I light of earlier episode having been extended to full month, our next episode covering Piperaceae, Lauraceae and Thymelaeaceae will now be conducted between September 11-24, 2014. Members are requested to kindly organise their photographs for upload during the Fortnight.
I would also like to seek volunteers for coordinating the family of their choice during the Fortnight and also for any future episodes.

Genera covered already on efloraofindia

Piper …………………


Dr. P. R. Gajurel has consented for Piperaceae.

Piperaceae, Lauraceae and Thymelaeaceae Fortnight has already been announced on the Group
I am happy to inform that following experts have agreed to coordinate the respective families:
Piperaceae    Dr. Raj Gajurel
Members are requested to mention the familyin subject line for easy reference to the experts
1. Piperaceae, Lauraceae and Thymelaeacea Fortnight: Piperaceae- …………….(name) from ………………(place)- ………..(your serial number)