Papaver orientale L., Sp. Pl. 508 1753. (syn: Calomecon orientale Spach; Papaver grandiflorum Moench; Papaver pollakii A.Kerner; Papaver spectabile Salisb.);

Northern Caucasus, Armenia, Georgia [Caucasus], Azerbaijan, NE-Turkey
(E-Anatolia, NE-Anatolia), Iran (N-Iran, Iranian Aserbaijan), Afghanistan
(Kabul), Tajikistan, France (I), Croatia (I), Bulgaria (I), Slovakia (I), Japan
(I), Taiwan (I), Belarus (I), Java (I), Nepal (I), USA (I) (Colorado (I), Iowa
(I), Louisiana (I), Maryland (I), Michigan (I), New Jersey (I), New York (I),
Pennsylvania (I), Utah (I), Virginia (I), Washington State (I), Wisconsin (I)),
Canada (I) (Ontario (I)), Uzbekistan (I)
as per Catalogue of Life;  

Papaver orientale (Oriental poppy[2]) is a perennial flowering plant[3] native to the Caucasus, northeastern Turkey, and northern Iran.[4]

Oriental poppies throw up a mound of finely cut, hairy foliage in spring. After flowering the foliage dies away entirely, a property that allows their survival in the summer drought of Central Asia. Late-developing plants can be placed nearby to fill the developing gap. Fresh leaves appear with autumn rains.

Papaver orientale has a hardiness zone of 3-8 average. It usually thrives in light calcareous soil and in full sun or part shade. Seeds are sown after the potential of frost has passed, the average temperature is approximately 21 °C and when soil has thoroughly warmed. The seeds are sown at a depth of about one centimeter, or less as light may stimulate germination. Oriental Poppies do not handle transplanting or over-watering well. Germination period is 10–20 days. Mulch can be used to protect the plant over the winter and cutting off the stem will produce a second flower.

Aside from its natural brilliant orange-scarlet, since the later 19th century selective breeding for gardens has created a range of colors from clean white with eggplant-black blotches (Barr’s White is the standard against which other whites are measured), through clear true pinks and salmon pinks to deep maroons and plum. In addition petals may be creased or fringed, such as Türkenlouis.
(from Wikipedia on 16.6.16)

Papaver species flowers are complete, bisexual, i.e., with functional male (androecium) and female (gynoecium), including stamens, carpels and ovary. Pollination is entomophilous i.e., by insects. Flowering/Fruiting: June-August.
Erect perennial herbs, about 40-100 cm tall. Stem simple or branched, tufted, softly and densely bristly or appressed setose throughout. Root stock, fleshy, whitish brown, fusiform, with many fibrous roots. Leaves pinnatisect, bipinnatipartite about 15-25 x 3-6 cm across, basal leaves lanceolate, ovate-oblong in outline, margin ciliate sparsely serrate-dentate or incised, tip of segments bristle, apex acute with bristle tip, petiole slender, wider near the base, setose, about 3-10 cm long, upper cauline similar to the lower leaves but becoming smaller and sub sessile, sessile towards the shoot. Flowers bisexual, terminal, solitary, shallow cup shaped, about 8-16 cm across, brick red, scarlet orange, pedicel setose, slender, about 10-40 cm long, flower buds elliptic-ovoid, bristly or setose about 2-3 cm across, Sepals 2 rarely 3, free, deciduous, ovate-orbicular, early caducous, whitish inside, bristly, petals 4 sometimes 6, broadly obovate, overlapping, shortly clawed, brick red, scarlet orange, about 3-7 x 3.5-8 cm across. Stamens numerous, about 10 mm long, filaments filiform, slender, anthers oblong, purple, about 1 mm long. Ovary ovoid, unilocular, superior, glabrous, about 10 mm long, ovules numerous, stigmatic rays disc yellow, opposite to placentas, about 6-8. Fruits capsules, oblong-globular, wider towards the apex and gradually narrowing towards the base, about 2-3.5 cm across, dehiscing by subapical pores or persistent disc, stigmatic rays flat about 10-16. Seeds many, bean shaped, reniform, brown, foveolate.
Native to North America, cultivated.
Asia: China, India, Iran, Taiwan, Turkey; North America: Canada, United States of America.

(Attributions- Ganeshaiah, K. N., UAS, Bangalore, India.; Kailash, B. R., ATREE, Bangalore, India.; Royal Norwegian Embassy grants. Indian Bioresource Information Network (IBIN), Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi, India from India Biodiversity Portal)




Papaver Species For ID : Srinagar : 08JUN16 : AK-7 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)

Poppy Flower seen in Mughal Garden Nishat on the 28th of April.

For Species id please.

Papaver orientale

Thanks for the Species id.
I remember you explaining the number of rays in diff Species.
Here they are eight.