India (Andaman Islands, Peninsular India from Konkan southwards), China, Indochina, Malesia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand as per Synopsis of the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) in India Lal Babu Chaudhary*, Jana Venkata Sudhakar, Anoop Kumar, Omesh Bajpai, Rinkey Tiwari and G. V. S. Murthy- Taiwania, 57(2): 193-216, 2012;
Tamil: Koial Malayalam: Kadaplavu; Kadapilavu; Kallalu Kannada: Neeruvate; Thagadu golimara

Requesting to please provide ID of this huge tree captured at Bankot seafort near Harihareshwar, Maharashtra in March 2014.

No aerial roots were seen. Is it Ficus drupacea var. pubescens

This could be Ficus nervosa.

Ficus callosa looks similar, but the ripe figs are yellow. Will send my photographs of this later.
This is not the Mysore Fig [Ficus drupacea var. pubescens] my photographs of which are available at this link:
Google Groups 

The leaves do not match F. nervosa (biotik).

It does look similar to Ficus callosa. Don’t the figs have a reddish phase before turning yellow?
It’s not Ficus nervosa for sure.

Thank you … for feedback…

Should I take this as Ficus callosa then?

efi page on Ficus callosa 

The figures shown in biotik are confirmed as Ficus nervosa B. Heyne ex Roth. without any doubt.

Ficus callosa Willd.

Receptacles pedunculate, solitary (paired in F. nervosa), leaves seems to be scabrid (not scabrid in F. nervosa), leaves entire (entire but undulate in F. nervosa)


Please identify this species of Ficus – NS 01042013 : Attachments (8).  9 posts by 3 authors.

Also photographed at Kolad over the weekend (March end of 2013)

It may be Ficus callosa. http://indiabiodiversity.org/species/show/11922

Thanks .. for your response. The figs here were very large, possibly more than 3 inches in diameter. This tree definitely differs from the one in my previous post at this link

Figs in Ficus callosa are supposed to have stalk/peduncle (1-1.2 cm long as per FoC). I do not see such peduncle (sessile?) in the pictures at the link provided by you. Please check, and correct me if I am wrong.

The tree in question here does have figs that have a pedicel but they are too large being more than 3 inches in diameter. However, the tree in the link has figs that are sessile and therefore possibly cannot be Ficus callosa.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

Ficus callosa Willd.

The photographs are confirmed as Ficus callosa


Ficus callosa from Trivandrum, Kerala: 020117 SS-1 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (12)
Happy New Year to all of you.
A few pictures of Ficus callosa from Trivandrum.
Family: Moraceae

This is a sapling which sprouted on a wall near my house.

Thanks, …, for nice images.
Happy new year to you also.


UNIDT12 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)

Location- Sadavali, Dapoli MH

Habitat- Wild
Plant Habit- Tree
Height-6 meter

Most probably Ficus callosa Willd.

I also feel that it could be Ficus callosa.

ID Help Needed-AA01-20-02-2017 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (13)
Require your kind help to ID the tree. The images are attached. I feel this is Ficus nervosa. I had a doubt with Ficus callosa but i feel Ficus callosa has rounder leaves.
Your comments and suggestions are welcome.

To me it is Ficus callosa

Thank you … I guess its F.callosa then.

All photographs are identified as Ficus callosa Willd. Leaves shapes vary, figs long pedunculate, globose.

Thanks …  …, The ID query is logically closed now. Thanks for the help.

This should be Ficus callosa Willd.

Ficus virens? : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)

Wild tree from Coorg Karnataka

Very close and should be Ficus callosa Willd.


Tree for identification_Navelim_Goa: 4 images.

Please help in the id of this tree observed at Goa, growing in the wild.
Tree height- appx 50 feet.
Area of observation-Navelim, Goa
Observed in June 2021

(Apologies for the bad pics.Will try to get better pictures and upload)

Ficus sp. ??

Yes … it resembles

How about Ficus callosa?

I guess … is correct : Ficus callosa !

Yes !  … It Matches with Ficus callosa. Big Thanks.
A new ficus for me.
Does this ficus only grows in Southern part of India or in Western Ghats?


Tree 2 for Id_Goa: 3 images.

This Huge Tree was observed , in the wild, while traveling in Goa
Tree height was approximately 90-100 feet
Observed in May 2021
No fruits/ flowers were observed.

Kindly help in identification.

Check with Ficus ma’am, if have figs pic that will be worthable,

I think it is difficult with these images.

I agree with …

It may be Vateria indica,

Leaves are very similar to Vateria indica and bark matches too. Tree was huge like Vateria indica and It was rare too, did not see similar tree again in that forest.
The area where it was observed was a part of semi-evergreen and evergreen forest belt.

As … says, It might be Vateria indica.

Could this be Ficus callosa?

Yes, appears close to images at Ficus callosa
