Strobilanthes ixiocephala Benth., in Flora, v. 33 (1849) p. 557. ;


Images by Dinesh Valke (Inserted by J.M.Garg)




sky blue karvy • Marathi: बिट कारवी bit karvi, पातरी patri, वायटी waiti • Kannada: ಪಿಠ ಕಾರವೀ pit-karvi • Konkani: पिट कारवी pit karvi;

Benth, in Flora, v. 33 (1849) p. 557. A small straggling shrub ; branches terete, the older glabrous. Leaves 2.1/2-7 by 1.1/4-2.1/2 in., one of each pair usually smaller than the other, eiliptic-lanceolate, acuminate, crenate, densely lineolate on both sides, the upper side and the nerves beneath rough with short stiff hairs, base cuneate, often unequal-sided ; main nerves 8-10 pairs, slender, prominent ; petioles 3/4-2 in. long. Flowers in pedunculate ovoid viscid spikes 1/2-1.1/2 in. long, with a balsamic odor, solitary and axillary, or in branched (often ternate) cymes which are axillary or terminally clustered ; bracts 1/2 by 1/4-1/3 in., ovate, usually bluntly acuminate, viscous-hairy ; bracteoles 1/4-1/3 in. long, linear-spathulate, viscous-hairy. Calyx 3/8-1/2 in. long, enlarged in fruit, divided almost to the base, viscous-hairy ; segments linear, obtuse. Corolla white, 3/4-1.1/4 in. long, slightly pubescent outside, hairy inside ; narrow portion of the tube about equalling the ventricose portion ; lobes 1/4 in. long, ovate- oblong. Stamens included, hairy at the base, the longer filaments slightly hairy upwards ; pollen globose, echinate or tuberculate. Style faintly pubescent. Capsules 1/2 in. long, obovoid, narrowed at the base, compressed, mucronate, usually 2-seeded, glabrous. Seeds 1/6 in. long, ovoid, subacute, flattened, hygroscopically hairy, very densely so on the margin. Fl. B. I. v. 4, p. 444 ; Bedd. Icon. Pl. Ind. Or. p. 47, t. 203 ; Talb. Trees, Bomb. ed. 2, p. 262 ; Woodr. in Journ. Bomb. Nat. v. 12 (1899) p. 356. Strobilanthes Neesiana, Wight, Icon. t. 1523 ; Dalz. & Gibs. p. 188. S. glutinosa, Grab. Cat. Bo. Pl. p. 162 (not of Nees).— Flowers : Nov.-Jan., septennially (H. M. Birdwood) or annually (Talbot). It flowered abundantly at Mahableshwar in November 1896 (H. M. Birdwood, Cat. Fl. Matheran & Mahableshwar, p. 24). Vern. Darmori ; Karva.

Konkan : Stocks !, Law ! ; Salsette and Konkan hills, Dalzell Gibson ; Vingorla, Kanitkar ! Deccan : Panchgani, Woodrow ! ; Mahableshwar (near the lake), Cooke ! S. M. Country : Ramghat, Dalzell ! Kanara : common in N. Kanara from the coast inland in both evergreen and deciduous forests, often on laterite, Talbot ; Supa and Kala. naddi, Ritchie, 1216 ! ; Kumbarvada, Talbot, 1829 !—Distrib. India (W. Penin¬sula), apparently endemic.
(From The Flora of the Bombay Presidency (1903) from IBIS Flora)


id request for herb: ID requested for the following attachment.

Date/Time-: 12/03/11         15:20
Location- Place, Altitude – Kaiga , Uttar Kannada ,Karnataka, 380 mtrs
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-    Wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-  Herb
Flowers Color   -lavender




Thelepaepale ixiocephala:

Have mentioned that the fort is called Visagadh which is adjacent to Lohagadh and both are actually in Lonavala. Please check this link :

… so the hill is really an ancient fort…
it piqued my curiosity … an excellent trekking small short description was found at
Thank you.. Its awesome to think that such old relics have not been written up often enough…
there’s so much to explore in this country and to write about… this subject got me only 7 pages…



Id 120911 NS1: Photographed this flower in wild ,back in 2008. Please identify.
Habit- Shrub
Location- Near Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary ,Goa.
Date/Time- Dec 2008.

Thelepaepale ixiocephala (Benth.) Bremek. (basionym: Strobilanthes ixiocephala Benth. OR is it Strobilanthes ixiocephalus ?)
… commonly known as: sky blue karvy • Marathi: बिट कारवी bit karvi, पातरी patri, वायटी waiti • Kannada: ಪಿಠ ಕಾರವೀ pit-karvi • Konkani: पिट कारवी pit karvi
Endemic to Western Ghats of India

I agree with …, this is Thelepaepale ixiocephala (Benth.) Bremek. Last time I have seen this flowering in Kudremukh National Park in September- October 2003.

May be the attached paper would be helpful for many of us

sorry but its confusing to me,,, ya surely Acanthaceae and some Strobilanthus species, but i do not think Thelepaepale ixiocephala.. i may be wrong or need clear flower photo.

i think, … has mixed collection of species and photos of leaves are surely not of Thelepaepale ixiocephala.. i request him to go through his collection of photos once again and name it correctly..

Immense thanks … for pointing to the error in labeling photos of July 25, 2009 as Thelepaepale ixiocephala … will label them appropriately.

…, if you can post your photos of Thelepaepale ixiocephala, than it would be of great help..

Have encountered Thelepaepale ixiocephala on at least 2 occasions while on field trips with Dr. Almeida [when he was a lot fitter] who used to refer to this plant as “the small flower with the big name”.

At that time unfortunately, we did not have the luxury of digital technology and hence have only pressed specimen[s] as records. Could send photographs of it / them if it would be of any help.

For me It seems to be Strobilanthes ixiocephalous.
I remember I had seen white flowered plants near Castle rock (with CES, IISc team about 6 years back )



Strobilanthes ixiocephalus: Strobilanthes ixiocephalus
Marathi name : patri
At Prabalgad,Maharashtra



Strobilanthes ixiocephalus—for sharing and validation : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5).
Pic of Skyblue Karvy, taken in jan14 at ambyvalley rd., lonavala, pune.

Affirmative. Now called Thelepaepale ixiocephala. My photographs of this are available at this link :

Google Groups

Now the genus Strobilanthus is considered as a single genus rejecting all subdivision by Bremekamp (1944). So the correct name is Strobilanthes ixiocephalus Benth.






Amboli Ghat :: Strobilanthes ixiocephalus :: DVJAN97 : 1 post by 1 author. 5 images.

Amboli Ghat Maharashtra

Date: 23 DEC 2014 … Altitude: from 400 m to 700 m asl

Strobilanthes ixiocephalus Benth. … (family: Acanthaceae)


Acanthaceae Fortnight:: Strobilanthes ixiocephalus :: NSJ-04 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Strobilanthes ixiocephalus (Marathi – Chit Karvi) from Amboli forests – Jan-09

Wow, the venation in petals is very clearly visible.


Thelepaepale ixiocephala (Benth.) Bremek.
at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on December 6, 2008
at Netravali Wildlife Sanctuary on February 20, 2012

along Amboli Ghat on December 23, 2014


Strobilanthes ixiocephalus—for sharing : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)

Pic taken at Aambyvalley rd.,Lonavala,Pune 1n Jan.,15.




Thelepaepale ixiocephala : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)

Thelepaepale ixiocephala, Kaas plateau

third week of october
just a couple of bushes had begun to flower at that time


