On 17/8/08 in Talakona forest, AP; Pavonia zeylanica? – indiantreepix | Google Groups
On 16/8/08 in Talakona forest, AP; For ID 290808JM1 – indiantreepix | Google Groups

Malvaceae Week: Hibiscus sp from Amboli forest: Hibiscus sp from Amboli forest

Hibiscus furcatus

Stem, leaves, petioles and pedicels are not covered with recurved prickles, involucral bracts have no leafy appendages. This is hence not H. furcatus but Decaschistia trilobata.

Stem, leaves, petioles and pedicels are covered with recurved prickles…. pls have a proper look.. its on the edges of the road in Amboli Ghat..

Decaschistia trilobata is also found in Amboli, but not in forest,, its found on the open plateau,,, its a straight herb with hairs.

I feel it may be sps of Abelmoscus.
off course the photograph of fruits will throw more light on it.

Seeds for ID 210812 NB3: in my last trip to india dec.11-jan.12 i collected some seeds in capsules.
I can’t remember now, how the tree lookd like. Perhaps someone can identify them.

This fruits & seeds are of Cochlospermum religiosum (L.) Alston

It looks like a species of Hibiscus to me.

hmm, but my seeds don’t have hair and the capsule has five Petals.
Thanks anyway for your replies, …

Thank you all for taking so much efforts for identifying the seeds.
Perhaps in the coming spring, will have to wait for at least 6 months :-((, i shall try to germinate the seeds and let you know what comes out.
Perhaps then we have more information.

Yes, good idea, …
One question though, I just thoiught of it as I read your other thread first…
did not you take pictures of the plants and pods … or have a wish list of flowers you wanted ….
or was this seedpod collection totally random, as you saw the pods you just picked them?
any inkling why you wanted pods from each of those particular plants/trees?
if you have pictures of flowers // trees// shrubs and or a wish list you could narrow the choices…
just a thought…
logical though…
give it a try…

I have many fotos of flowers but sometimes there were flowers and no pods and sometimes there were just pods and no flowers. I like collecting pods and seeds apart from flowers and like to see what the sapling look like.Some pods are very interesting looking. While collecting seeds, i am happy, if i am alone. If my husband is with me, the things are very different. :-((( That was the case in my last trip to India. 
    I sow the seeds normally in march and after mid may we plant them in the garden. The advantage of getting to know the saplings is that i don’t throw away the saplings from my garden thinking they are weed.
I don’t have a wishlist of flowers. Btw. I collected seeds of aristolochia and they are growing well some 8cm now. It takes long, three years till they get flowers.