Sonerila rotundifolia

Sonerila rotundifolia Bedd., Madras J. Lit. Sci. Ser. II, xxii. (1861) 74; et in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxv.(1865) 216. ;

Stemless herbs. Leaves few, 6.5-8 cm across, orbicular, deeply cordate at base, crenate, 9-ribbed from base, pilose along the nerves, reddish brown, petiole to 12 cm long. Peduncle to 15 cm long, 8-10 flowered. Flowers 2.5 cm across, confined to the apex of the scape in scorpioidal cyme; pedicel 1 cm long, pink; sepals 1.5 x 3 mm, triangular; petals 12 x 9 mm, obovate, pink; anthers 6 mm long, acuminate, deeply cleft at base; filaments 7 mm long; style 11 mm long.

Flowering and fruiting: July-October
Moist rocks in grasslands
Southern Western Ghats
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal)

ID PLS : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

This plant is called Kalhuli in Kannada and had found this plant near Shringeri (Karnataka) in a place called Kalhuli Gudda, a mountain.. Kalhuli means a sour substance that grows in the crevices of the rocks.. it sprouts out during the monsoon and within 2 months it gives its inflorescence, with a long axis bearing pink flowers.. the axis is reddish and succulent and gives a red juice when  expressed.. people collect this inflorescence axis which is sour and make a curry out of it. after which the plant dries up.. and again grows during the next monsoon.. it is believed that this plant doesn’t grow elsewhere.. the leaves are thick and pale green ovate with cordate base.. pls let me know its identity

Check for Sonerila scapigera (Melastomataceae Family).

sir i checked it… the genera Sonerila is correct…but i have a doubt with the species…

Your plant is Sonerila rotundifolia

ANSEPT04 Please confirm if Sonerila scapigera : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Thadiyandamol (Coorg)
30th August 2014

efi page on Sonerila scapigera

I think it is more closer to images at Sonerila rotundifolia Bedd. and as per keys in Flora of Peninsular India.


340 ID wild plant Sonerila: 9 images.
Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Vannappuram, Thodupuzha, Idukki Dist., Kerala PIN:685607
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 13.07.2022, 03.55pm
Habitat: wild, moisture, misty hill, wind
Plant habit: erect, no stem, tamarind taste, annual
Height: 25cm including lengthy peduncle
Leaves: alternate, heart shaped, apex, soft glossy, tamarind taste, size up to:08×6cm
Flower: racemose, clustered, 3 petals, diameter:22mm, pink, non fragrant
Fruit: cone shaped, green into brown, size:12×5mm

Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Sonerila sp.

To me appears close to images at Sonerila scapigera Dalzell

Pl. check

I guess the ID is too correct !

Yes, it is Sonerila scapigera, dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant,

Sonerila rotundifolia

I was worried about the hairiness of the calyx tube at

Yes, it is Sonerila rotundifolia, thank you very much dear … for ID my plant,


Updated on December 24, 2024

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