the last picture, however belong to a specimen from Darjeeling, and is having comparatively shining leaves..
Cestrum aurantiacum


Solanaceae Fortnight: Cestrum aurantiacum at Munnar: PKA-FEB49/49 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Cestrum aurantiacum at Munnar.


Solanaceae Fortnight:: Cestrum aurantiacum :: SMPFEB14/14 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 1 image.
Cestrum aurantiacum from Munnar

Beautiful !!

Attached are pictures of Cestrum aurantiacum captured at Ooty by the roadside in November 2013.
Requested to validate the ID.

Yes, it is Cestrum aurantiacum

Solanaceae Fortnight : Cestrum aurantiacum : Munnar : 25FEB15 : AK-24 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Commonly known as Orange Cestrum.

Solanaceae Fortnight : Cestrum aurantiacum : Kodaikanal : 26FEB15 : AK-39 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Orange Cestrum from Kodaikanal.


Kemmangundi Road Karnataka
Date: 13 NOV 2016 … Altitude: ~ 1021 – 1369 m (3349 – 4491 ft) asl
Cestrum aurantiacum Lindl. … (family: Solanaceae)
Introduced as ornamental plant, found planted in many hill-stations of India; escapes.


SK510 10 MAY-2017:ID : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (10)
Location:  Taplejung, Nepal
Date: 18 April 2017
Altitude: 5500 ft.

This is Cestrum aurantiacum Lindl.


Cestrum aurantiacum Lindl. : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)- around 600 kb each.
LocationPedong Reshi Rd, India
Date: 24 June 2018
Altitude: 5200 ft.
Habit : Cultivated


Id of Flower – ID09012024SH3: 1 high res. image.

Flower for Id pl.
Location – Coonoor, Tamilnadu
Date – December 2023

Image quality not so good and no clear leaf images.Cestrum aurantiacum Lindl.

I will try to search for another image.

Yes, appears close as per images at

I have one more image which may help in confirming the identification.

You are right … sir, it’s Cestrum aurantiacum
Besides the Eupatorium glandulosum..


Id of Flower -ID15032024SH3:

Flower for Id pl.
Location – Rishop, Kalimpong.
Date – February 2024

Cestrum aurantiacum Lindl.
