— from the Greek geranos, crane; referring to the beak-like fruit
Dave’s Botanary
nap-ahl-EN-see or nap-ahl-EN-say — of or from NepalDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: Nepal geranium, Nepalese crane’s bill • Hindi: ¿ भण्डा ? bhanda, ¿ फोड़ी ? phori, रतनजोत ratanjot, ¿ सिउँली ? syunli • Kashmiri: ¿ रोएल ? roel • Nepali: चुनित्रो घाँस chunitro ghans • Punjabi: ¿ ਭਾਂਡ ? bhand • Sanskrir: ¿ भण्डा ? bhanda
Native to: Afghanistan, s China, Indian subcontinent, Indo-China, Indonesia
G. nepalense has pink to white flowers with purple veins. Diagnostic features are smaller flowers (around 1 cm across), petals slightly longer than sepals, sepals with about 1 mm long awn, 5-7 lobed leaves and long fruit beak.
Perhaps the commonest species of Geranium in Himalayas among the smaller flowered forms (less than 20 mm across) extending to S. India and even Sri Lanka with 3-5 lobed leaves, pale pink flowers, pointed sepals and slightly notched petals;
One of the commonest medium flowered species in the Himalayas; much branched annual herb, hairy, with mostly procumbent branches; leaves palmately 3-5, rarely 7-lobed, up to 7 cm broad, upper ternate, segments irregularly lobed; stipules lanceolate, 10-12 mm long; flowers pale pink, 8-15 mm across, on 2-flowered axillary up to 12 cm long peduncles; sepals 5-6 mm long, with about 1 mm long mucro, 3-nerved, pubescent; petals slightly longer than petals, obovate, slightly notched; mericarps hairy with up to 15 mm long beak.


VoF Week: Geranium nepalense from the way to Ghangriya:
Geranium nepalense from the way to Ghangriya


VOF Week: Geranium nepalense from the Trek:
This was shot from way to Ghanghariya from Gobind Ghat on
13.08.12Geranium nepalense

Yes … Very good photograph, rather a common Himalayan species.


VoF Week: Geranium nepalense from the way to Ghangriya:
Geranium nepalense from the way to Ghangriya

I think yes. Nice photographs


VOF Week: Geranium nepalense — along Govindghat-Ghangaria route:
Geranium nepalense (Family:Geraniaceae) — along Govindghat-Ghangaria route.

Yes … Good photographs


VOF Week: Geranium nepalense for validation from the trek:
I hope this one should be Geranium nepalense, shot from various locations during trekking to Ghanghariya and back…please correct/validate…

I think yes. Nice photographs …

Geranium nepalense from Kashmir:
Geranium nepalense Sweet
Perhaps the commonest species of Geranium in Himalayas among the smaller flowered forms (less than 20 mm across) extending to S. India and even Sri Lanka with 3-5 lobed leaves, pale pink flowers, pointed sepals and slightly notched petals.
Photographed from Kashmir

jer-AY-nee-um — from the Greek geranos, crane; referring to the beak-like fruitDave’s Botanary
nap-ahl-EN-see or nap-ahl-EN-say — of or from NepalDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: Nepal geranium, Nepalese crane’s bill • Hindi: ¿ भण्डा ? bhanda, ¿ फोड़ी ? phori, रतनजोत ratanjot, ¿ सिउँली ? syunli • Kashmiri: ¿ रोएल ? roel • Nepali: चुनित्रो घाँस chunitro ghans • Punjabi: ¿ ਭਾਂਡ ? bhand • Sanskrir: ¿ भण्डा ? bhanda
Native to: Afghanistan, s China, Indian subcontinent, Indo-China, Indonesia
References: Flowers of IndiaFlora of ChinaNPGS / GRIN
at Mana on 05 AUG 12

Yes … Very good photographs.


Seen on the way to Ghangaria, Uttarakhand.
Geranium nepalense
Date : August 2012
Habitat : Wild



Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week : Geranium nepalense : Pahalgam : Confirm ID : 040313 : AK-4:
…, could you kindly confirm id of this tiny Geranium?
Seen in Pahalgam, during Sept,11.

Yes …, this is Geranium nepalense..

Syn: Geranium pallidum Royle ex Edgew. & Hook. f.; G. radicans DC.; G. patens Royle ex Edgew & Hook.f.
One of the commonest medium flowered species in the Himalayas; much branched annual herb, hairy, with mostly procumbent branches; leaves palmately 3-5, rarely 7-lobed, up to 7 cm broad, upper ternate, segments irregularly lobed; stipules lanceolate, 10-12 mm long; flowers pale pink, 8-15 mm across, on 2-flowered axillary up to 12 cm long peduncles; sepals 5-6 mm long, with about 1 mm long mucro, 3-nerved, pubescent; petals slightly longer than petals, obovate, slightly notched; mericarps hairy with up to 15 mm long beak.
Photographed from Kashmir, Manali, Bhimtal, and Chakrata

Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week:: Geraniaceae :Geranium nepalense — along Govindghat-Ghangaria route – PKA29 : 4 images. 2 posts by 2 authors.
Geranium nepalense (Family: Geraniaceae) — along Govindghat-Ghangaria route.

Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week: NS18: GERANIACEAE: Geranium nepalense from Chakrata : 6 images. 4 posts by 4 authors.
This Geranium species was recorded during Chakrata tour, hope this is Geranium nepalense Sweet… I will upload the same species from VOF in separate mail..

Yes … Another very good upload

Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week: NS 21: GERANIACEAE: Geranium nepalense from Manali : 4 images. 3 posts by 3 authors.
This one was shot from Manali… uploading in separate mail to avoid mixing up or any confusion.. I hope this is Geranium nepalense Sweet….

Thanks … Nice photographs

Geranium ¿ richardsonii ?
Place, Altitude: Shimla … about 1800 m asl
Date, Time: 31 MAY 08 … 10:41am
Habitat: along road side
Habit: creeping prostrate herb; flower about 1 – 1.5 cm across (just a guess)
Apologies; this is the only photograph of the plant I have.

G. richardsonii I thought is an American species not reported from Himalayas. It also seems to have narrower petals rounded at apex. I think Simla plant should be a variation of G. nepalense.
SW Colorado wildflowers


Amarnath Yatra -Geranium for ID (NSJ-03 – 20/08/2013) :  Attachments (2). 4 posts by 3 authors.
Geranium Sp?? for ID.
On the way to Chandanvari from Pahalgam
Altitude 7000′
Date Aug 10, 2013

Looks like Geranium nepalense? Nice photographs..

Yes, this should be G. nepalense….



Amarnath Yatra: Geranium Sp ?? for ID (NSJ-03 09/09/2013) :  Attachments (1). 5 posts by 3 authors.
Geranium for ID
Location – Chandanwari to Pissu top
Altitude – 11000′
Date: Aug 11, 2013

Geranium nepalensis I hope

Yes, should be Geranium nepalensis

… you repeated my typo.
It should be G. nepalense (being neuter gender) and not nepalensis

Unknown sp. – 2 from Shillong, Meghalaya : Attachments (5). 4 posts by 4 authors.
Attached images are unknown species from Shillong. Please ID the species.  
Date :09.10.2013
Location: Shillong, Meghalaya
Habitat: Grows wild
Habit : Herb

Nice photographs. This looks like some Geranium sp. Could this be G. nepalense???

Yes, this should be G. nepalense

Yes, Geranium nepalense

Geranium nepalense at Shakati – GHNP -PKA98 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Geranium nepalense (Family: Geraniaceae) at Shakati (GHNP).

Flowers in in G.nepalense ought to be RED or Pinish – red.

G. nepalense has pink to white flowers with purple veins. Diagnostic features are smaller flowers (around 1 cm across), petals slightly longer than sepals, sepals with about 1 mm long awn, 5-7 lobed leaves and long fruit beak.


ANDEC67 Geranium sp. for identification : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)

Chakrata, Uttarakhand
November 2014

Pl. check Geranium nepalense

Yes …, agreeing with …, nice pics..


Requesting to please validate ID of this Geranium near Manali, HP in October 2014.
I hope this is Geranium nepalense (based on FoI pics), if so my first sighting of this beautiful and delicate flower.

Yes rightly named..


ANMAR02/02 Geranium sp. for identification : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)

Family: Geraniaceae
Date: November 2014
Place: Mussoorie, Uttarakhand
Habit: Herb

Very beautiful pics … I hope Geranium nepalense..

Geranium nepalense/ABMAR26 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Talking of geraniums, I spotted a few of these growing on the walls.
I think these are Nepal Geraniums. Please advise.
Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
22 March 2015


Geranium nepalense ABAUG01/26 : 5 posts by 3 authors. 4 images.
These tiny Nepal geraniums are everywhere. I photographed these growing on a stone wall.
Geranium nepalenseNepal Geranium
Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
19 August 2015

simply superb macro

Oh, thank you … I am getting used to it now and enjoying looking closely at things.

Very beautiful pictures …, superb macro..!!

Some more from March 02, 2016. 2 images.


ANNOV20/20 Geranium nepalense Sweet (Please validate) : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (6)

Family: Geraniacae
Date: 1st November 2014
Place: Tiger Falls, Charkata, Uttarakhand
Habit: Herb

If you look at this publication, it will give the impression of G. nepalense, or else G. sibiricum: C.L.Malhotra in P.K.Hajra et al.,  Fl. India 4: 75, f. 24. 1997

Geranium nepalense to me.

Geranium nepalense surely
I think the petal tips may be insect-eaten, hence leading to some confusion.

Thanks for one more validation and the plausible explanation, makes sense

Geranium nepalense ??? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Sharing some pictures of G. nepalense ??? for validation shot at Godawari Nepal on 13 July 2016 at 5000 ft.


Fwd: Id requested? Yazali,Arunachal Pradesh 23.3.16 : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Geranium ?

Geranium nepalense Sweet ??


Geranium nepalense Sweet (accepted name) ??/ : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (11)

Location: Godawari, Nepal
Altitude: 5000 ft.
Date: 10 January 2017

I doubt very much that this is Geranium nepalense. Pity no images of the lower foliage.
Geranium is a difficult genus.
I shall be scrutinising the genus further WHEN time permits.  Cannot comment further at this point.
I have images of Geraniums taken in UK, which I am uncertain about!

To me these appear close to images at Geranium nepalense Sweet only as per comparative images at Geranium


VoF Week: Geranium wallichianum for confirmation of ID:
This flower was shot at Govindghat on 16.08.2012. Is it Geranium wallichianum? Please confirm.

Though not enough details, it may be close to images at Geranium nepalense Sweet

Herb for ID, Dalhousie, Himachal Pradesh, NAW-JUL17-07 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Kindly identify this herb photographed in Dalhousie, Himachal Pradesh in May 2017.

Pl. check comparative images in efi site at Geranium page

I did check the geranium page but tho it is clear the correct genus, i cant seem to make out the species. May be its because the flower in my pictures hasnt opened entirely. Could it be Geranium nepalense?

Yes, to me also closest appears to be Geranium nepalense only.

Dear sir help me to identify the species : 4 posts by 3 authors. 1 image.
please help me to identify the following species
Species for Identification –
location – Barot, Mandi District, Himachal Pradesh
Altitude- 2800-3000m 

Please check Geranium nepalense !

Thanks, …, for the id.
To me also appear close to images at Geranium nepalense


SK1032 20 MAR-2018 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)

Location: Dhulikhel, Nepal 
Altitude: 4600 ft.
Date: 26 March 2013
Habit : Wild

Geranium nepalense Sweet

Please help me with the Nepali name of this plant.
चुनेत्रो घाँस chunitro ghans mentioned in Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal.

Would it be चुनित्रो घाँस chunitro ghans OR चुनेत्रो घाँस chunetro ghans ?

चुनित्रो घाँस chunitro ghaans

Geranium nepalense Sweet : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (7)- around 350 kb each.
Location: Nagarkot, Nepal
Date: 6 September, 2018
Elevation:65000 ft.
Habit : Wild


Saw these flowers aplenty along the Govindghat-Ghangaria trail, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018.
Since they were nearly everywhere I kept procrastinating taking pics. Ultimately, end of day, I ended with these not so great pics.
They seem to resemble Geranium nepalense, they were nearly 1 cm across. Please provide correct ID.

Geranium nepalense ??

To me also appear close to images at Geranium nepalense Sweet

Images by Anurag N Sharma (Validation by D S Rawat & Id by Nidhan Singh & J.M.Garg), Ashwini Bhatia, Nidhan Singh (Validation by Gurcharan Singh), Gurcharan Singh, Prashant Awale, Karuna Kanta Das (Id by Nidhan Singh & Prashant Awale) & Alka Khare (Id by Nidhan Singh) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details,
click on the links) 


Date: 11th August 2011.
Location: Paddar valley district Kishtwar J&K.
Altitude: 2200 meters asl
GPS: 33.31 N and 76.28 E
Plant habit/habitat: Wild herb
Plant heigt: 30-50 cms


Geranium nepalense (Nepal Geranium)

ID Credit : …

Place : On the way to Ghangria
Date : 13.08.2012

Yes … Very good photograph.


Habitat: mountain slope
Habit: small herb, about 50 – 70 cm high; flower about 10 mm across

Geranium nepalense I hope

Geranium nepalense


VoF Week :: DV :: 04 AUG 12 – 0643 :: tiny flowered small herb along Ghangaria – Govind Ghat trail:
4 AUG 12
Ghangaria – Govind Ghat trailabout 9800 ft

Habitat: mountain slope
Habit: herb, about 40 – 50 cm high; flower about 4 – 5 mm across

Geranium nepalense, I hope

Am convinced with the ID …; many many thanks.


Id of Flower – ID03072020SH3 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 910 kb.

Flower for id pl
Location -Mandal, Uttarakhand
Date – November 2019

Geranium nepalense Sweet



Geranium nepalense: 5 images.
Geranium nepalense from KASHMIR 

location: Arigutnoo kulgam, Jammu and Kashmir.
Petals are whitish in colour with purplish veins.

I think yes, nice images

Beautiful capture. Nevertheless, if you could post habit picture it would be even more beautiful !

Dear members hell me in identification of this Geranium sp from Rajouri jandk: 2 images.
Habit: Herb
Date: 16-07-2021

Geranium nepalense Sweet !

Yes …, you are right

Yes Yes …r! It is G.nepalense.


Geranium wallichianum D. Don ex Sweet: 1 very high res. image.
Location: Dailekh, West Nepal
Altitude: 2230 m.
Date: 12 August 2021
Habit : Wild

I am doubtful. I can not see the stipule and colour of the flowers look different from those at Geranium wallichianum
Pl. check Geranium nepalense

Yes G. nepalense

Nilgiris: Creeper for identification 191112MK01:
Please help me to identify this creeper plant found on the grasslands of high altitude Nilgiris. Commonly seen on wet soil. Is this Ranunculaceae?
Date: 20 Oct 2012
Place: Mukruti NP, Nilgiris, TN
Alt.: 2350 m asl

Geranium sp. I hope.

I think it might be Erodium sp. We have a species here, Erodium texanum, that greatly resembles the photo. Erodium is classified with Geranium.
Lower right photo.
The most remarkable feature for identification would be the seed pod, which “looks” like a stork’s bill. It has a long, tapering pointed part, resembling a bird’s bill, attached to a rounded case. This plant has medicinal uses, and if it is not native, someone may have imported it.
Photos taken west of Phoenix, Arizona. Notice in the middle photograph, upper left, two seed pods.

Yes …, I am sorry for putting up two plants in same post.
First two pics: Erodium moschatum (L.) L’ Herit is the only plant reported in Nilgiris for the genus. Next time when I visit the place, I try to look at the bill-like fruits. Attaching one more picture of the same. E. moschatum is a European origin.
The last three pics may be Geranium sp.

No apology needed. It was readily apparent.
Yes, that new photo looks like Erodium. This plant is probably much more widespread than it might seem at first. The only difference between your plant and mine is that the flower of mine is a much more intense color.
One of your earlier photos looked like it had a partly decayed fruit, rather dried up.

The basic difference between Geranium and Erodium is that leaves of former are palmately lobed and in latter pinnately lobed or divided. The flowers and fruits look similar.

Not Erodium … as indicated earlier. I have photographed Erodium moschatum here in California, with much larger pinnate leaves.

If you can send me the list of species of Geranium and Erodium reported from the area, I may help to fix your species. Fruits of Geranium and Erodium look simlar with similar beaks.

These are two different species of Geranum. No question of Erodium, as I have indicated above. I had uploaded Erodium moschatum and E. cicutarium separately to clear the doubt.
Please see these efi thread one and two

The images are of Geranium nepalense.

Thanks, …
But posted images look different from images of Geranium nepalense Sweet
I am unable to find out Geranium species found in wild in south.
May I request you to pl. let us know, if you are aware.
Further what last three images are of ? 

There appears to be some mix up.
1st two images are different and the only option as per species listed in FoPI is Geranium nepalense, to which it appears close, as the other species listed (Geranium ocellatum var. ocellatum and Geranium ocellatum var. himalaicum) look different.


Names of Plants in India :: Geranium nepalense Sweet: 1 image.

jer-AY-nee-um — from the Greek geranos, crane; referring to the beak-like fruit … Dave’s Botanary
nap-ahl-EN-see or nap-ahl-EN-say — of or from Nepal … Dave’s Botanarycommonly known as: Nepal geranium, Nepalese crane’s bill • Hindi: भण्डा bhanda, फोड़ी phori, रतनजोत ratanjot, सिउँली syunli • Kashmiri: रोएल roel • Nepali: चुनित्रो घाँस chunitro ghans • Punjabi: ਭਾਂਡ bhand • Sanskrir: भण्डा bhanda • Tibetan: མིག་སྨན mig-smanbotanical namesGeranium nepalense Sweet … heterotypic synonymsGeranium pallidum Royle ex Edgew. & Hook.f. • Geranium patens Royle ex Edgew. & Hook.f. • Geranium radicans DC. … and many more listed at POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Nepal geranium
Nepalese crane’s bill
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
भण्डा bhanda
फोड़ी phori
रतनजोत ratanjot
सिउँली syunli
~~~~~ KASHMIRI ~~~~~
रोएल roel
  • The Useful Plants of India by NISCAIR
  • the name रोएल transliterated in native script may not be exact
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
चुनित्रो घाँस chunitro ghans
~~~~~ PUNJABI ~~~~~
ਭਾਂਡ bhand
  • The Useful Plants of India by NISCAIR
  • the name ਭਾਂਡ transliterated in native script may not be exact
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
भण्डा bhanda
~~~~~ TIBETAN ~~~~~
མིག་སྨན mig-sman
~~~~~ x ~~~~~


Geranium nepalense enroute Dev Kyara @ uttarakhand- PKA4: 3 images.
Sharing few pics of a herb Geranium nepalense seen enroute Dev Kyara @ uttarakhand.


Geranium nepalense Sweet: 5 high res. images.

Location: Lama Kyang, Lukum, Rukum West, Nepal 
Date: 31 May 2023
Elevation: 2500 m.
Habit : Wild


Help identify this member of the geranium family: 5 images.

Please help identify the plant growing in a field in Rawathpora Srinagar.
Habitat: Wild
Habit : Herb about 15-20 cm high.
Sepals and Petals are both 5 in number, Corolla pink. Limb with a prominent notch
Stamens 10 in number. Anthers Violet.
Stigma 5 and pink in colour.
The color of the anthers and stigmas is noteworthy.
Photo of Stamen with X 20 and  Anther with X50 magnification. Large pollen grains can be seen in the photo of the anther.

Two more photos:

PHOTO 1. Detail of erect hairy stipules 5-7mm long with long pointed tips.
PHOTO 2. Veins
All Photos in this post with CC License (Attribution only required)
For Attribution: 
Taffazull: Help identify this member of the geranium family

One more Photo:
Fruit. Photo taken on 16 June
1 image.

An interesting fact about G.nepalense (if it is that species) is that Walter Lawrence has mentioned in his book (published in 1895) that in his time it was used as a cheaper substitute for madder (Rubia cordifolia). Madder was cultivated in a very small area of the valley and was costly. It shared the name Mazait with madder (Hindi Manjith) among the local people.

Yes, it is

