Habenaria grandifloriformis

Habenaria grandifloriformis Blatt. & McCann , J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 36: 17 1932. (Syn: Habenaria grandiflora Lindl. ex Dalzell & Gibson [Illegitimate]);
hab-en-AR-ee-uh — from the Latin habena, (rein or strap) … Dave’s Botanary
¿ gran-dih-FLOR-ih-for-miss — free-flowering, with large flowers ?
commonly known as: large flowered habenaria, single-leaved habenaria • Marathi: आषाढ हबेअमरी ashadh habe-amri, चिकरकांदा chikarkanda • Sanskrit: पद्म padma
¿ Endemic to: Western Ghats (of India) ? 


Habenaria grandifloriformis flowering   :
The Single-leaved Habenaria [H.grandifloriformis] was also flowering. Sending a few photographs.

Yes this is Habenaria grandifloriformis.
Grandifloriformis means, BIG FLOWER BEARING, hence logically it should be named as BIG FLOWER BEARING HABENARIA, though there are many other species which bears much bigger flower :)).
By the way, this is an endemic orchid of India.

some Habenaria grandifloriformis pictures from me

Habenaria grandifloriformis flowering:
Photographed at Khandala over the weekend – the Single-leaved Habenaria

Beautiful orchid. Thanks for sharing sir. It is endemic to India.
Just out of curiosity, if you just have flowers, then how do you differentiate it from H. rariflora.

It is indeed difficult to differentiate the two H.grandifloriformis & H. rariflora from flowers.
I had posted a key from Orchids of Bombay – Santapau & Kapadia few years ago.
Following is the link to the key from my earlier post.
Fr. Santapau has differentiated the flowers on anthers :
H. rariflora : anthers rounded on top
H. grandifloriformis : anthers distinctly tricuspidate
but merely identifying only from images of flowers is near to impossible. The leaves indeed confirms the id.

You know there is another species Habenaria diphylla. This plant has both type of leaves as in rariflora and grandifloriformis.
Sometimes I think, it could be divided into two species.


Habenaria grandifloriformis for sharing:
Habenaria grandifloriformis blooming out…. covering a land cover……….

Life cycle in all Habenarias are very simple. They multiply vegetatively as well as sexually.
There is a perrenating tuberoid which gives new shoot during monsoon and while they develop flowers on the aerial part they also develop new tuberoid underground. which by the end of the season is mature enough to perrenate for one year whereas the previous years tuberoid dies off. Slightly above the tuberoids on the stem sometimes stolon develops and at the terminal end it may form a tuberoid too, which gives shoots next year.
I personally think that new shoot emerges on the food scarcity stress.
Sexually as usual it multiplies through seeds. Most of the orchids are self compatible (not all) but I am sure Habenarias have pollinators too, though no one studied that part to my knowledge.


Habenaria grandifloriformis flowering 2:
Had recently posted photographs of the Single-leaf Habenaria [H.grandifloriformis] flowering at Khandala at this link.
Sending a few more photographs taken at Shahapur on Sunday. Also featured are a capsule and the bract-lIke second leaf seen in some of the plants.

Kas Week :: DV :: 25 JUN 11 – 0133 :: Habenaria grandifloriformis:
Kas plateau about 4000 ft asl
… one of the 39 World Heritage sites in the Western Ghats of India
25 JUN 11
Habenaria grandifloriformis Blatt. & McCann … (family: Orchidaceae)

hab-en-AR-ee-uh — from the Latin habena, (rein or strap) … Dave’s Botanary
¿ gran-dih-FLOR-ih-for-miss — free-flowering, with large flowers ?
commonly known as: large flowered habenaria, single-leaved habenaria • Marathi: आषाढ हबेअमरी ashadh habe-amri, चिकरकांदा chikarkanda • Sanskrit: पद्म padma
¿ Endemic to: Western Ghats (of India) ?
References: Flowers of IndiaculturesheetFlowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar


Kas week: Habenaria grandifloriformis SMP:
Habenaria grandifloriformis
Ashadh amari
Flowers early in Ashadh. July/Aug

Oh I wish to visit this place !!!! Beautiful.

Kas week: PKA26:::- Habenaria grandifloriformis:
Habenaria grandifloriformis (Family: Orchidaceae ).

Its beautiful sir…… lots of Habenaria grandifloriformis…….

The number of plants is so abundent in a particular week that the whole of the plateau looks carpeted with white. The grazing cattle do not harm this plant. A picture during my study of grazing on plateau.

Orchidaceae fortnight :: Habenaria grandifloriformis :: Kas plateau :: DV20 : 4 images. 6 posts by 4 authors.
Habenaria grandifloriformis Blatt. & McCann

hab-en-AR-ee-uh — from the Latin habena, (rein or strap) … Dave’s Botanary
¿ gran-dih-FLOR-ih-for-miss — free-flowering, with large flowers ? 
commonly known as: large flowered habenaria, single-leaved habenaria • Marathi: आषाढ हबेअमरी ashadh habe-amri, चिकरकांदा chikarkanda • Sanskrit: पद्म padma
¿ Endemic to: Western Ghats (of India) ? 
ReferencesFlowers of India • culturesheet • Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar
on Kas plateau on 25 JUN 11  

Shows that this is in plenty there, nice pictures …

Yes …, this Habenaria is found in plenty wherever it grows.


Orchidaceae Fortnight: Habenaria grandifloriformis: AVD02 :  Attachments (4). 4 posts by 4 authors.
Habenaria grandifloriformis
One of our earliest blooming terrestrial orchid with the onset of monsoon.
Location : Lohagadh : Maharashtra. 

Very good habitat as well as close-ups

Orchidaceae fortnight :: Habenaria grandifloriformis :: SMP 01 :  8 posts by 7 authors.

Habenaria grandifloriformis
आषाढ अमरी
Mahabaleshwar and many places near Pune

Wow, you mean those white spots in middle pic are orchids ??? Great. Thanks for sharing…

Yes … Mahabaleshwar area is full of these on particular days. It is great to observe this.


Orchidaceae Fortnight:: Habenaria grandifloriformis | Matheran : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.

Matheran, Maharashtra
July, 2012


Habenaria grandifloriformis at Sagargad near Alibag.
Family: Orchidaceae
Date/Time: 11-07-2010 / 11:40AM
Location: Sagargad
Habitat: wild
Plant habit: Herb
Leaf single, flat almost sticking to the ground.

Thanks …, we do not have such patches of land here in our state..

Funny first plant.


[EfloraofIndia_ORCHIDACEAE Juss. Fortnight]:19102013PD10_Habenaria grandifloriformis_Flora of Odisha : Attachments (1). 5 posts by 4 authors.
Flowers of Habenaria grandifloriformis. Image taken from Mahendragiri hills, 5000 ft above msk, Odisha

Leaf please!!!

Many thanks … for liking. … will share the whole plant. I think this was authenticated by u earlier.

habenaria grandifloriformis : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3).

habenaria grandifloriformis
last weekend (3.8.14)
seen flowering on several grassy knolls
possibly the commonest flower this weekend

Thou commonest, it is the first one to tell us that mansoon is arriving and it is so refreshing.
and everytime it makes u happy.

and yes it is so  refreshing, my eyes were glues to all the grassy patches to see these orchids
nodding their heads in the breeze

In Marathi it is called as Ashadh amari as it flowers in Ashadh. This year due to delayed rains it is flowering now that is in Shravan month.


ANSEPT88 Please confirm if Habenaria grandifloriformis : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).

Baba Budan Giri, Chikamagalur
14th September 2014

Yes this looks like Habenaria grandifloriformis. Any better pics of leaves?

Talegaon Dabhade Pune
July 2015
Requesting to please identify this small wild plant with small white flowers.
could not make out the leaves. This was the only one plant on that field.

Habenaria grandifloriformis.

identification no 280715sn1 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)

Kindly help in ID. My guess Habenaria grandifloriformis.

location:aambyvalley rd.,lonavala,pune
plant habit:herb
height:about 1-2 ft.

This is Habenaria rariflora.

You are right….this is Habenaria grandifloriformis. …, the leaves are different in H. rariflora.

Thanks … My apologies. Please check these links

efi pages on Habenaria grandifloriformis  Habenaria rariflora

Habenaria grandifloriformis

TSPSEP2015-4: Habenaria sp for ID assistance. : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)

Submitting images of a Habenaria sp for identification…..
Is this Habenaria grandifloriformis or Habenaria rariflora…???
Date/time: 29-8-2015/about 5-00 pm
Location: Bababudangiri, Chikmagalur, Karnataka about 1600 msl
Habit: Herb.
Habitat: Wild, Terrestrial, occurring amidst grass

Habenaria grandifloriformis. Very nice to see fruiting….


I was lucky to visit a wonderful place well known for its floristic diversity, but the time for visit should have been later, no choice was with me.
I could see this ground orchid only, and non-flowering stage of many others including a Nervilia. Wanted to share this single-leaved Habenaria
Habenaria grandifloriformis from Pachmarhi, M.P.

Kindly examine…..I am inclined to classify this as Habenaria grandifloriformis (Orchidaceae) in my files. But the colour, size and number of leaves intrigues me…!?   


Habitat:Wild,terrestrial,montane forest,amidst grass 

Sighting:Bababudangiri,Chikmagalur,Karnataka,about 1700 msl 


Yes the leaf is very typical, this should be Habenaria grandifloriformis.
Thanks a lot for sharing.


It is my pleasure to present few images of Habenaria grandifloriformis  (Orchidaceae 


Habitat:Wild,terrestrial,grassy slopes @ high altitudes 

Sighting:Mullaianagiri,Chikmagalur,Karnataka,about 1700 msl 

Date:18-06-2016 and 24-06-2016

Yes Habenaria grandifloriformis. Thanks a lot for sharing.

Habenaria grandifloriformis, mahabeleshwar : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Habenaria grandifloriformis,
third week of june 2018, Mahabeleshwar
it was beginning to bloom in many open grassy areas
saw several plants

Very beautiful.
Yes Habenaria grandifloriformis. Good to see that the flowers are getting pollinated naturally in wild.


near Hedwi in the Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra; Kas near Satara, (Mah) on 8/7/08; 22 Jun trip to Panchgani; at Mathearn- 21/7/08; Sagargad near Alibaug on July 8, 2006; in Mahabaleshwar in Jun 2008; 11-07-2010 / 11:40AM: Sagargad; 31-07-2010: Purandar Fort; Saputhara in Gujarat in July’10; Kaas- Sept’10?; Saputhara in Gujarat in July;
Habenaria – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Habenaria grandifloriformis – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Single-leaved habenaria – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Request for an ID of this ground Orchid: 1 very high res. image.
I would like to trouble you again with the request to Identify this Orchid, which is possibly Platanthera species, bone of the photos on internet match. It seems to resemble Plantanthera bifolia but flowers have longer spurs.

The following features of this Orchid are distinct from described Plantanthera.
2 pairs of Long, dissemilar Long labial spurs,
Upper pairs longer than lower pairs
White flower
Single white Flowers borne of recurved stems 
Single leaf only
Size of flower is only 1cm long, single flower borne on long, recuved inflorescence.
Habitat: marshy river banks of Lonavala Maharashtra

Looks like Habenaria grandifloriformis.

Thank you sir indeed Habenaria grandifloriform, very interesting part is the presence of a Single leaf. The species seems to be endemic and confined to little higher altitude of Shayadri hills. They seem to be in danger thanks to pollution and littering of the Shayadri hills by the unruly Mumbai tourists.



Updated on December 24, 2024

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