Moringa concanensis Nimmo, J. Grah. Cat. Bomb. Pl. 43 . (syn: Moringa concanensis Nimmo ex Dalzell & Gibson (ambiguous synonym)); . Common name: Konkan Moringa • Hindi: जंगली सरगुआ Jangli sargua, सेंजन Senjana • Kannada: Nugge, Kaadu nugge • Malayalam: മുരിന്ഗാ Muringa • Marathi: मशींग Mashinga, रान शेवगा Ranshevaga • Sanskrit: Aksiva, Bahulada, बहुपल्लव Bahupallava, बहुपत्रक Bahupatraka, Garbhapataka • Tamil: கட்டு முறுங்கை Kattu murungai . India: Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu as per BSI Flora of India; . SE-Pakistan (Baluchistan, Sind), India (Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu), W-Bangladesh as per Catalogue of Life; . Keys: Leaves mostly 2-pinnate- Moringa concanensis Leaves 2-3 (-4) pinnate- Moringa oleifera Thick leaflets with distinct veins- Moringa concanensis Thin with obscure with obscure veins- Moringa oleifera M.concanensis flowering and fruiting -November to April M.oleifera – February to June. . Moringa concanensis flowering – indiantreepix | Google Groups: 7 posts by 5 authors. 5 images. This is the most extensive flowering of this tree since it was planted three years ago. It doesn’t fruit as copiously as Moringa oleifera, but sets four or five long seed pods each time. This time there may be more, as the bees are hard at work. Thick, corky bark: Flower spray: Flower closeup: M. oleifera flower for comparison (it’s right next to the M. concanensis): I don’t know whether I’ve asked this question before, but does anyone in the group know of the edibility of Moringa concanensis compared to Moringa oleifera? Is it edible (flowers, leaves, young pods)? Nice info. … I am not aware of the species. I have it in my back garden in Hollywood, Florida, USA. I received seeds in 2005 collected by a plant researcher. I have planted them around, and also given them to local botanical gardens. One I planted has solid white flowers, and less distinct foliage, which makes me wonder whether it is a concanensis/ oleifera cross. The root system of M. concanensis is much more aggressive on the surface than M. oleifera. It has a very robust set of surface/ slightly subsurface roots. I don’t know whether I’ve asked this question before, but does anyone in the group know of the edibility of Moringa concanensis compared to .. do not know about edibility comparison rightaway … but thanks very much …, for the ID comparison. Will be back if I get to know. Thanks all very much for any information. I will add that the collector of seed asked the locals about whether it was edible, and was told “if you eat it for seven days you will go insane”. He interpreted that to mean a high cyanide content, but that’s the only evidence. Tree for ID: SPC-010: It is Moringa oleifera synonym: Moringa pterygosperma (Moringaceae) Thank you so much for the lead. I have one doubt, I have seen the drumstick tree in the vicinity and this tree is different in some aspects. The size of the individual leaflet (around 3.5 cms) is noticeably larger than the drumstick and almost all the leaflets are notched at the apex. It is a large tree and the girth of the trunk is With the help of these characters i think it is M. concanensis. if the leaflets are blunt at both the end. Thank you … for your help in identification. I really appreciate it.
this tree is Moringa concanensis Moringa concanensis is not a common species at all. Good find. Is this species found in dry tracts of Odisha? . Flower for Id -ID30062023SH1: 1 high res. image. Flower for Id pl. Location – Hatnur (near Jalgaon),Maharashtra Date – January 2020 Moringa oleifera Lam. ! Moringa concanensis Nimmo ex Dalzell & A.Gibson [Moringaceae]. Moringa concanensis Nimmo, I’m with … sir. . Moringa oleifera Lam.: 13 very high res. images. Location: Jalthal, Jhapa, East Nepal Date: 03 January 2023 Elevation: 110 m. Habitat: Cultivated Nepali Names : सिग्रु Sigru / शीतल चिनी Sheetal Chinee / सैजन Saijan / शोभांजन Shobhanjan / सहिजन Sahijan Yes as per images at ID is OK ? As far as I can tell, some of the aspects in your images are in line with Moringa concanensis. To my knowledge, pink-tinged flowers are not described in M. oleifera. For me it’s M. concanensis Nimmo., I have seen M. concanensis tree in Rajkot, Gujarat. Where main base is M. concanensis (corky bark, pink tinged flowers), it’s second branch develops sweet fruits (M.oleifera). Are fruits also vegetables? M. concanensis fruit is bitter in taste so we can’t eat more, it is used as a medicinal purposes. (Link: 224898487_Traditional_Medicinal _Knowledge_on_ Moringa_concanensis_Nimmo_of_ Perambalur_District_Tamilnadu). ..
TSP-JAN2016-11-11 : Images of Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae) : 1 post by 1 author. It is my pleasure to share few images of Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae) Ref: Habit: Tree Habitat: Cultivated Sighting: Tumkur, Karnataka, about 800 msl Date: 09-2014 and 05-11-2015 Is this also Yes. It is not common in cultivation though. .
Habit: Tree Location: Samadpuriya Bundi, Raj. Date: 12052024 I think may be Also check and verify with the keys herein.
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Moringa concanensis
Updated on December 24, 2024