Large Leaf Dogwood;



HP, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID :: ARKNOV-55 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
Requesting to please provide ID of this tree captured at Manikaran, HP in October 2014.

Cornus macrophylla Family Cornaceae.

Looks different from images at Cornus macrophylla

Sorry. Id is correct as I got confused between buds and fruits.


Cornus macrophylla :  ………………..

……..here is a mixing up in the thread..

It is Cornus macrophylla (two images posted afterwards)

This looks different from Cornus macrophylla as per discussions at HP, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID :: ARKNOV-55

Oh, Sorry. I confused buds with fruits. Id is correct.


Tree for ID ABMAY01/15 : 5 posts by 4 authors. 3 images.
I have seen only one sample of this broad leaf tree near Mcleodganj. It is in flower now.

I shot it from a distance as it is on a slope inaccessible to me. Please advise.
Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
18 May 2015

This should be Cornus sp. ..

i was going to say get macro.. but i read the intro again.. no please dont try
rent or borrow a looong telephoto from may be a bird photographer?
as it is  I ‘m happy with id of Cornus sp, as … said

May check for Swida (Cornus) macrophylla..

Thank you … It does seem to be the one we have here. I will try and find a tree which is more accessible and post details.

This looks different from Cornus macrophylla as per discussions at HP, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID :: ARKNOV-55

Sorry, id is correct as these are buds. id is correct.


Cornus macrophylla ABMAY01/05 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 10 images.

Since my post in May last year, I have discovered a couple of other dogwoods in my local area. This time I kept watch and waited for them to flower. Here I am sharing some pictures. My research showed that the name Cornus is derived from Latin and means ‘horn-like’ (animal horns) referring to its hardness. The name Dogwood is a corruption of ‘dagwood’ as the wood was employed to make skewers or ‘dags’. I will look out for berries and add to this post later.
Cornus macrophyllaLarge-leaf Dogwood
Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
15 April and Flowers 06 May 2016.

No words to appreciate your wonderful & detailed photography.

This looks different from Cornus macrophylla as per discussions at HP, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID :: ARKNOV-55

Oh, Sorry. I confused buds with fruits. Id is correct.

Another tree for ID from Nainital, Uttarakhand-GSMAY2016/10 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Kindly help with the ID of this tree photographed at Nainital, Uttarakhand on April 14, 2012.

I am not sure but seems Cornus macrophylla (Cornaceae) to me.

Thanks, …, for Id. I also think it matches with images at Cornus macrophylla

I had also identified it as Cornus macrophylla on Indian Flora and Plant Wealth of India a few days back.
Then posted my photographs of this plant and also tagged …
But got no response from anyone.

Cornus macrophylla as per discussions at HP, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID :: ARKNOV-55

Yes, …

Actually, I mean to say:
Not Cornus macrophylla as per discussions at HP, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID :: ARKNOV-55

it is Cornus macrophylla only. Very common in my area.

I have some good photographs with me.

Fruits are different than those at HP, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID :: ARKNOV-55

These are young flower buds, Sir
Checked the link in this mail, that is also OK.
I’ll post the flowers later on.

Oh, Sorry. I confused buds with fruits.


Cornus- looks C.macrophylla: 1 high res. image.
please check attached images of Cornus. It looks C.macrophylla for me, validate please.

Looks different from images at Cornus macrophylla

C. macrophylla only.

Yes, matches with images at Hilaris publisherAlamy


VOF Week: Tree sp. 4 for id from the Trek : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
This tree was again shot from the Trek….few pics only as this was away from the path…

This is Cornus macrophylla

Thanks again … it looks like…hope to see this in flowers some day…

Some Pistacia species as per another thread & Tree from Uttarakhand : ID Requested (mixed thread)

May not be both of them !

I think it will be Pistacia khinjuk Stocks as per keys at efi thread and as per GBIF– specimen onetwo and three.

All these images are of Cornus macrophylla Wall. and definitely not any Pistacia sp., please note the simple large ovate leaves with prominent veins and petiole.

You may be right.


Cornus macrophylla Wall.: 7 high res. images.

Location: Gakar Khola, Lukum, Rukum West, Nepal 
Date: 31 May 2023
Elevation: 2500 m.
Habit : Wild
Syn: Swida macrophylla (Wall.) Soják

Cornus macrophylla of cornaceae



