Geissaspis tenella Benth. ;

India: Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu as per ILDIS;

Geissaspis tenella:  Geissaspis tenella 
At Shahpur,Thane
18 sept.2011

Stems and branches are slender and purplish.
Bot. name: Geissaspis tenella
Family: Fabaceae
Date/Time: 14-08-2010 / 11:55AM
Location: Thakurwadi, (at the base of Prabalgad), Maharashtra

Habitat: Wild

Wow another Geissaspis Great find.




SGNP, Aug 2014 :: Requesting ID of this plant :: ARKSEP-05 : 8 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3).  
Requesting to please ID this plant captured at Kanheri Caves, SGNP in Aug 2014.

I think Geissaspis tenella..

I guess Geissaspis cristata.

How do we distinguish between G. cristata and G. tenella?

I think it’s Geissaspis tenella
Looks more like Geissaspis tenella to me.


Images by Anurag N. Sharma




ANAUG09/09 Geissaspis tenella Benth. (Please validate) : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

Family: Fabaceae
Date: 9th July 2015
Place: Udupi, Karnataka
Habit: Herb

nice four leaf fabaceae
would love to know id

Geissaspis tenella Benth.


Geissaspis tenella from Kusur-Lonavala.


This one is a small herb.
Many a time i would have come across this but at all times it was closed like a book. This time i could see what is inside this book.
Photographed at “Wagha chi wadi” Panvel.
Bot name: Geissaspis tenella
Family: Fabaceae

Thanks for sharing this sighting …

Good to know that we find this as close as base of Matheran on Panvel side.

Fabaceae (Faboideae)Fortnight:: Geissaspis tenella::Prabalgad base ::PKA-OCT-58:: : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)

Small herb. Stems and branches are slender and purplish.
Bot. name: Geissaspis tenella
Family: Fabaceae
Date/Time: 14-08-2010 / 11:55AM
Location: Thakurwadi, (at the base of Prabalgad), Maharashtra

Habitat: Wild



Pali near Khopoli, MH :: Small plant for ID :: ARK2019-64 : 15 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)

This was seen by the roadside at Pali near Khopoli, MH in Aug 2019.
Is it some Cassia? No flowers seen.
Requested to please validate.

Visible stipules hint at Zornia, and a related genus Poiretia. Just a guess .

four leaflets of the leaf are uniquely arranged. not in classic 4 leaf cross as in clover but rather like the 4 part wing of a butterfly or a moth. two in front forming acute angels and posterior two at almost 90 degrees to the midline.
I  found only one picture Poiretia punctata (Wild.) Desv.
as the page opens, you get lots of options, ask for images and voila  ….you see our four leaf ….
But its a plant of mexico and tropical Americas… wonder when did it get here??

My dilemma exactly. 

Possibilities are two …… either it came somehow!  or we do have Poiretia in WG , not documented yet ! 

Thanks … I could not find any Zornia in efi that matches. Also, no Poiretia is found in efi.

Can this be Cassia absus, there was a suggestion to that effect on an FB group as well as from a fellow traveller. 

I say yes, with a long sigh ! 

Have seen this species as post on fb once or twice, not more. Never seen physically.

I think much different from Chamaecrista absus as per images herein.
Also could not find a match as per comparative images at Senna 

I agree, but what I think is, we should take into account various stages of a plant’s life, and how they appear. Habit obviously changes, but importantly, leaves do too. 

Example…… Datura inoxia begins its life with toothed, big  leaves …… a mature plant shows entire leaf with unequal base. Physalis angulata leaves begin as dentate, later become entire. 
2 pairs of leaflets…… nothing else comes to mind. 

My first impression was Zornia species seeing few bracts?, and apparently, there is a Zornia setosa subsp. obovata with 4 leaflets. 

Thanks, …, I think not Zornia.
It should be some Geissaspis species as per comparative images herein. May be Geissaspis tenella Benth. most likely.

Wow ! Sir, exactly!! Geissaspis it is!! ThanQ!!!

Thank you so much for the suggestion, it does look like it.
How would one differentiate between G. cristata and G. tenella?

Pl. check images at efi site closely, you will get the clue from your 2nd image.



14-08-2010: Thakurwadi, (at the base of Prabalgad); at Shahapur- Oct’10?; 

