Rivea hypocrateriformis (Desr.) Choisy in Mem. Soc. Phys. Geneve. 6:408. 1834. Clarke in Hook. f. (Syn: Convolvulus hypocrateriformis Desr.);
Common Night Glory, Midnapore Creeper, Phang (Hindi), सांजवेल Sanjvel (Marathi), Niruboddi (Telugu), Thor-Ki-bel (Hindi);
RIVEA Choisy
1. Woody climbers; peduncles usually 1 flowered; corolla glabrous outside …. .R. hypocrateriformis
1. Erect under shrubs or shrubs; peduncles usually 2-7 flowered; corolla appressed hairy only along mid petaline bands …. R. laotica (syn. of Rivea ornata)
. (syn. of Flora of Panipat District- Rivea hypocrateriformis: Some more pics of this year waiting for flowers With Fruits Growing wild. Pune Flowers bloom in the evening. Looks consistent for Rivea hypocrateriformis to me.
P.S. – I hope to be able to grow this plant myself some day IF I can ever acquire any viable seeds.
Covolvulaceae Week: Rivea hypocrateriformis from IOCL Area Panipat: Wonderful photos of the developing seedpods.
271211 BRS 287: Date: 26.12.2011
Location: Bhavani Sagar Dam, Sathy, Erode Dist.,
Habitat: Wild
Habit: Climber. I think yes : Rivia hypocrateriformis. also known as nite glory as opposed to morning glory that we see all over here…
… is right about time of blooming .
The hypocrateriform nature of the corolla is nicely seen in side view. There are no photos of ripe seedpods or seeds on this site or on the web… please post ripened seedpods and closeup of seeds if at all possible. Rivea hypocrateriformis: . Rivea hypocrateriformis:
Rivea hypocrateriformis under unresolved name. What is the accepted name for this common plant? Please… Where The Plant list shows a name as Unresolved, it is better to go by other sources like GRIN/ Efloras etc.
Here the following links are relevant:
theplantlist shows this plant as unresolved name. As The Plant list shows a name as unresolved, it is better to go by other sources like GRIN/ Efloras etc. Rivea hypocrateriformis Choisy : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. 05/04/2012
Near Perungkalathur, South Chennai, Tamil Nadu 10m altitude,
Climber flowering, leaves grey
Leaves edible as a salad, young leaves used in medicine
Date of Pic. taken-19.04.2013 Is it Cuscuta? No leaves?
Rivea hypocrateriformis In the begining of the rainy season bigger leaves will come. As winter approaches the leaves will fall or some larvae will eat. We can also eat the fresh leaf of it. It is a common climber in scrub jungles. Cassytha filliformis will be in brown colour. It is in grey colour. Young small leaves are clearly indicating its identity. I also recently posted the flowering twig of Rivea hypocrateriformis.
Rivea hypocrateriformis (Desr.) Choisy SN Feb- 23 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. ANSEPT77 Convolvulaceae member for identification : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (11).
26th September 2014 This is Rivea hypocrateriformis I think Yes ID please : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
ID this fruit Please this is only click Nashik december 2014 Rivea hypocrateriformis, I hope Is it Ipomoea alba: Location- Warje, Pune.
Habitat – Wild
Plant Habit- Vine Date-11 th Aug 2011. I think it is Rivea hypocrateriformis The leaves and flowers have to be 10-15 cm for this to be I. alba. If the leaves are 5 cm and flowers are 10 cm this could be Rivea as … has commented. Both are night blooming. Giving sizes beyond just ‘large’ helps a correct ID. I think it has to be Rivea hypocrateriformis. …, can it be Ipomoea violacea ?? The plant is Rivea hypocrateriformis in my opinion because my reference photos of Ipomoea violaceae show the stamens rarely if ever protrude beyond the tube but most of my reference photos of Rivea hypocraterifomis show the stamens ( not very far but ) very visibly exerted beyond the tube. When I observed d vine, I didnt know how to observe any plant.(that’s Y “large leaves “) Rivea ornata: I’d confirm : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (2)- 2 mb and 3 mb.
Location Gujarat
Date 28.7.2018 Rivea ornata गुजराती: कंजा,फागवेल I will go for Rivea hypocrateriformis (Desr.) Choisy as per keys, details and images herein.
. Konkan, MH :: Convolvulaceae for ID :: ARK2021-025: 6 images. Seen this dried climber and its fruits in a village near coastal Devgad, MH in the last week of December 2020.
I think it belongs to Convolvulaceae.
Requested to please ID. I think it is Rivea sp. I too agree with …, Thank you … for the ID.
I will look out for the flowers, the next time I visit the place.
common night glory – indiantreepix | Google Groups . Climber for ID : Nasik : 26SEP21 : AK – 044: 3 images.
Climber seen in Nasik yesterday (26.9.21). Bad pictures due to low light and taken from a distance. Rivea ornata I think it is Rivea hypocrateriformis as per keys and details herein. . please find tree id.:
please tell me this tree id …. rajkot gujrat … There’s two trees and one climber, . tree id ?: 2 images. This is not a tree, thanks you dear sir/madam, for you guideline to me .. but this is 10 feet big tree please look other picture and guide me … You’re right there is a tree, I agree with you, that is Acacia horrida, Climber would be Rivea hypocrateriformis rather than Rivea ornata, as per images and details herein. . |