Paramignya monophylla Wight, Ill. Ind. Bot. 1: 109 1838. (Syn: Atalantia correae Guillaumin; Atalantia scandens (Griff.) Engl.; Micromelum monophyllum Wight);
Indian Subcontinent to Indo-China: Assam, Bangladesh, East Himalaya, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Vietnam as per POWO;
India (West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala), Sikkim, Nepal, Myanmar [Burma] (Taninthayi), Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Andaman Isl., Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life;

Tree id pl. – efloraofindia | Google Groups: 2 images.
Tree id pl.
habitat -wild. It was still growing. height 10 feet.
having long thorns. leaves -no smell.

is it Capparis mooni? or Capparis sp. ?

Agree with … This is Capparis moonii. Sending some of my photographs.

The plant posted by Usha is not Capparis moonii. C. moonii doesnt have as big spines plus the spines are always paired in Capparis. The
spines are solitary in this species. Its most likely to be Paramignya monophylla.

ill you please tell us where has the picture been taken ..Maharashtra? other state? Urban/ forest etc.? or Pune itself. I have yet to come across it. Very interesting.

I agree with …, its not a young tree. Its a scandent shrub of Paramignya monophylla. Twisted short petioles and long slender spines indicate the ID. Detailed info in the format would have helped in ID.

ID request -07022011-PKA1:
I had seen these fruits on the drooping branches. Branches were seen to be armed with thorns at the leaf axil.

Date/time: 20-01-2011 / 05:50PM
Location: Yana (North Karnataka)
Habitat: Wild
Leaves Opposite..


Rutaceae week: Paramignya monophylla ?? at Yana, Karnataka:
I had seen these fruits on the drooping branches. Branches were seen to be armed with thorns at the leaf axil.
Date/time: 20-01-2011 / 05:50PM
Location: Yana (North Karnataka)
Habitat: Wild
Earlier …  and … has indicated that this could be Paramignya monophylla.
Family: Rutaceae.

Its Probably Paramignya monophylla Wt. of Rutaceae family… though fruits look young so that may confuse for confirm identification

Paramignya monophylla
‘Kari vageti’, ‘Kurvi wageti’, ‘Narayan makadi’
Thanks for sharing. I have not seen this yet.
Again a plant of evergreen forests on hills.
A woody climber.
Leaves unifoliolate, alternate. Older branches armed with recurved axillary spines.
Flowers fragrant hermaphrodite.

Flora Picture of the year 2012:
Here I’m sending My Flora picture of the year 2012
This white beauty stole my Heart
and fregrance of those flowers was mesmerising 🙂
Found in Evergreen forest !!Botanical Name :
Paramignya monophylla Wight.
vernacular Name : Kari vageti, Narayan Makadi
Family : Rutaceae
Location : Kolhapur, Maharashtra Date – 29th Nov 2012
Medicinal Use : The roots are said to be used to cure urinary and abdominal disorders in catles.
(Ref: Flora of Maharashtra)

Real forest beauty & wonderful pictures.

I can notice your joy and to some extent imagine the fragrance of the white flowers (Which many of them have) shared by you. Nice story associated with the Rutaceae member I have added this to Flora Picture 2012

Amboli Ghat :: Genus ID please :: DVJAN93 :3 posts by 2 authors. 3 images.
Amboli Ghat Maharashtra

Date: 23 DEC 2014 … Altitude: from 400 m to 700 m asl
Not sure of the habit; it could be a straggling shrub OR could be small tree as seen in the last photo. There could be mix of plants. I am eager to know ID just to genus level, if the photo of fruit helps.
The leaf reminds of Calophyllum, the fruit however looks different.
The fruit could be about 1 inch across; not sure.
Genus ID please 

Paramignya monophylla



Rutaceae; Id from Bangladesh SM021 : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments(1 + 10).
Habit: spiny climber ; habitat: hill;
flower details: whitish colour; stamen-10. petal-5; flowering: May, sweet high scented 

What hill, …, Chittagong?
If yes, check Paramignya citrifolia Hook. f.

Hill forest

I wanted to know if it is in Chittagong, and species distribution –
  1. P. citrifolia Hook. f. – Chittagong
  2. P. griffithii Hook. f. – Silhet
  3. P. monophylla Wight – Sikkim Himalaya and other places in India

Since, filaments are free, and spine short I selected no.1 above.

P. scandens (Griff); Synonyms : Limonia citrifolia Roxb. (1832), Citrus scandens Griff. (1854), P. citrifolia Oliver (1861), P. griffithi Hook (1875)
In Bangladesh P. scandens found in the forest of Sylhet and Chittagong Hill Tracts (Hook,1875)

I understand Sourav, we all have our priorities to be taken care of.
About Paramignya I copied what I found in FBI (attached here). As for current accepted name you may visit –


Have some pictures in details of this climber plants

Attached here the full description of P. citirfolia Hook. f.. in FBI.
Bangal Plants refers only one Paramignya citrifolia
The photographs show 1) some leaves with acute and others abruptly obtusely acuminate apices, 2) filaments longer than anthers 3) filaments free, and one or two flowers with columnar disc?
So. I think we can see features of both citrifolia and griffithii. Perhaps this is the reason behind your latest lit. clubbing them together! In addition, you may like to go through Flora Indica.

After going through the keys and details in BSI Flora of India and these low res. images, I think it is Paramignya monophylla Wight only.

Yes, Sir, I agree with you, it’s a very probable id.