Papaver nudicaule L., Sp. Pl. 1: 507 1753. (syn: Papaver alpinum var. xanthopetalum Trautv.; Papaver ammophilum (Turcz.) G.A. Peschkova ; Papaver angrenicum V.K. Pazij ; Papaver anomalum var. chinense (Regel) Tolmachev ; Papaver anomalum var. hispidissimum (Ledeb.) Tolmachev ; Papaver borealisinense Kitagawa ; Papaver changaicum R.V. Kamelin ; Papaver chinense (Regel) Kitagawa ; Papaver croceum Ledeb. ; Papaver croceum subsp. altaicum Serg.; Papaver croceum subsp. chinense (Regel) Randel ; Papaver croceum subsp. corydalifolium (Fedde) Tolm. ; Papaver croceum subsp. stanovense Y.N. Petrochenko ; Papaver croceum subsp. subcorydalifolium (Fedde) Tolm. ; Papaver decipiens Rouy & Fouc. ; Papaver ledebourianum Lundstr. ; Papaver ledebourianum var. ammophilum (Turcz.) G.A. Peschkova ; Papaver miniatum Reichb.; Papaver nudicaule var. ammophilum Turcz. ; Papaver nudicaule subsp. baicalense Tolm. ; Papaver nudicaule var. calcareum G.A. Peschkova ; Papaver nudicaule var. chinense (Regel) Fedde ; Papaver nudicaule var. corydalifolium Fedde ; Papaver nudicaule var. croceum (Ledeb.) Kitag.; Papaver nudicaule subsp. insulare V.V. Petrovskii ; Papaver nudicaule var. isopyroides Fedde ; Papaver nudicaule f. ledebourianum (Lundstrom) M. Kitagawa ; Papaver nudicaule var. pleiopetalum J.C.Shao ; Papaver nudicaule subsp. relictum Lundstr. ; Papaver nudicaule subsp. rubroaurantiacum (Fisch. ex DC.) Fedde ; Papaver nudicaule var. rubroaurantiacum Fisch. ex DC. ; Papaver nudicaule var. saxatile Kitagawa ; Papaver nudicaule f. seticarpum (P. Y. Fu) H. Chuang ; Papaver nudicaule var. seticarpum P.Y. Fu ; Papaver nudicaule var. subcorydalifolium Fedde ; Papaver nudicaule subsp. xanthopetalum (Trautv.) Fedde ; Papaver parkmannii hort.; Papaver pseudocorydalifolium Fedde ; Papaver relictum (Lundstr.) Nordh. ; Papaver rubroaurantiacum (Fisch. ex DC.) Lundstr. ; Papaver rubroaurantiacum Fisch. ex Steud. ; Papaver rubroaurantiacum subsp. chalchorum R.V. Kamelin ; Papaver rubroaurantiacum subsp. changaicum (Kamelin) R.V. Kamelin
& I.A. Gubanov ; Papaver rubroaurantiacum subsp. longiscapum Rändel ; Papaver rubroaurantiacum subsp. saichanense (Grubov) R. V Kamelin
& I.A. Gubanov ; Papaver rubroaurantiacum subsp. smirnovii (Peschkova) R. V Kamelin
& I.A. Gubanov; Papaver saichanense Grubov ; Papaver smirnovii G.A.Peshkova ; Papaver suaveolens Lapeyr. ; Papaver tatricum (A. Nyarady) Ehrendorfer ; Papaver tenellum A. Tolmatch. ; Papaver turczaninovii G.A. Peschkova );
Siberia (W-Siberia, C-Siberia), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan,
Mongolia, China (Hebei, Heilongjiang, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Shanxi,
Xinjiang), Russian Far East, Taiwan (I), Java (I), Argentina (I) (Tierra del
Fuego (I)), Chumbi (I), Pakistan (Waziristan, Kurram, Chitral), Pakistani
Kashmir (Deosai, Baltistan, Gilgit), Jammu & Kashmir (Ladakh, Kashmir),
India (Himachal Pradesh),
Canada (I) (British Columbia (I)), Slovakia (I)
as per Catalogue of Life;



ID confirmation for Leh Flowers 35a & 35b : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2)

Need confirmation for the ID of this plant. According to me it is Ranunculus hirtellus. Please confirm

Dicranostigma lactucoides Hook.f. & Thomson ?

Dicranostigma lactucoides has 2-4 stigmas present on distinct styles, the pedicel (scape) is not more than 8 cm

Although there already are 2 images of this species posted on eFI, which were correctly identified by Dr Singh, the plant caused quite a lot of confusion, see:
Initially thought to be a Ranunculus thought clearly did not belong to the Ranunculaceae family.
Then possibly a Dicranostigma, which was the correct family Papaveraceae but wrong genus.
As there is only 1 species of this genus recorded from the Himalaya/ borderlands of Tibet and this has only been recorded from Uttarakhand eastwards, highly unlikely to be found in Ladakh.
So worthwhile to add further images and information to provide a clearer picture.
Flowers of Himalaya records Papaver nudicaule from Afghanistan to Kashmir plus Central Asia.
Rocky hillsides @ 3600-4800m. The posting from ‘Leh’ probably meant near to Leh at a higher altitude?
Flowers are yellow or orange even reddish-orange (see attached images).
Stewart knew it as the ‘Wild Yellow’ or ‘Iceland’ Poppy, common in the alpine zone in wet soil in N.Pakistan Kashmir & Ladakh @ 3300-5100m. He said that he had omitted the vars. proposed by Fedde as he did not think they could be maintained.
Strangely enough, Papaver nudicaule is NOT native to Iceland, so why is it called the ‘Iceland’ Poppy?



Papaver nudicaule from Delhi-GSDEC2016/12 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Papaver nudicaule L.
Wild in Many parts of Asia, Russia and elsewhere from mostly 1000-3500 m alt., and widely cultivated in warmer (mostly November December) as well as temperate regions, with many cultivars. Easily differentiated from other species by its all basal leaves and leafless long scape carrying flowers. 
Uploading from Delhi, February 26, 2014 from PUSA campus, at least three colour forms white, yellow and orange are seen here  


Papaver nudicaule from Nappa Valley, California-GSDEC2016/13 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Papaver nudicaule L.
Another cultivated population photographed November 25, 2016


Papaver nudicaule from Fremont, California-GSDEC2016/14 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Papaver nudicaule from Fremont, California photographed October 19, 2016

Papaver nudicaule : IT GETS MORE COMPLICATED… : 1 post by 1 author.

… is correct that this is not Papaver nudicaule.
Please note that Jafri & Qaiser (see below) state that Papaver rubro-auriantiacum (Fisch. ex DC.) Steud is commonly known as “Iceland Poppy” and under CULTIVATION in gardens has flowers 3-8cm in diam., yellowish to orange in Colour. It typically has reddish-orange flowers (fading when dried) and may sometimes be confused with Papaver nudicaule but dense silky white hairs on its buds are apparently distinctive.
Whilst I do know a fair bit about cultivated plants and can sometimes make a meaningful contribution, I have MORE THAN enough to contend with attempting to cover WILD/ NATIVE species, primarily plus cultivated plants in general terms, especially when they ESCAPE from cultivation and NATURALISE in the NW Himalaya, whilst taking an interest in the Himalaya as a whole.  
Once a plant is in cultivation and then bred and selected, working out precisely what the ancestry of various cultivars is often challenging, sometimes IMPOSSIBLE based just on morphology – thus cytological, metabolic analyses are required.   I do not have the facilities to pursue such things. 
Thus, there are limits to what can be said based on often SINGLE photos, not showing much detail.
Please note there are a number of other species of Papaver wild in Kashmir and cultivated.
I happen to have a copy of ‘Papaveraceae’ for FLORA OF PAKISTAN by Jafri & Qaiser, printed in 1974 (Fasicle No. 61), so clearly out-of-date, however it contains much more information than Stewart’s Catalogue.
For Papaver nudicaule L. they say the Type specimen was collected by Linnaeus himself in Siberia!
They give a distribution of N&C Asia, West Pakistan (as it was) and Afghanistan; introduced elsewhere.
They say it is a variable species, especially in size and colour. It appears that the smaller plants have smaller leaves and smaller flowers i.e. the variation overall is quantitative with separation of taxa on such characters being of DOUBTFUL value.
Flower colour varies from pale yellowish to yellow, orange or saffron colour and this character is also of uncertain taxonomic importance.
The authors also pointed out that Section Scapiflora within Flora of USSR (reprinted edition, 1963) included some 22 species of Papaver, needed a critical check with, perhaps, some species of this section just being variants of Papaver nudicaule as Popov himself admitted.
They went on, saying that the leaf character, pinnatisect with 3 lobes, each lobe often distinctly pinnatifid or pinnat-partite with at least 3 distinct secondary segments, is a fairly constant character throughout the range of the species. The stigmatic disc shape also seems a very constant character but the fruit shape is somewhat variable and the setae seem invariably dense on capsules in Pakistan examples.
Popov considered Papaver nudicaule predominantly a central and north Asian species with P.croceum primarily Himalo-Altaian and Sino-Japanese. The differences of flower colour (yellow and orange respectively) and leaf segmentation (narrow and somewhat broader respectively) between the 2 species, seem to disintegrate after examining a large number of specimens from Pakistan.
Thus the authors gave P.croceum as a synonym of P.nudicaule.
However, the whole complex needed, in their opinion a THOROUGH STUDY WITH ADEQUATE MATERIAL FROM ITS ENTIRE RANGE.
Has this happened in the intervening 40 years?