Lindenbergia indica

Lindenbergia indica (L.) Vatke (syn: Bovea sinaica Decne.; Dodartia indica L.; Hemiorchis habessinica Ehrenb. ex Schweinf.; Lindenbergia abyssinica Hochst. ex Benth.; Lindenbergia indica (L.) Kuntze (ambiguous synonym); Lindenbergia nigrescens Vatke; Lindenbergia pirottae Almagia; Lindenbergia polyantha Royle. ex Benth.; Lindenbergia ruderalis (Retz.) Voigt; Lindenbergia scutellarioides Aschers.; Lindenbergia sinaica (Decne.) Benth.; Lindenbergia urticifolia Lehm.; Lindenbergia virens Vatke; Urbania lyperiiflora Vatke) as per Catalogue of Life;
Lindenbergia indica (L.) Vatke, Oesterr. (Syn: Dodartia indica L.; Lindenbergia polyantha Royle ex Benth.) as per SCROPHULARIACEOUS TAXA IN BANGLADESH by MOHAMMAD OLIUR RAHMAN1- Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 13(2): 139-154, 2006 (December);
Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Djibouti, Somalia, Egypt (SE-Egypt), Oman (Mascat & Oman), Saudi Arabia (Asir), Bahrain, Egypt (Eastern Desert, NE-Egypt, SE-Egypt), Israel (Rift Valley, S-Negev Desert), Oman (Mascat & Oman), Saudi Arabia (N-Saudi Arabia, Hejaz, Midyan, Rub al Khali, Asir), Sinai peninsula (C-Sinai, S-Sinai), Yemen (Aden Desert, coastal Hadhramaut, Inner Hadhramaut), India, Pakistan (Sind, Pakistani Punjab, Salt Range, N.W.Frontier Prov., Baluchistan, Swat), Andamans (South Andamans), Myanmar [Burma] (Bago, Magway,
Taninthayi, Yangon), Nepal, Jammu & Kashmir (Poonch, Kashmir), Bangladesh
as per Catalogue of Life;
Upper lip is the best diagnostic feature to separate Lindenbergia muraria and Lindenbergia indica
As per SCROPHULARIACEOUS TAXA IN BANGLADESH by MOHAMMAD OLIUR RAHMAN1- Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 13(2): 139-154, 2006 (December):
A densely glandular-hairy, annual or perennial herb. Leaves ovate. Corolla 2-lipped, the upper lip pubescent inside, lower lip rounded (lower lip conspicuously plicate, lobes oblong-ovate as per Flora of China) (upper lip truncate, emarginated as per Flora of China). Capsule pubescent (Capsule ovoid-globose as per Flora of China) at the apex in Lindenbergia muraria.
An erect annual herb. Leaves ovate. Corolla pubescent outside, upper lip shortly bifid with the divisions, lower lip with oblong. Capsule oblong in Lindenbergia indica.
Common name: Nettle Leaved Lindenbergia • Hindi: पीली बूटी Pili-buti • Bangali: বসন্তী Basanti



Lindenbergia muraria (Roxburgh ex D. Don) Brühl : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (8). 

Attached images may be Lindenbergia muraria (Roxburgh ex D. Don) Brühl [efi thread 1 & efi thread 2]. Please validate the sp.
Date :27.03.2014
Location: Academic staff college, AMU campus (Aligarh, UP)
Family :Plantaginaceae (Earlier in Scrophulariaceae)
Genus & species : Lindenbergia muraria (Roxburgh ex D. Don) Brühl
Habitat: Mural plants
Habit :Herb

Taxonomy of Lindenbergia muraria is very confused. Pl. see Lindenbergia ruderalis.
As per my search correct citation should be as below:
Lindenbergia ruderalis (Retz.) Voigt,  H. Suburb. Calc. 501 (1845). (syn: Lindenbergia urticaefolia Lehm., Stemodia muraria Roxburgh ex D. Don; Stemodia ruderalis Ritz.) as per Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell & syn. Lindenbergia muraria (Roxburgh ex D. Don) Bruhl as per Flora of China;  

This should be Lindenbergia indica as per keys, images, details and references herein.

id please : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Habra, West Bengal
Today (30.8.16)

Lindenbergia sp.

Lindenbergia species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net)

I think matches with images at Lindenbergia muraria as per thread:

ok thanks

As far as i recollect there are 2 species of lindenbergia… can be identified by the shape of leaf-base… this is Lindenbergia muraria… to best of my knowledge.

Thanks, … You are right.

This should be Lindenbergia indica as per keys, images, details and references herein.

This is the same plant, as in efi thread.
Only other doc., besides Flora Indica, i have found (till now). 

This should be Lindenbergia indica as per keys, images, details and references herein.


Lindenbergia urticaefolia
Observed this tiny herb growing on the walls of Vasai Fort.

Nice photographs.

This should be Lindenbergia indica as per keys, images, details and references herein.


Identification request SP290915 : 13 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (5)
Found this Acanthaceae member growing on the wall.
Location: Thane

Lindenbergia ?

its LindenbergiaScrophulariaceae

A Lindenbergia sp., most probably L. indica (Scrophulariaceae)…. Seen growing on old walls…

I agree with L indica id.

Lindenbergia indica Vatke
Family: Plantaginaceae

It is Lindenbergia indica. Leaves opposite, pubescent on ventral side and if slightly succulent then confirm it is Lindenbergia

Yes sir does look like Lindenbergia indica because of very short petioles less than .5 cm

yes it is Lindenbergia india (L.) Vatke.

To me appears more closer to images at Lindenbergia muraria (Roxb. ex D. Don) Brüh rather than those at Lindenbergia indica (L.) Vatke

On further re-examination after sorting out all posts in efloraofindia, this should be Lindenbergia indica as per keys, images, details and references herein.

Leaves small, up to 1.5 cm, petioles also less than 1 cm, therefore this should be Lindenbergia indica Vatke
As per reply on 31.08.2015

Yes, …


Id pls (mixed thread) : Attachments (2).

Id pls
Location :- kalwa, Thane, maharashtra.
Date :- 23.8.15

Habit :- Herb

Isn’t it Lindenbergia indica ?

Plant is looking like Lindenbergia indica Vatke

To me appears more closer to images at Lindenbergia muraria (Roxb. ex D. Don) Brüh rather than those at Lindenbergia indica (L.) Vatke

On further re-examination after sorting out all posts in efloraofindia, this should be Lindenbergia indica as per keys, images, details and references herein.


Scrophulariaceae fortnight :: Lindenbergia muraria in Bassein fort :: DV03 : 3 images. 1 post by 1 author.
Lindenbergia muraria (Roxburgh ex D. Don) Bruhl also placed in Orobanchaceae
in Bassein fort on 03 JAN 09 

This should be Lindenbergia indica as per keys, images, details and references herein.

Many thanks … I will correct my notes at flickr shortly.


¿ Lindernia , Anisomeles ? OR … : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors.

Help me with ID.
Place: Bassein fort (Vasai)
Date: 03 JAN 09
… wild, wild guesses: ¿ Lindernia , Anisomeles ?

This is a plant of Scrophulariaceae family. Its botanical name is Lindenbergia muraria and it is observed exclusively on the walls of Bassein fort.

…. immense thanks, …

This should be Lindenbergia indica as per keys, images, details and references herein.

Many thanks … I will correct my notes at flickr shortly.


ID(ID-DKB131) :  Attachments (1). 4 posts by 3 authors.
Plant from smriti van Jaipur

for ID(ID-DKB131)

Photo Taken on-3.8.2007

… looks so much like Lindenbergia muraria !!

Similar to what I have at
Going by what … had stated, L. muraria is endemic, rather restricted to Bassein (Vasai) area, north of Mumbai.
Refer to earlier my post

Lindenbergia muraria is not endemic. It’s broadly distributed, rather you will find it in Flora of China too.
Guess by “exclusively on the walls of Bassein fort” … meant that in that particular area it grows on the walls of the fort.

…. that is lot of relief, many thanks… thanks for the clear perception.
And, I assume that you are finding … plant to be L. muraria.

This should be Lindenbergia indica as per keys, images, details and references herein.

PLANT FOR IDENTIFICATION -48 : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Location : Midnapore Town, Dist. Midnapore, West Bengal.
Date : 20/12/2007.
I saw them on the wall of old buildings.
Would you please identify this plant.

With a lot of cheers for X-Mas & comming NEW Year, I want to inform you that your lovely photograph Id-48 is Lindenbergia urticifolia Lehm. (Scrophulariaceae)——Beng. vernacular name is very sweet ie. BASANTI.

This should be Lindenbergia indica as per keys, images, details and references herein.

Scrophulariaceae (scrophularia, or figwort family) » Lindenbergia muraria (syn. Stemodia muraria, Lindenbergia urticifolia)
lin-den-BER-jee-uh — named for J. B. G. Lindenberg, German lawyer and bryologist
mur-AY-ree-uh — from the Greek murus (wall)

commonly known as: wall lindenbergia • Bengali: হলদি বসন্ত haladi basanto • Gujarati: પથ્થર ચટ્ટી patthar-chatti • Hindi: पत्थर चट्टी patthar-chatti, pindru • Marathi: ढोल dhol • Nepalese: बाघ मुखे घाँस bagh mukhe ghans
… … … … any validations for the Hindi name, pindru ?
Native to: s China, Afghanistan, India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam
Flowers of India
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Views attached from: … Bassein fort
For more views

… many thanks, … please check if you have any information on this species.
Dear friends … there is no mention of this species in NPGS / GRIN.
and status at following sites:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
at eFlora (Flora of China)…
Current name: Lindenbergia muraria (Roxburgh ex D. Don) Bruhl, J. Dept. Sci. Calcutta Univ. 2: 26. 1920.
Synonym: Stemodia muraria Roxburgh ex D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal 89. 1825.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
at eFlora (Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal)

Current name: Lindenbergia indica (L.) Vatke, ; Oesterr. B. Zeits. 25: 10 (1875).
Lindenbergia muraria (Roxb. ex D. Don) Bruhl
Lindenbergia polyantha Royle ex Benth.
Lindenbergia ruderalis (Retz.) Voigt
Lindenbergia urticifolia Lehm.
Stemodia muraria Roxb. ex D. Don
Stemodia ruderalis Retz.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
in Indian Medicinal Plants – An Illustrated Dictionary by C.P. Khare (Ed.)
Current name: Lindenbergia indica (Linn.) Kuntze.
Synonym: L. urticaefolia Lehm.

This should be Lindenbergia indica as per keys, images, details and references herein.

Many thanks … I will correct my notes at flickr shortly.

Plant for ID- 01/03/2010-SMP1: Small herb for ID
Date/Time- 26 Feb 2011
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Vasai fort .Near Mumbai. Growing on old fort walls too.
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Small herb
Height/Length- 1 -2 feet height
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-Ovate.3-4cm Opposite. Tomentose with serrate margins
Inflorescence Type/ Size- Axillary
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- 1 cm Yellow,asymmetric

Lindenbergia urticaefolia


Flora of Madhya Pradesh: Lindenbergia muraria (Roxburgh ex D. Don) Brühl from Maihar Maa Sharda Temple area:

Lindenbergia muraria (Roxburgh ex D. Don) Brühl from Maihar Maa Sharda Temple area
Small hairy herb growing wildly there
pls validate

We have to solve the puzzle in the thread to arrive at the correct identity:

For convenience i paste here the links of pages of Bengal Plants, F. B. I. & F. I. :-

This should be Lindenbergia indica as per keys, images, details and references herein.

Hooghly Today : Lindenbergia indica Kuntze : Attachments (6). 9 posts by 2 authors.
Lindenbergia urticaefolia Lehm. = Lindenbergia indica Kuntze, a wild small herb very common on old walls.
ID Help :
  1. Book link
  2. Book link
  3. efi thread
  4. Arkive

It is interesting to note that FoI has two different species, using the same synonym Lindenbergia urticaefolia !!! Also confusing (to me) old eFI records.

There is a lot of confusion in this regard. The Plant list gives three names as unresolved as per link:
Few books from India talks about Lindenbergia indica (L.) Kuntze as per the following links:
Refrences are also there from India of Lindenbergia indica Vatke with Lindenbergia urticifolia Lehm. as synonym as per the following links:
There is similar confusion in the different threads of efi as at efi site
Which name we should consider as the correct name ?
May be …, can sort out the matter with his great knowledge.

According to F. B. I. iv. 262. –
L. urticaefolia Lehm. = Stemodia ruderalis Vahl. Symb. ii. 69.; Roxb. Fl. Ind. iii. 94.; Wall. Cat. 3923. = S. muralis Roxb. in Don Prodr. 89. = Brachycoris parviflora Schrad, Ind. Sem. Gott. 1830.
Plants of Nepal has Stemodia ruderalis Retz., synonym for Lindenbergia indica (L.) Vatke,
According to The Plant List S. ruderalis Retz. is also unresolved!
Do not know if Stemodia muraria Roxb. ex D. Don, Prodr. FL. Nepal. 1825 is same as Stemodia muralis Roxb. in Don Prodr. 89. of F. B. I. iv. 262.
Our group has some posts of Lindenbergia muraria and my species might be the same.
Some points from F. I. iii. 94.-95. :-
Stemodia ruderalis Willd. iii. 345. & c.
  • flowers axillary, solitary, sub-sessile
  • found on old walls about Calcutta
  • flowers during the rain
  • calyx ten furrowed, five toothed, permanent
  • upper lip very narrow, bifid; inside of both (lower & upper lip) hairy, and beautifully marked with small purple dots

Thanks, …,
Question is all these refer to the same plant or different plants ? And which name we should follow for our India Plant ?
Our experts may help in this regard.

This is Lindenbergia urticaefolia Lehm. of “Bengal Plants”
Relevant links :
  1. The Plant List
  2. Book link
And this matches –
  1. Book link
  2. Book link
Other relevant links –

The following words are copied from the literature (Pennell) you have cited –
“……… the free lobes of both lips rounded; ……” (for L. ruderalis of Pennell; not of Voigt)
I am very sorry that i fail to find any free lobes in the upper lip of my species.
Instead, you may try with 1) efi thread 1 or 2) efi thread 2

As you identified it earlier as Lindenbergia urticaefolia Lehm., which is now considered a syn. of Lindenbergia ruderalis (Retz.) Voigt as per latest litrature: Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell (1943- Description & Keys- Lindenbergia grandiflora, macrostachya & ruderalis. Also mentions L.indica)
Pennel is cosidered an authority on Indian Scrophulariaceae.

Have a look please, for L. ruderalis, at the following sites –
  2. you will see a number of pics, that fit Dr. Pennell’s description, eg. –
Again, i am sorry, i do not think this is my species. Neither KEW does think all (synonyms used by Dr. Pennell) is same –

Still, if you think Dr. Pennell is the last word then why not take the synonym Stemodia muraria Roxburgh ex D. Don ???, which is accepted as Lindenbergia muraria (Roxburgh ex D. Don) Brühl ???

Thanks, …, Stemodia muraria Roxburgh ex D. Don is also a syn. of Lindenbergia ruderalis (Retz.) Voigt as per latest litrature: Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell (2007- Description & Keys- Lindenbergia grandiflora, macrostachya & ruderalis. Also mentions L.indica)

Also reconstructed efi page :
Lindenbergia ruderalis

  1. the book you are referring is “Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas”. i think it doesn’t cover entire India and the same can be ascertain by these very words “possibly within our territory is also……”
  2. please, see the attached screenshots of Flora Indica, Voigt, this thread and another recent post
  3. please, note Voigt gives no flower description, instead equates it with F.I.
  4. please note F. I. clearly informs that the upper lip of this flower is very narrow and found on old walls about Calcutta, also note, it is Stemodia ruderalis Willd. iii. 345 & c.
  5. I do not know if the same above is synonymous with S. muralis Roxb.or the ones in the document you have cited.

You may also like to see these remaining screenshots in this thread.


I request your views regarding accepted name of this species. Specially in context of recent two threads –

  1. efi thread 1
  2. efi thread 2

I have measurements of leaves, flowers, part of the plant in this set; I have picture of fruit as well. I am also attaching relevant entries in old literatures. This species, as per characters shown in the attached photographs, should be Lindenbergia urticifolia Lehm. of “Bengal Plants” or L. urticaefolia Lehm. of “botany of Bihar and Orissa” and “Flora of British India” or Stemodia ruderalis of “Flora Indica”.

This should be Lindenbergia indica as per keys, images, details and references herein.

Fwd: Confirmation of Lindenbergia spp : Attachments (3). 7 posts by 2 authors.
sending images of herb which i think is some Lindenbergia spp plz confirm it and identify its spp

location of Lindenbergia  Nandgaon Nasik PIC TAKEN ON 16 \11 \13 PRESENTLY IN FLOWERING STAGE

Yes it is Lindenbergia sps… most probably L. muraria. common walls of old forts and houses.

This should be Lindenbergia indica as per keys, images, details and references herein.

Herb ID from Bangladesh SM 172 (Acanthaceae?) : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2).
Habit: Herb
Habitat: On the hose wall (Bricks made)

Location: Barisal City
Flowering: October

Lindenbergia sp. Would request … to ID as per his species list.

Lindenbergia species so far in eFloraofindia

Lindenbergia sp. Scophulariaceae

This should be Lindenbergia indica as per keys, images, details and references herein.


Lindenbergia indica in FOI : 2 posts by 1 author.
Images by Thingnam ji at Lindenbergia indica in FOI should be of Lindenbergia muraria as per keys, images, details and references herein.
Pl. correct.

Corrected now.


I’d of a possible Scroph: 2 high res. images.
Request for I’d of a possible Scrophulariaceae plant from Bilaspur. Photographed in May 2022.

Please check Lindenbergia muraria (Roxb. ex D. Don) Brüh

I think more closer to images at Lindenbergia indica


SCROPHULARIACEOUS TAXA IN BANGLADESH by MOHAMMAD OLIUR RAHMAN1- Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 13(2): 139-154, 2006 (December) (Lindenbergia indica (L.) Vatke, Oesterr. (Syn: Dodartia indica L.; Lindenbergia polyantha Royle ex Benth.)
Aquatic and Semi-aquatic Plants of the Lower Ganga Delta: Its Taxonomy … (Lindenbergia indica (L.) Kuntze with Dodartia indica L. & Lindenbergia polyantha Royle ex Benth. as synonyms)
Handbook of Excursion Flora of the Gangetic Plains and Adjoining Hills (Lindenbergia indica (L.) Kuntze with Lindenbergia polyantha Royle ex Benth. as synonyms)
GBIF (some images are not correct)  
Not considered:
Western Ghats Portal (Lindenbergia indica (L.) Kuntze with Lindenbergia muraria (Roxb. ex D. Don) Bruhl, Lindenbergia urticifolia Lehm., Lindenbergia polyantha Royle ex Benth, Lindenbergia ruderalis (Retz.) Voigt, Stemodia muraria Roxb. ex D. Don, Stemodia ruderalis Retz. as synonym) 
The Plant List 1  (Lindenbergia indica Kuntze- unresolved) The Plant List 2 (Lindenbergia urticifolia Lehm.- unresolved) The Plant List 3 (Lindenbergia indica Vatke- unresolved)
Updated on December 24, 2024

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