Lindenbergia muraria (Roxb. ex D. Don) Brüh (syn: Lindenbergia pusilla Hochst. ex E. Chiovenda; Lindenbergia ruderalis Kuntze; Lindenbergia urticiifolia Lehm.; Stemodia littoralis Boiss.; Stemodia muraria Roxb. ex D. Don; Stemodia ruderalis Blanco (ambiguous synonym); Stemodia ruderalis Vahl (ambiguous synonym)) as per Catalogue of Life; . Lindenbergia muraria (Roxb. ex D. Don) P. Bruehl (Syn: Stemodia muraria Roxb. ex D. Don; Lindenbergia urticaefolia Lehm. in Link & Otto) as per SCROPHULARIACEOUS TAXA IN BANGLADESH by MOHAMMAD OLIUR RAHMAN1- Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 13(2): 139-154, 2006 (December); . Lindenbergia ruderalis (Retz.) Voigt (Syn: Lindenbergia urticifolia Lehm.; Stemodia muraria Roxburgh ex D. Don; Stemodia ruderalis Retz.) as per Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell (1943) ; . China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Sichuan, Yunnan), Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, India, Ethiopia, Oman (Dhofar), Myanmar [Burma] (Shan, Yangon), Bhutan, Darjeeling, Sikkim, Nepal, Bangladesh as per Catalogue of Life; . lin-den-BER-jee-uh — named for J. B. G. Lindenberg, German lawyer and bryologist mur-AY-ree-uh — from the Greek murus (wall) . commonly known as: wall lindenbergia • Bengali: হলদি বসন্ত haladi basanto • Gujarati: પથ્થર ચટ્ટી patthar-chatti • Hindi: पत्थर चट्टी patthar-chatti, pindru • Marathi: ढोल dhol • Nepalese: बाघ मुखे घाँस bagh mukhe ghans … … … … any validations for the Hindi name, pindru ? . Native to: s China, Afghanistan, India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam . . As per SCROPHULARIACEOUS TAXA IN BANGLADESH by MOHAMMAD OLIUR RAHMAN1- Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 13(2): 139-154, 2006 (December): A densely glandular-hairy, annual or perennial herb. Leaves ovate. Corolla 2-lipped, the upper lip pubescent inside, lower lip rounded (lower lip conspicuously plicate, lobes oblong-ovate as per Flora of China) (upper lip truncate, emarginated as per Flora of China). Capsule pubescent (Capsule ovoid-globose as per Flora of China) at the apex in Lindenbergia muraria. An erect annual herb. Leaves ovate. Corolla pubescent outside, upper lip shortly bifid with the divisions, lower lip with oblong. Capsule oblong in Lindenbergia indica. . Lindenbergia muraria from Himachal Pradesh??? validate : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 4 authors. Lindenbergia muraria (syn: urticifolia) from Mandi Himachal Pradesh photographed on October 21, 2009????. Kindly validate or provide identity. Yes This is L urticifolia … posted my views of L. murraria at Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Lindenbergia muraria from Mandi, H P-GS-17 : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author. Lindenbergia muraria (Roxb, ex D. Don) Bruhl, photographed from Mandi, Himachal Pradesh Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Lindenbergia sp?? at Korigad -PKA27: : Attachments (8). 4 posts by 3 authors. Seen this small herb on the fort wall and temple wall at Korigad fort (Lonavala region). Looks like some Lindenbergia spp?? Likely to be Lindenbergia muraria as per the description of growing on old walls. Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Lindenbergia sp-2?? at Yeoor Thane -PKA28: : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 3 authors. Seen this small herb at Yeoor (Thane). Lindengergia sp…?? Date/Time: 14-10-2012 / 12:10PM The hairiness of the whole plant is nicely captured Looks like Lindenbergia muraria [EfloraIndia_221212PD01_Lindenbergia muraria_Flora of Odisha: please find the images of Lindenbergia muraria from Deogarh, Odisha Name of the species: Lindenbergia muraria Family: Scrophulariaceae Place of collection: Pradhanpat water fall, Deogarh, Odisha Habit: Herb Habitat: Wild, Under the canopy of Moist deciduous to Sem-ievergreen forests Altitude: 300 m above msl. Scientific and detailed imaging .. this is a nice example to other members . AKNOV02 Lindenbergia sp. for ID : 7 posts by 5 authors. Location: Dehradun, by a stream side Nov 2014 This seems to be Lindenbergia sp. Lindenbergia species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) This is same species as of Nidhan Sir or …, accepted as Lindenbergia indica in our (eFI) database. Check Flora of Maharashtra by M. R. Almeida… there are only 2 species reported. one is L. muraria the other i am not recollecting. i fell it is the other one. Sorry….Somehow I didn’t see the title of the mail….. I am attaching pics of 2 species of Lindenbergia that I have seen…. efi page on Lindenbergia indica & Lindenbergia ruderalis (syn: Lindenbergia urticaefolia Lehm., Stemodia muraria Roxburgh ex D. Don; Stemodia ruderalis Ritz. ; Lindenbergia muraria (Roxburgh ex D. Don) Bruhl) …, I have received acknowledgement mail from … much earlier, but we need to sort out current accepted names of two FBI species = 1) L.. polyantha Royle 2) L. urticaefolia Lehm. I remember we had a long discussion regarding this in my post. I reiterate this is same as Nidhan Sir’s post. But I have doubt if the accepted name would be Lindenbergia indica (L.) Kuntze (or Vatke). I think the accepted name would be L. muraria (Roxb. ex D. Don) P. Bruehl. At the same time I think what … shared as “Lindenbergia indica-1.jpg” in this thread is same species as in my another upload – efi thread. Please note the narrow upper lip of the flowers. I don’t think it is (either of … or of mine) Lindenbergia indica. Because, L. indica (L.) Vatke is synonymous with L. polyantha Royle ex Benth. as per a document from Bangladesh – We do not have L. polyantha Royle in this area of West Bengal. Please note L. polyantha Royle has sessile or sub-sessile leaves. as per Prain and Haines. Attached here relevant entries and KEY in Prain, Haines, Voigt, Flora Indica and Scrophularineae Indicae. Attachments (6) Thank you very much … for the ID and the informative links. Thanks, …, In view of the errors ponited out by you, I have updated eFI (efloraofindia) page on Lindenbergia (Pl. click). I shall be updating the subpages only after receiving the acceptability of the species (in Bold) & their synonyms on this page. So pl. confirm for changes, if any. I miss Lindenbergia muraria (Roxburgh ex D. Don) Bruhl in subpages. I think we should keep it and place the threads of Nidhan Sir or Arun Ji or others (where flowers have distinct rounded-emarginate upper lips) under it (i.e. L. muraria). Because I think those agree with FoC or Pennell. I do not know what would be accepted name of my (or some other also) species, where the flowers have narrow upper lip. It may be regional variation/ssp of L. muraria. Or it may simply be L. ruderalis, a distinct species from L. muraria or L. indica. But, it can never be L. indica (L.) Vatke if Bangladesh document is correct. Maybe this “narrow upper lip” and “rounded-emarginate upper lip” variation fall under ‘type’ and ‘β. major’ in “Scrophularineae Indicae”. In that case we can safely place both under L. muraria. Thanks, … A very valuable help. I shall be remaking up the subpages (will also be adding L. muraria) after the Genera pages is acceptable to you & others. lindenbergia muraria, on the road to kasauli : Attachments (4). 1 post by 1 author. Lindenbergia muraria, on the road to Kasauli sunday morning (9.12.13) Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Lindenbergia indica from various places-NS 47 : Attachments (10). 3 posts by 2 authors. These pics were recorded from Manali, Gori valley and Morni Hills.. please validate if all of them belong to Lindenbergia indica ?? For validation pl. It is Lindenbergia indica This should be Lindenbergia muraria as per details, keys and references herein. Kailas Manasarovar Route::Wild flower for ID NSJ-SEP 16/17 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) Wild flower for ID. Located near Didihat, Uttarakhand. Height Approx 4000 feet. This is Lindenbergia sp. Lindenbergia species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) I think this is Lindenbergia indica, a plant commonly growing on stone walls in Dharamshala. This should be Lindenbergia muraria as per details, keys and references herein. Kalatope id al200911a : Attachments (2). 7 posts by 4 authors. Is this belonging to Mazus sp. Location Kalatope, Chamba I hope Lindenbergia indica Lindenbergia indica a very common weed in Bengal. grows all along the walls of houses. It may not be Lindenbergia indica as it is not mentioned in Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell (1943- Description & Keys- Lindenbergia grandiflora, macrostachya & ruderalis. Also mentions L.indica) Pl. give your views. It is also Lendenbergia indica. Then why Pennel saying: “Possibly with our territory is also Lendenbergia indica ……………………………………….” in in Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell (1943- Description & Keys- Lindenbergia grandiflora, macrostachya & ruderalis. Also mentions L.indica) Flora of Chakrata: Lindenbergia indica from Dakpathar : Attachments (4). 6 posts by 3 authors. Lindenbergia indica from Dakpathar Pls Validate Yes, Lindenbergia indica. It may not be Lindenbergia indica as it is not mentioned in Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell (1943- Description & Keys- Lindenbergia grandiflora, macrostachya & ruderalis. Also mentions L.indica) It is Lindenbergia indica surely. Then why Pennel saying: “Possibly with our territory is also Lendenbergia indica ……………………………………….” in in Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell (1943- Description & Keys- Lindenbergia grandiflora, macrostachya & ruderalis. Also mentions L.indica) LINDENBERGIA INDICA (L.) Kuntze from Barapani, Shillong: Attached images are Lindenbergia indica (L.) Kuntze. collected from Barapani, Shillong. Date :19/10/2012 Location: Barapani, Shillong Family : Scrophulariaceae Genus & species : Lindenbergia indica (L.) Kuntze. Habitat: Grows on stone wall (Mural plant) Habit : Herb Flower : Yellow in colour Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Lindenbergia indica, from Nainital-GS-19 : Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors. Lindenbergia indica (L.) Vatke, ; Oesterr. B. Zeits. 25: 10 (1875). syn: Lindenbergia urticifolia Lehm. Photographed from Nainital The following sources mentions Lindenbergia indica (L.) Vatke or Lindenbergia indica (L.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 462 1891. (Syn: Dodartia indica L.; Lindenbergia polyantha Royle ex Benth.); Aquatic and Semi-aquatic Plants of the Lower Ganga Delta: Its Taxonomy … (Lindenbergia indica (L.) Kuntze with Dodartia indica L. & Lindenbergia polyantha Royle ex Benth. as synonyms) Handbook of Excursion Flora of the Gangetic Plains and Adjoining Hills (Lindenbergia indica (L.) Kuntze with Lindenbergia polyantha Royle ex Benth. as synonyms) Lindenbergia urticifolia Lehm. is mentioned as syn. of Lindenbergia ruderalis (Retz.) Voigt, H. Suburb. Calc. 501 (1845). (syn: Lindenbergia urticaefolia Lehm., Stemodia muraria Roxburgh ex D. Don; Stemodia ruderalis Ritz.) as per Scrophulariaceae of the Western Himalayas By Francis . Pennell (2007) & syn. Lindenbergia muraria (Roxburgh ex D. Don) Bruhl as per Flora of China; Pl. clarify if you think otherwise. This should be Lindenbergia muraria as per details, keys and references herein. Lindenbergia for ID :: Govindghat – Ghangaria, Uttarakhand :: Aug 2018 :: ARKOCT-42 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Saw this along the Govindghat – Ghangaria trail, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018. Is this some Lindenbergia? Requested to kindly provide ID. To me also appear close to images at Lindenbergia indica (L.) Vatke as per comparative images at Lindenbergia Thanks … Any visual indications to distinguish L. muraria and L. indica? This should be Lindenbergia indica Thank you … for detailing the differences and also validating the ID. Lindenbergia indica (L.) Vatke : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)- around 700 kb each. Location: Gyaneswor, Kathmandu, Nepal Elevation : 4500 ft. Date 11 November 2018 Habit : Wild Most common weed but tempted to post! This should be Lindenbergia muraria as per details, keys and references herein. HP, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID :: ARKJAN-13/13 : 8 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4) Requesting to please provide ID of this small shrub with tiny flowers found at various places in, HP in October 2014. Any Lindenbergia? Lindenbergia species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) Linderbergia indica The plant resembles to Lindenbergia indica Lindenbergia muraria syn. Stemodia muraria efi pages on Lindenbergia indica & Lindenbergia muraria I think this is Lindenbergia urticaefolia Lehm., FBI.iv.262. Thank you … for the ID. Is there any easy way to distinguish between L. indica and L. muraria? This should be Lindenbergia muraria as per details, keys and references herein. Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Lindenbergia sp-3?? at Yeoor Thane -PKA29: : Attachments (5). This is another set of photographs of Lindenbergia sp . from Yeoor (Thane). Date/Time: 14-10-2012 / 12:30PM Lindenbergia species in efi with keys This should be Lindenbergia muraria as per details, keys and references herein.
MS July, 2020/02 Lindenbergia sp. for ID : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 2 mb. Location : Cherhlun, Mizoram Date : 12-01-2016 Habit : Herb Habitat : Wild Lindenbergia muraria (Roxb. ex D. Don) Brüh ?? Wild Plant for ID : Way to Nasik : 06OCT21 : AK – 011: 4 images. Wild plants seen in the Ghats on the way to Nasik yesterday (6.10.21). Looks like Lindenbergia Species. L.indica ? Pl. post a high res. image as I have to see the close up of the flower. Adding. Yes, Lindenbergia muraria (Roxb. ex D. Don) Brüh . Lindenbergia indica/ABDEC15 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Nettle Leaved Lindenbergia–Lindenbergia indica Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP 6 December 2014 I found several plants of Lindenbergia indica today (15.8.15) and took some photographs to add to the previous ones. I have a sneaking suspicion that at least one (large leaved) could be L. muraria. Please advise. Found this plant with dry seed pods and thought of sharing here. 4 images. Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP 1800m 27 March 2016 very diligent follow up. appreciate it. nicely photographed. details are wonderful including a thread of the spiderweb, may be Wonderful to see the seedpods. This should be Lindenbergia muraria as per details, keys and references herein. . Regarding identification of the species collected from Dhenkanal Odisha on Oct 2023: 3 high res. images. Please check Lindenbergia muraria (Roxb. ex D.Don) Brühl ! Is that the accepted name now ? On opening, you will find a page on Lindenbergia muraria (Roxb. ex D.Don) Brühl only. I am not changing the original urls, otherwise many links at genus and family pages etc. in comparative images also need to be changed (as otherwise they will not work). . Regarding identification of the species collected from Dhenkanal Odisha on Oct 2023: 3 high res. images. Please check Lindenbergia muraria (Roxb. ex D.Don) Brühl ! Yes, it is Is that the accepted name now ? On opening, you will find a page on Lindenbergia muraria (Roxb. ex D.Don) Brühl only. I am not changing the original urls, otherwise many links at genus and family pages etc. in comparative images also need to be changed (as otherwise they will not work). . Regarding Id of the sp.found in Gajapati Odisha on Jan 25: 5 images. Lindenbergia indica (L.) Vatke I don’t think so.
. References: Catalogue of Life Flora of Peninsular India GBIF iNaturalist Flowers of India Dinesh Valke’s flickr Post International Parasitic Plant Society Earth SCROPHULARIACEOUS TAXA IN BANGLADESH (2012) Lindenbergia muraria (Roxb. ex D. Don) P. Bruehl (Syn: Stemodia muraria Roxb. ex D. Don; Lindenbergia urticaefolia Lehm. in Link & Otto) Flora of China (Lindenbergia muraria (Roxburgh ex D. Don) Bruhl syn. Stemodia muraria Roxburgh ex D. Don) Flowers of India (Lindenbergia muraria with Stemodia muraria & Lindenbergia urticifolia as synonyms) The Plant List 1 (Lindenbergia muraria (Roxburgh ex D. Don) Brühl syn. Stemodia muraria Roxburgh ex D. Don) Not considered: The Plant List 2 (Lindenbergia ruderalis Voigt– Unresolved) The Plant List 3 (Lindenbergia urticifolia Lehm.- unresolved) Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal (Lindenbergia ruderalis (Retz.) Voigt as a syn. of Lindenbergia indica ) India Biodiversity Portal (as a syn. of Lindenbergia indica (L.) O. Ktze.) |
Lindenbergia muraria
Updated on February 9, 2025