Rheum australe D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 75 75 1825. (syn. Rheum emodii Wall. ex Meisn.);
Himalaya to N. Myanmar: East Himalaya, Myanmar, Nepal, Tibet, West Himalaya as per POWO;
Keys between Rheum australe (Flowers purple red, Inflorescence fastigiately branched, 0.3-1 m erect leafy panicle) and Rheum webbianum (Flowers pale yellowish, Inflorescence diffusely branched, mostly axillary, less commonly terminal) at Flora of Pakistan and Flora of China;
Indian rhubarb, Himalayan Rhubarb, Red-veined Pie Plant, padamchal;
A very useful drug plant for mountain people- a panacea, very common house hold remedy; 
Its sour & juicy flowering stalks are chewed to quench thirst;

Kindly find below image of Rheum australe from GHNP, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Its sour & juicy flowering stalks are chewed to quench thirst.

Lovely picture and valuable information.. thanks …

VOF Week: Rheum sp??? at VOF:
I think this is some Rheum sp. (Family: Polygonaceae).
Date/Time: 08-08-2012 / 09:15AM
Location: VOF

May be Rheum australe.

I too feel so.

Yes … Rheum australe.


Vof Week: Rheum australe from Valley:
Rheum australe from Valley

Yes … Typical red flowers, thanks for uploading this species.

VOF Week: Rheum sp.(U24) — at VoF:
Another Polygonaceae sp. Could be some Rheum.
Location: VoF.

Should be Rheum australe

Yes Rheum australe


Polygonaceae Fortnight: Rheum australe at Ladakh -PKA20: : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 3 authors.

Rheum australe. (Family: Polygonaceae).
Date/Time: 08-08-2012 / 09:15AM
Location: VOF

Very beautiful pics from one of the most beautiful places..thanks a lot


Polygonaceae Fortnight: Rheum australe at VoF .-PKA28: : :  3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).

Rheum australe (Family: Polygonaceae).
Location: VoF.

Lovely capture …


Polygonacae Fortnight: -Rheum australe from Valley of Flowers – MN3 : 5 posts by 4 authors. 1 image.

Rheum australe
Indian rhubarb, Himalayan rhubarb, Red-veined pie plant
Place : Valley of Flowers, Uttarakhand

Rheum australe D.Don Syn: R. emodi Wall.ex Meissn.- a very useful drug plant for mountain people- a panacea, very common house hold remedy.

This beautiful plant was recorded from near Hemkunt Sahib in Uttrakhand..
I hope this can be Rheum australe..
Please validate/correct..

Very good photographs, thanks for sharing …

Photographed at Medicinal Plants Nursery at Pothibasa in Uttarakhand, not sure whether R. australe or R. webbianum. The fruits resemble R. webbianum but are red in colour. Flowers were not present. Please help in deciding.

I guess R. australe looks more close!

It should be Rheum webbianum as per keys and discussions at Rheum webbianum from Pothibasa, Uttarakhand-GS08012022-2

Yes …, my that post was a mix of two species, first two actually belonging to R. webbianum clicked between 14:54 and 14:55, third image with purple-red flowers clicked at 14:55 to 14:58. R. australe in high resolution I will upload separately.

Maybe Rheum australe as per discussions at Rheum webbianum from Pothibasa, Uttarakhand-GS08012022-2

I guess you are right …!

Also posted again as Rheum australe as at Rheum australes from Pothibasa, Uttarakhand-GS12012022-1


Rheum australes from Pothibasa, Uttarakhand-GS12012022-1: 4 very high res. images.
Rheum australe distinguished from R. webbianum (leaf blade 50-60 cm, mostly cordate at base, perianth yellow-white) in smaller leaves (Blade smaller than 50 cm) which are never cordate at base and red-purple perianth.
Photographed Medicinal Plants Nursery, Pothibasa, Uttarakhand, 31-5-2013.

Please read australe for australes in subject line
Image showing basal

POLYGONACEAE FORTNIGHT 1-14 May 2014: Rheum webbianum from Uttarakhand_DSR_16 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1).
Rheum webbianum Royle is a tall robust herb in alpine zones of Uttarakhand. Known as ‘Archa” it is not common and restricted to rocky slopes often.
The petioles are thick and sour which are boiled and grounded to make ‘chutney’ by herdsmen in alpine zones.
It is one of the Himalayan Rhubarbs and underground rootstock is medicinal.
Photographed in Nilkanth Valley near Badrinath, Uttarakhand.

To me it looks more closer to Rheum australe Syn: R. emodi.

This also looks like mine from the area, the red inflorescence bears fruits and not flowers. Perhaps … will be able to resolve.

Please see the mail by … showing R.australe:

It looks different from my plant.
Additionally, in R.australe rachis of inflorescence is densely pubescent (FoC) as also seen in above picture but not in my plant.

It also looks me Rheum webbianum Red inflorescense is with fruits not flowers. I am sending the same images from chor.

Maybe Rheum australe as per discussions at Rheum webbianum from Pothibasa, Uttarakhand-GS08012022-2

I guess you are right


Rheum webbianum from Pothibasa, Uttarakhand-GS08012022-2: 4 very high res. images.
Rheum webbianum photographed from Medical Plants Nursery, Pothibasa, Uttarakhand, 31-5-2013.

Earlier it was kept at Rheum australe as per your earlier post: Polygonaceae Fortnight: Rheum sp from Uttarakhand for Identification -GSMAY65

I am also confused as the keys do not give a clear idea.

Flora of Pakistan gives the following keys:

4 (3) Flowers white-pink or pale yellowish. Basal leaf blade up to 50 cm long but never exceeding; upper surface glabrous or papillose. (5)
+ Flowers dark purple. Basal leaf blade up to 60 cm long; upper surface somewhat scabrous above. R. australe
5 (4) Fruits 13-15 mm across. Flowers white to pink. R. wittrockii
+ Fruits 8-10 mm across. Flowers pale yellowish. R. webbianum

Flora of China gives the following keys:

30 (29) Leaves with 5-7 basal veins; leaf blade narrowly triangular to broadly ovate, not cordate. (31)
+ Leaves with 5 basal veins; leaf blade cordate or broadly ovate. (32)
31 (30) Perianth white-green or yellow-white; rachis of panicle papilliferous. Rrhabarbarum
+ Perianth purple-red; rachis of panicle densely pubescent. Raustrale
32 (30) Leaf blade reniform-cordate or cordate, usually shorter than wide; perianth yellow-white. 3 Rwebbianum
+ Leaf blade ovate-cordate or broadly ovate, usually longer than wide; perianth green. Rhotaoense

Based on the above, it should be Rheum webbianum.

Yes …, my that post was a mix of two species, first two actually belonging to R. webbianum clicked between 14:54 and 14:55, third image with purple-red flowers clicked at 14:55 to 14:58. R. australe in high resolution I will upload separately.

Here are focussed distinctly cordate leaves of image 2032

I think keys with regard to base of the leaf given in Flora of China may not be correct as Flora of China itself says leaf blade ovate-elliptic or broadly ovate, large, 20-50 × 18-40 cm, abaxially pilose, basal veins 5-7, base cordate, margin entire, sinuolate, apex obtuse. Also Flora of Pakistan supports it.
This is also clearly evident from our images at Rheum australe.

I have doubts about the id after going through your images from Kashmir as the fruit perianth colour is whitish (although nothing has been mentioned about it in the efloras) and not purple red/ red (as mentioned in Flora of Pakistan and Flora of China) at 
Rheum webbianum from Kashmir
Polygonaceae Fortnight: Rumex webbianum from Kashmir-GSMAY61

Identified by … it with R.emodi.
Much resembles with R.webbianum


Please help in identifying : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Please help in identifying.
Location: Valley of Flowers
Date: 29 July 2019.
Is it by any chance Oxyria digyna?

Looks different from Oxyria digyna as per images herein.
Can it be some Rumex species like Rumex acetosa ?

No leaves !

This is Rheum australe as per images and details herein.

