Potentilla gerardiana Lindl. ex Lehm., Nov. Strip. Pug. 3: 23. 1831 (syn: Potentilla fragarioides Hook.f. (non L.));

Potentilla gerardiana Lindl. ex Lehm., Nov. Strip. Pug. 3: 23. 1831.
synPotentilla fragarioides sensu Hook. f.
Prostrate or ascending perennial herb with woody rootstock; basal leaves 3-5, pinnate with 5-7 leaflets, lower stem leaves with 5 leaflets, upper with 3 leaflets, obovate to oblong, serrate-dentate, 2-2.5 cm long, upper surface sparsely pilose, lower densely pilose; stipules entire or upper bifid; flowers in loose cymes, 10-13 mm across, petals obovate or obcordate; carpels many, style subterminal.
Photographed from Caubatia garden, Ranikhet and from Chakauri



Rosaceae Fortnight- Potentilla peduncularis from Himachal-GSG42/Sept 2015 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Potentilla peduncularisFrom alpine meadows.

This does NOT match Potentilla peduncularis – a species not recorded from H.P. but not found further West than Nepal.
There are quite a lot of Potentillas in H.P., some of which I am not familiar with yet.  I shall take another look at this when time permits – though have a pretty good idea what it probably is.
You will agree that this does not look at all like the other Potentilla from Ladakh which has been posted under the same name.

Thanks for pointing out the mis-identification by me. It sure is not Potentilla peduncularis. Another case of casual matching of images with something similar looking and arriving at identification! I’ll try to be more careful in future. Kindly, help in identification of the species.

Matches with P. gerardiana (syn P. frsagarioides sensu Hook.f.)



Family: Rosaceae
Date: 25th May
Place: Haripurdhar-Nohradhar Route, Himachal Pradesh

Habit: Herb
Altitude: 2000 metres above sea level

Potentilla species so far in efi 

Just now I opened the mail and looked the pictures.  Without detail again it is difficult. It is also from Himachal Pradesh. It can be checked with P.saundersiana alongwith other allied species.

I think P. gerardiana (syn Potentilla fragarioides sensu Hook. f.)

I guess both suggested do not match !

I think appears close to P. gerardiana as suggested by …, as per GBIF – specimen 1 and specimen 2


kalatope id please.. al170411a: 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

Location Kalatope, Chamba
Altitude 2100 mt

Habit herb
Habitat wild
height 20 inches

I think Potentilla fragarioides

Potentilla fragarioides

Or can it be Potentilla gerardiana (syn: Potentilla fragarioides Hook.f. (non L.)), which has distribution in Western Himalaya as per POWO.
POWO does not show distribution of Potentilla fragarioides L. in the Himalayan area.
BSI checklist also does not mention its distribution in India.


Potentilla fragarioides: Kindly validate : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Kindly validate
Potentilla fragarioides
June, 2015

I think seem to match with images at Potentilla fragarioides

As the name suggests, the leaves are like that. I have checked, it is not in my work. B.K.Dikshit’s book is not with me, please see that.

Or can it be Potentilla gerardiana (syn: Potentilla fragarioides Hook.f. (non L.)), which has distribution in Western Himalaya as per POWO.
POWO does not show distribution of Potentilla fragarioides L. in the Himalayan area.
BSI checklist also does not mention its distribution in India.

my ID was based on Flora Simlensis. I’ll check for authority. You have rightly pointed out. I’ll mention authority in my future posts as … is doing.

According to FLORA SIMLENSIS by Col. Sir Henry Collet, it is Potentilla fragarioides Linn.
It is matching.
According to POWO:
It occurs in North India as well. There are many plants that POWO does not show as distributed in India, still, they exist.
The error of judgment may be there on behalf of Sir Collett. We need to see it in a new light.

Kindly give me some time to go through other Floras from H.P.

As per eFlora of Pakistan P. fragarioides of FBI is P. gerardiana. Collet has mostly followed FBI.
Potentilla gerardiana in Flora of Pakistan @ efloras.org


Potentilla for ID from Kud, J & K-GS28112021-5: 6 images.
Please help with the ID of Potentilla species clicked along roadside in KUd, J & K, alt. 1750, 20-6-2011

Tried in efi site, but could not get any satisfactory result.
What are the species listed from the area?

Difficult to ID …, from more than 60 species.

I think appears close to images at Potentilla fragarioides L.

I think you are right

Or can it be Potentilla gerardiana (syn: Potentilla fragarioides Hook.f. (non L.)), which has distribution in Western Himalaya as per POWO.
POWO does not show distribution of Potentilla fragarioides L. in the Himalayan area.
BSI checklist also does not mention its distribution in India.

Yes …, Himalayan plant is P. gerardiana.


Potentilla for ID from near Bhangayani temple Himachal Pradesh-GS14012022-2: 4 high res. images.
Please help with the ID of Potentilla species clicked from near Bhangayani Temple, Sirmor, Himachal Pradesh, 25-5-2015.

Looks somewhat close to your images at Rosaceae Fortnight: Potentilla gerardiana from Ranikhet-GSSEP48/48
Pl. check.

Do you agree?

Also consider Potentilla fragarioides L.

I think you are right

Should we take it as P.gerardiana?




The Plant List Ver.1.1 (Unresolved)  Flora of Pakistan  JSTOR(Specimen) India Biodiversity Portal