Sonerila sahyadrica

Sonerila sahyadrica G. S. Giri & M. P. Nayar, Bull. Bot. Surv. India 26: 175 (1986);
India as per POWO;

122 ID wild plant Sonerila sp.: 14 images.
Please ID wild plant. Very rare, only 3 plants growing here.
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Altitude: 1400fsl
Flower date: 13.08.2021, 08.55am
Habitat: wild, moisture, rocky, stone wall, filtered sunlight
Plant habit: small shrub, erect, slender weak purple fleshy stem, hairy, annual
Height: 08cm including flower shoot
Leaves: white spotted, purple shaded back side, opposite, ovate, oblong, apex, toothed margins, hairy, tamarind taste, size:08×5cm or less
Flower: racemose, 3 petals, diameter:11mm, pink, non fragrant
Fruit: cone shaped, green into brown, 01.5cm length, diameter:6mm
Camera: Samsung Galaxy A21s

Please check for this link  whether it matches :

Yes, it is

Thanks, …, for id as Sonerila kanjilasseriensis as per Novataxa
Sonerila being a bit complex, …, may confirm or otherwise as per this publication.
For me it appears close.

This is nothing but Sonerila sahyadrica, but the same species appeared as S. kanjirasseriensis in Kew Bullettin. It might be happened when a foreign reviewer inadvertently overlooked it. Any how I have submitted a formal reduction of this species in Phytotaxa recently. It is under review now.

Please read it as Sonerila kanjilasseriensis

Is it S. sahyadrica or S. kanjilesseriensis, please confirm

Sonerila sahyadrica

150 ID wild plant Sonerila: 15 images.
Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Altitude: 1400fsl
Flower date: 11.08.2021, 01.20pm
Habitat: wild moisture
Flower date: 13.08.2021, 08.55am
Habitat: wild, moisture, rocky, stone wall
Plant habit: small shrub, erect, slender weak purple fleshy stem, hairy, annual
Height: 08cm including flower shoot
Leaves: dark green with light green shade in center, under leaves purple shaded margin, opposite, ovate, oblong, apex, toothed margins, hairy, tamarind taste, size:08×5cm or less
Flower: racemose, 3 petals, diameter:11mm, pink, toothed petal margin, non fragrant
Fruit: cone shaped, green into brown, 01.5cm length, diameter:6mm
Camera: Samsung Galaxy A21s

It appears to be same, which you recently posted at Sonerila sahyadrica

White doted leaves are of S. sahyadrica, not lite green shade in center of this plant, … Please check the fourth image of second post, kind regards, Sam.

Leaf colouration is quite variable for Sonerila species.

Leaf colour is out of considering, I agreed that my plant is Sonerila sahyadrica,



References: POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  Tropicos  Flora of peninsular India  IBIS Flora Kerala plants
A NEW SPECIES OF Sonerila (MELASTOMATACEAE) FROM THE WESTERN GHATS OF KERALA, INDIA- K. P. Deepthikumary and A. G. Pandurangan- TAPROBANICA, ISSN 1800–427X. August, 2014. Vol. 06, No. 02 (Abstract: A new species, Sonerila keralensis, from the Western Ghats of Kerala is described and illustrated. It is allied to S. rheedei differing by having a tuberous root stock, three to seven flowers, and petals with
sparsely glandular-hairy margins)

Updated on December 23, 2024

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