Spiraea japonica (Introduced)

Spiraea japonica L.f., Supplementum plantarum 262 1782. (syn: Awayus japonicus (L. fil.) Rafin.; Spiraea albiflora C. K. Schneider; Spiraea belloides Hort.; Spiraea bullata Maxim.; Spiraea callosa C. P. Thunb. ex A. Murray (ambiguous synonym); Spiraea callosa Thunb. (ambiguous synonym); Spiraea callosa var. albiflora Miq.; Spiraea callosa var. pubescens Regel; Spiraea crispifolia minor Hort. ex Dippel; Spiraea foxii Hort. ex C. Koch; Spiraea glabrata Lange; Spiraea japonica f. albiflora (Miq.) Geerinck; Spiraea japonica var. albiflora (Miq.) Z. Wei & Y. B. Chang; Spiraea japonica var. bullata (Maxim.) Makino; Spiraea japonica f. bumalda (Burv.) Geerinck; Spiraea japonica var. ovatifolia Koidz.; Spiraea japonica var. pubescens (Regel) Koidz.; Spiraea japonica var. tomentosa Koidz.; Spiraea leucantha Lange; Spiraea macrophylla Hook. ex Koehne; Spiraea syringaeflora Hort. ex C. Koch; Spiraea zuccarinii Sieb. ex Miq.);       

Japan (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu), Korea (I), China (I) (Commonly cultivated in
China (I)), Myanmar [Burma] (I),
USA (I) (Connecticut (I), Delaware (I), Georgia
(I), Illinois (I), Indiana (I), Kentucky (I), Massachusetts (I), Maryland (I),
Maine (I), Michigan (I), Missouri (I), North Carolina (I), New Hampshire (I),
New York (I), Ohio (I), Pennsylvania (I), Rhode Island (I), South Carolina (I),
Tennessee (I), Virginia (I), West Virginia (I)), Canada (I) (Nova Scotia (I),
Ontario (I)), Austria (I), Finland (I), Germany (I), Hungary (I), Italy (I),
Ukraine (I), Bolivia (c), Uzbekistan (I)
as per Catalogue of Life;
Medium shrub, up to 2.5 m tall, shoots erect; leaves lanceolate-ovate, toothed, 3-10 cm long, gray-green beneath, pubescent on veins beneath; flowers pink in large terminal corymbs.


Japanese Spirea (Spiraea japonica)
a cultivated species in the hill stations of north India.







Sharing pics of a Rosaceae plant (Shrub/small tree) from Shimla
And i could not get/remember any information about this
pls id if possible



Spirea japonica “Golden Carpet” from Botanical Garden, Warsaw.

Spirea japonica “Golden Dwarf” plant from Warsaw Botanical Garden.

Yes, these images belong to Spiraea japonica



Rosaceae Fortnight Spirea japonica-PC-20-04.09.2015 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
spirea japonica from wetter, Germany.

Yes …, thanks for sharing.



Garden plant posted earlier from Sacramento.

The flowers had dried up when pictures were taken.

Spiraea japonica I hope.

Thanks for the correct id.
Spiraea japonica from Pahalgam.

A cultivated, garden plant.


Spiraea japonica ATJUNE2016/04 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Spiraea japonica
Japanese meadowsweet or Japanese spiraea

Beautiful images.



Also available in VARIEGATED form. This was clicked at Solan (H.P.). Attachments (1)

Thanks, … This is really beautiful.



Spiraea japonica L.f. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Location: Kakani, Nepal 
Date :  28 June 2014 
Elevation :  6000 ft. 
I guess it is introduced in Nepal !



Spiraea japonica AT APL 2018/10 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Japanese Spiraea
Spiraea japonica
Shimla/Solan (H.P.)
May/June 2016-17




Spiraea japonica L.f. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8)- around 700 kb each. 
Location: Kakani,  Nepal
Altitude :6000 ft.
Date: 19 June 2018

Habit : Cultivated 


Hazuribagh Garden on June 16, 2010- Kashmir;

Spiraea japonica L.f.

Common name: Japanese Spiraea
Medium shrub, up to 2.5 m tall, shoots erect; leaves lanceolate-ovate, toothed, 3-10 cm long, gray-green beneath, pubescent on veins beneath; flowers pink in large terminal corymbs.
Photographed from Iqbal Garden (Hazuribagh garden), Srinagar Kashmir in June 

Common name: Japanese Spiraea
Medium shrub, up to 2.5 m tall, shoots erect; leaves lanceolate-ovate, toothed, 3-10 cm long, gray-green beneath, pubescent on veins beneath; flowers pink in large terminal corymbs.
Photographed from Iqbal Garden (Hazuribagh garden), Srinagar Kashmir in June 


Rosaceae Week: Spiraea bumalda from SFO, CaliforniaSpiraea bumalda Burv. hybrid between S. albiflora  X S. japonica, much similar to latter but shorter, strongly striped shoots.

Photographed in SFO Botanical Garden, California

Catalogue of Life only gives Spiraea japonica f. bumalda (Burv.) Geerinck as a syn. of Spiraea japonica L. fil.

Spiraea bumalda Burv. hybrid between S. albiflora  X S. japonica, much similar to latter but shorter, strongly striped shoots.

Photographed in SFO Botanical Garden, California

Catalogue of Life only gives Spiraea japonica f. bumalda (Burv.) Geerinck as a syn. of Spiraea japonica L. fil.

Plant for ID-PC-49-30.08.2015 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
here is another plant for ID from Wetter only. Please hep me. The weather in Europe was very tricky while I was there and my Colon and Bonn pictures have become very dark.

Spiraea japonica

Thanks … for quick ID.


Spirea japonica from a neighbourhood house Wetter.

Nice photo! id is correct.

Garden Plant For ID : California : 23NOV14 : AK-55 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).
Seen in Sacramento on the 7th Oct,14.

…, could this be Spiraea x bumalda, ref your post from California?

flowers should be a nice deep pink

where they? when you looked at them?

becase the pictures seem to be not pink, color shift may be in digital camera?

I missed the flowering, these are the dried flowers.
My suggested id was based on … post……

Spiraea japonica, corrected by … in another post.

 Spiraea for ID : 141011 : AK-1: A garden plant taken at Pahalgam on the 6th of Sept,11.

Spiraea cantoniensis

…, this picture is doubtful under S. cantoniensis

May be Spiraea japonica L.f. as per images and details herein.

Yes, Sir
Very close to S. japonica.
Reposting under Family Fortnight.

Identified by …

This picture is doubtful under S. cantoniensis as per … in another thread.
To me also looks different from images at Spiraea cantoniensis

May be Spiraea japonica L.f. as per images and details herein.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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