Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) Oliv. & Hiern, D. Oliver, Fl. trop. Afr. 3:329. 1877 ;
Common name: Rasna • Hindi: Phaar • Kannada: Chithramoolaka • Marathi: रसना Rasna, Rashna • Sanskrit: Elaparni, रसना Rasna, Rasya, Sreyasi, सुगंधा Sugandha, सुरभी Surabhi, surasa, suvaha, युक्ता yukta • Telugu: Rasna
stem erect, never above 1 m, leaves lanceolate, entire, coriaceous, base slightly twisted or angled..;
Interestingly, two types of tubular florets exist in the head- outer slender female florets in few rows and central few robust bisexual florets (which despite of bisexual structures act as male). Slender achenes are produced only by outer female florets;
Key for Indian species available at efi page Pulchea.

This much branched hardy herb was photographed from near IOCL Refinery, Panipat in May 2011. I hope this is Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) Oliv. & Hiern. Kindly correct/validate.

The height of the plant nearly 1 m, leaves alternate, lanceolate, flower heads deep pink/purple.

Yes … Commonly seen in Delhi also.

Nice one … Is it native…wild or ornamental in gardens?

The plant grows gregarious and wild in many parts of N W India, but being a useful medicinal plant it is often cultivated by drug companies.

Happy to see Pluchea lanceolata growing wild and that too as a weed. As per our study in central India, it has been estimated as near threatened. For further study, we need seeds of these plant and some exact GPS locations. So, asking for the help herewith.

Your reply is solicited!


Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid Heads: Pluchea lanceolata from Panipat- NS 05 : Attachments (11).  2 posts by 2 authors.

This roadside shrub, of dry places was found growing near IOCL refinery, Panipat..
stem erect, never above 1 m, leaves lanceolate, entire, coriaceous, base slightly twisted or angled..
I hope this is Pluchea lanceolata….
Reference to my old post… efi thread

Thanks … for very good upload.

Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) C.B.Clarke is a wild shrubby member in Asteraceae. It is rather rare in Pantnagar (located in one place) just yesterday (4th June). Since I was unaware of the ID, dissected out it considering species of Vernonia but later determined it as P.lanceolata.
Interestingly, two types of tubular florets exist in the head- outer slender female florets in few rows and central few robust bisexual florets (which despite of bisexual structures act as male). Slender achenes are produced only by outer female florets.
This species known as“Rasna” is an important medicinal plant.


Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) C. B. Clarke

Syn: Berthelotia lanceolata DC.
Photographed from Delhi.
While trying to identify species of Pluchea in India we must be looking at least at seven names. The two species earlier considered distinct with winged stem due to decurrent leaf bases (P. ovalis) or without winged stems but distinctly auricled leaf bases (P. tomentosa) have now been merged into one P. ovalis.
1. Heads solitary or few, 8-12 mm across, not in corymbs; involucre bracts  subulate-lanceolate, rigid………P. arguta Boiss.
1. Heads many in compound corymbs, less than 8 mm across; outer involucre bracts not rigid……..(2)    
2. Leaves sessile, decurrent on stem (to make it winged) or auricled at base; outer  involucre bracts acute…….P. ovalis DC.
2. Leaves sessile or subsessile, neither auricled at base, nor decurrent on stem……..(3)
3. Plants of salt marshes; leaves subsessile, obovate or oblanceolate, subserrate, often gland-dotted; outer involucre bracts rounded at tip; disc florets less than 7;  pappus white…….P. indica Less.
3. Plants terrestrial; leaves not gland-dotted; disc florets more than 10……..(4)
4. Leaves 12-20 cm long, linear with recurved margin, nerves obscure…….P. linearifolia Cl.
4. Leaves shorter than 10 cm long, not linear, flat, nerves distinct……..(5)
5. Tall shrub up to 2 m tall; leaves elliptic to obovate-oblong, faintly toothed, tips  not pungent; outer involucre bracts ovate, acute………P. wallichiana DC.
5. Low shrub mostly less than 1 m tall; leaves oblong to oblanceolate, mostly  entire, tip mucronate and pungent; outer involucre bracts oblong, obtuse, purple at tip…….P. lanceolata (DC.) Cl.

Conyza paniculata Willd. is now Pluchea paniculata (Willd.) Karthik and Moorthy; which makes it another species in this genus.

Key words for easy retrieval later on by non botanists including me : pluchea key …

Happy to see Pluchea lanceolata growing wild and that too as a weed. As per our study in central India, it has been estimated as near threatened. For further study, we need seeds of these plant and some exact GPS locations. So, asking for the help herewith.
Your reply is solicited!


Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- north gujarat

Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- university garden

Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- shrub

Other Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc.- medicinal

yes it is Pluchea lanceolata


Pluchea lanceolata (Family: Asteraceae) : 2 posts by 2 authors.
I would like to know the current observation status, exact locations of Pluchea lanceolata (Asteraceae).

Pl. see details at Pluchea lanceolata


need id of vernonia-like plant : 2 images.
Neemrana; 1/4/2021

A suggestion: Centaurea species ???

I think Pluchea lanceolata, as per images and details herein. 

I guess you are right …


from Kabri Panipat– April’10?;  Rasana from Panipat – efloraofindia | Google Groups


identification of flowering shrub, semi arid Rajasthan: 1 image.
identification of flowering shrub, semi arid Rajasthan
if identifier would like some me seeds can post to

It may be a Pluchea sp.

it appears to be Pluchea lanceolata

Yes, quite likely. I could not make out details from the image.


Pluchea lanceolata high resolution photos:

I am a university professor from the Canary Islands who is currently working in Miami, Florida. We are currently writing a book on Canary Island personalities to whom plant genera were dedicated. The monotypic Compositae genus Berthelotia honors Sabin Berthelot, one of the most important botanists who worked in these islands.
The only species of this genus is currently placed in Pluchea as P. lanceolata. The book that we are preparing will be published by the Canary Island Government and will not have a for-profit status. I have just visited your website ( that has excellent photos of this species. We would like to know if members of your group could kindly share with us high resolution images of these photos to be published in this book. The book will give the eFlora of India Group and the authot full credit for these photos.
We very much appreciate your time and help with this query.

May I request members marked in cc, who have posted these images to help him in the matter.

Identification request: (Mixed thread): 2 high res. images.
Habitat:- Outer road side herb

Loc- Gangapur City, Rajasthan
Date:- 22/07/2021

Asteraceae member, It could be Gnaphalium sp.

Pluchea sp.

Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) C. B. Clarke !



  1. Javier Francisco-Ortega

    Good Evening eFlora of India Group,

    I am a university professor from the Canary Islands who is currently working in Miami, Florida. We are currently writing a book on Canary Island personalities to whom plant genera were dedicated. The monotypic Compositae genus Berthelotia honors Sabin Berthelot, one of the most important botanists who worked in these islands.

    The only species of this genus is currently placed in Pluchea as P. lanceolata. The book that we are preparing will be published by the Canary Island Government and will not have a for-profit status. I have just visited your website ( that has excellent photos of this species. We would like to know if members of your group could kindly share with us high resolution images of these photos to be published in this book. The book will give the eFlora of India Group and the authot full credit for these photos.

    We very much appreciate your time and help with this query.


    Javier Francisco-Ortega,
    Department of Biological Sciences,
    Florida International University,
    OE167 – University Park,
    Miami, FL 33199
    Phone: 305-348-2080
    Fax: 305-348-1986