Ziziphus nummularia (Burm. f.) Wight & Arn., Prodr. Fl. Ind. Orient. 162 162 1834. (Syn. Rhamnus microphylla Roxb.; Rhamnus nummularia Burm. f.; Ziziphus lotus Aitch.; Ziziphus microphylla Roxb.; Ziziphus nummularia DC. (ambiguous synonym); Ziziphus rotundifolia Lam.) as per Catalogue of Life;
Saudi Arabia (N-Saudi Arabia), Iran (EC-Iran, S-Iran, W-Iran), Iraq (NW-Iraq, SE-Iraq: Mesopotamia, S-Iraq, W-Iraq: Desert), Israel (Rift Valley), Kuwait, Saudi Arabia (C-Saudi Arabia, NE-Saudi Arabia, Asir, Nejd Desert), United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Afghanistan (Kabul, Laghman, Nangarhar, Paktia / Khost), Pakistan (Sind, Baluchistan, Kurram, N.W.Frontier Prov., Pakistani Punjab, Hazara), Tajikistan, India (Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu), Andamans, Jammu & Kashmir, Malaysia, Java, Nepal, Laos as per Catalogue of Life;
ZIZ-ih-fuss — an ancient Greek name derived from the Persian word zizafun … Dave’s Botanary
num-ew-LAH-ree-uh — coin-shaped … Dave’s Botanary 

commonly known as: round-leaved jujube, wild jujubeBengali: ভুবাদরি bhubadari, ভূঁইকুল bhuikulaGujarati: અડબાઉ બોરડી adbau bordi, ચણીબોર chanibor, ખેતરાઉ બોરડી khetrau bordi, પાલેરાં paleraHindi: चनिया बोर chaniya bor, झड़बेरी jhar-beri, जंगली बेर jungli berKachchhi: ચણીયાંબેર chaniyaber, પલીજો ઝાડ palijo jhadKannada: ಪಾರ್ಪುಲಿಗಿಡ parpuligidaKonkani: बॉर्र boaarrMalayalam: ഇലന്തപ്പഴം ilantappalamMarathi: बोर bor, भुईभेर bhuyibher, चण्याबोर chanya-borNepalese: जङ्गली बयर jungli bayarOdia: ଭୁଇଁ ବରକୋଳି bhuin barakoliPersian: رمیلک ramilakPunjabi: ਜੰਡ jand, ਝਡ਼ਬੇਰੀ jharberi, ਕੋਕਨ ਬੇਰ kokanber, ਮਲ੍ਹਾ malhaSanskrit: अजप्रिया ajapriya, बालकप्रिया balakapriya, भूबदरी bhubadari, सूक्ष्मफला sukshmaphalaTamil: நரியிலந்தை nari-y-ilantaiTelugu: జిట్ట రేణి jitta reni, నేలరేగు nelaregu, రేగు కంప regu kampa
Flora of Ranga Reddi District: Andhra Pradesh, India By Thammineni Pullaiah, M. Silar Mohammed (Keys- glabrata, mauritiana, oenoplia & xylopyrus & Description- 2000)

Flora of Eastern Ghats: Hill Ranges of South East India, Volume 1 By Thammineni Pullaiah, D. Muralidhara Rao, K. Sri Ramamurthy (Keys- glabrata, horrida, mauritiana, nummularia, oenoplia, rugosa & xylopyrus & Description- 2002)




Flora of Panipat: Zizyphus nummularia from village vaisari Panipat:
Zizyphus nummularia from village vaisari Panipat
Wild shrub growing in roadside area

very nice to see the flowers…
Its called chanibor..ચણીબોર in Gujarati.
a small dark red ber…
I remember this was our favorite to eat as my dad took us trekking along the country roads to introduce us to our native state… we used pick them right off the tree, and in those days.. there was not the black soot along country roads that I saw in 2002… so back then we could eat them right off the tree..now one has to wash them well
….you can enjoy these for next few months.. I believe they ripen in December at least in Gujarat …

We eat this with addition of little black salt

Chaniya maniya in Marathi. Seen outside all schools.

Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. ?? : 12 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
Sharing some pictures I guess is Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. shot at Chitwan National Park, Nepal on 13 January 2013 at 600 ft.
Nepali Names: बयर Bayar / ठुलो बयर Thulo Bayar

Thanks, …, for the nice images and tempting fruits.

I think you are right.

For me the ID is correct.

Looks Ziziphus numuleria.

In North India it is known as Jharberi.

I think … is right. I will go with Ziziphus nummularia

For me the ID is doubtful. I still believe it could be Z. mauritiana only.  Compare again the characters in detail.

The best person to judge is …, who can compare the vegetative & floral characters and decide the species.

HaHa! I am not a Dr. just a commoner !

Could the learned members of the group establish the identity/sub-species of these `ber’ growing wild in the Shiwaliks, lying to the north-west of Chandigarh.
Photo taken on 25.11.2014. The plant bore many thorns, and the colour of the fruit was yellow, brown or even maroon.
Does this fruit bear any food value for humans?

Can be Zizyphus species.

I think Ziziphus mauritiana

However, these fruits are very small when ripe and grow wild.
Z. mauritiana is the cultivated `ber’ and is of a large size.
Or is the wild `ber’ also Z. mauritiana?

Could this actually be Ziziphus nummularia?

Thanks, … I think you are right- Ziziphus nummularia

Could u please furnish some info on its specific character, some interesting, unknown facts?

Ber is widely cultivated in commercial scale, several cultivated as well as wild species and strains are available. The fruits are edible, used to make some food preparations also. Exclusive research stations are available in India and Pakistan. Now it is ber season, tons of hybrid fruits (considered to be poor man’s Apple) coming to the Chennai and Bangalore market.

I think the identity of this species has been finally settled. On the asking of Prof SP Khullar, former, HoD, Botany dept, Panjab Univ, Chandigarh, I supplied him with some cuttings of the zizyphus from the Shiwaliks near Chandigarh. They bore fruit, which was yellow, brown and maroon, ie, in various stages of ripening. Maroon was the final stage just before turning dry.
Prof Khullar, on examination of the samples, especially the leaves, confirmed it as Zizyphus nummularia.

Zizyphus nummularia is most frequently growing shrub in Sub-tropical zones bearing globose/ rounded fruits which turn brownish maroon on maturity.

Yes, matches exactly the shrub that I have in mind.

Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. (accepted name) ?? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Location: Tal Chhappar, Rajasthan, India 
Date: 30 January 2016
Altitude: 1100 ft

Is ID correct ?

I think Ziziphus nummularia as per images herein.

Bengali names of Ziziphus nummularia : 3 posts by 2 authors.
Please help with Bengali names of Ziziphus nummularia.
ENVIS-FRLHT lists two names: bhubadari, bhuikula
Would they be written as: ভূবদরী and ভুঈকুল

Thanks …, The following spelling needs to be adopted respectively.

ভুবাদরি,  ভূঁইকুল


Gujarati name(s) of Ziziphus nummularia : 3 posts by 2 authors.
While popular name for Ziziphus nummularia is ચણીબોર chanibor OR ચણિયાંબોર chaniyabor, there is another name abdaubordi (***બોરડી) mentioned in Biological Diversity of Gujarat [PDF]. Please help me with the name in native script.

This plant is also known as અડબાઉ બોરડી in Gujarati. The epithet અડબાઉ is used for several plants that grow wild or tend to self-sow easily. I’m getting an error while trying to access the PDF linked in your email; the English transliteration of અડબાઉ is incorrect from what you have quoted. Other Gujarati names of this species are ખેતરાઉ બોરડી and પાલેરાં.

Thank you very very much … for the names, clarity and information.

via Species‎ > ‎Z‎ > Ziziphus nummularia (Burm.f.) Wight & Arn. … family: Rhamnaceae
Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
ZIZ-ih-fuss — an ancient Greek name derived from the Persian word zizafun … Dave’s Botanary
num-ew-LAH-ree-uh — coin-shaped … Dave’s Botanary 
commonly known aswild jujube • Bengaliভুবাদরি bhubadariভূঁইকুল bhuikula • Gujaratiચણીબોર chanibor • Hindiचनिया बोर chaniya borझड़बेरी jhar-beriजंगली बेर jungli ber • Kannadaಪಾರ್ಪುಲಿಗಿಡ parpuligida • Marathiबोर borभुईभेर bhuyibherचण्याबोर chanya-bor • Nepaleseजङ्गली बयर jungli bayar • Odiaଭୁଇଁ ବରକୋଳି bhuin barakoli • Persianرمیلک ramilak • Punjabiਜੰਡ jandਝਡ਼ਬੇਰੀ jharberiਕੋਕਨ ਬੇਰ kokanberਮਲ੍ਹਾ malha • Sanskritभूबदरी bhubadari • Tamilநரியிலந்தை nari-y-ilantai • Teluguజిట్ట రేణి jitta reniనేలరేగు nelareguరేగు కంప regu kampa 
botanical namesZiziphus nummularia (Burm.f.) Wight & Arn. … synonymsRhamnus nummularia Burm.f. • Ziziphus rotundifolia Lam. … The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1. 
December 30, 2009 … Vaghbil, Thane 

Happy to see the Bengali names included.  Thank you …,

Names update:
 • Gujaratiઅડબાઉ બોરડી adbau bordiચણીબોર chaniborખેતરાઉ બોરડી khetrau bordiપાલેરાં palera

 • Malayalamഇലന്തപ്പഴം ilantappalam 

Names update: 

2nd edition:
commonly known as: round-leaved jujube, wild jujubeBengali: ভুবাদরি bhubadari, ভূঁইকুল bhuikulaGujarati: અડબાઉ બોરડી adbau bordi, ચણીબોર chanibor, ખેતરાઉ બોરડી khetrau bordi, પાલેરાં paleraHindi: चनिया बोर chaniya bor, झड़बेरी jhar-beri, जंगली बेर jungli berKachchhi: ચણીયાંબેર chaniyaber, પલીજો ઝાડ palijo jhadKannada: ಪಾರ್ಪುಲಿಗಿಡ parpuligidaKonkani: बॉर्र boaarrMalayalam: ഇലന്തപ്പഴം ilantappalamMarathi: बोर bor, भुईभेर bhuyibher, चण्याबोर chanya-borNepalese: जङ्गली बयर jungli bayarOdia: ଭୁଇଁ ବରକୋଳି bhuin barakoliPersian: رمیلک ramilakPunjabi: ਜੰਡ jand, ਝਡ਼ਬੇਰੀ jharberi, ਕੋਕਨ ਬੇਰ kokanber, ਮਲ੍ਹਾ malhaSanskrit: अजप्रिया ajapriya, बालकप्रिया balakapriya, भूबदरी bhubadari, सूक्ष्मफला sukshmaphalaTamil: நரியிலந்தை nari-y-ilantaiTelugu: జిట్ట రేణి jitta reni, నేలరేగు nelaregu, రేగు కంప regu kampa


zizuphus jujuba or ziziphus mauritiana : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
These two fruits was purchased from Mumbai market. Dried BER fruits. one is globular with large sized globular nut where the fleshy portion is thin. Whereas another is elongated and somewhat cyindrical with smaller nut which are elongated with sharp ends both ends. elongated fruit said as imported from Pakistan and another said as local or desi. The doubt is which is Zizuphus jujuba and whcih is Ziziphus mauritiana. Local floras mention both as synonyms. If so, please identify the elongated fruits with smaller nuts with sharp ends.

One is globular with large sized globular nut where the fleshy portion is thin-> I think is Ziziphus nummularia as per images & details herein.
Ziziphus mauritiana is different.

Ziziphus nummularia :: Rao Jodha Desert Rock Park :: 24 OCT 18 : 5 posts by 4 authors.
Rao Jodha Desert Rock Park  Jodhpur
Date: October 24, 2018 … Altitude: about 300 m (980 feet) asl
Ziziphus nummularia  (Burm.f.) Wight & Arn.

chanibor. i want some!!!

Thanks … reminds of school days.

Ziziphus nummularia :: Jaisalmer :: 25 OCT 18 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 4 images.
Jaisalmer  … the golden city
Date: October 25, 2018 … Altitude: about 225 m (740 feet) asl
Ziziphus nummularia  (Burm.f.) Wight & Arn.


Ziziphus for ID : Delhi : 090113 : AK-1:
These shrubs were seen at Garden of Five Senses in Delhi on 6th Dec, 2012 during a visit.
Shrubs, growing in many places, laden with fruits.
Berries small in size.

This looks like the common Bor / Bora tree [Ziziphus mauritiana].

I feel it may be Ziziphus nummularia, being a shrub.

I think Ziziphus nummularia.

is this chanibor of saurashtra?

Ziziphus Species for ID : Rajpipla, Gujarat : 09DEC19 : AK-6 : 14 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3)
Ziziphus Species seen in Rajpipla during my visit in Nov,19.
For Species id please.

its Chanibor in script Gujarati: ચણીબોર. Ziziphus nummularia.
i see the small white flower in the background. would have loved to have seen a picture of the flower, you had a great opportunity. we dont see them…mostly because i see these in dead of winter when the fruits are ripe and red …

but thats just half of the story. pl check if you have the flower pics

Unfortunately, these are the only pictures I have.

Was it a small shrub like or a tree ?

Ziziphus mauritiana ??

I too agree with …

It was a small shrub, hardly two feet.

OK. Than, Ziziphus nummularia

SHRUB FOR ID : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
found in subtropical area  of J&K (Rajouri)
mostly in scrubs fruits are eaten, tastes sour and sweet.
Locally named as kokan beri or malaiu

Looks like some Ziziphus species. (Rhamnaceae).

I think it may be Ziziphus nummularia (Burm. f.) Wight & Arn. as per images and details herein.
Pl. confirm or otherwise.


Ziziphus for validation : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) – 6 mb.
Request for validation of Ziziphus nummularia from Bilaspur. Photographed in May 2020.

Other recipients:
I guess ID is correct ! Thank you. Saroj Kasaju
I guess ID is correct !

Yes, the ID is correct. Plenty in Chennai.


SHRUB FOR ID : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
found in subtropical area of J&K (Rajouri) mostly in scrubs, fruits are eaten, tastes sour and sweet. Locally named as kokan beri or malaiu

Looks like some Ziziphus species. (Rhamnaceae).

I think it may be Ziziphus nummularia (Burm. f.) Wight & Arn. as per images and details herein.
Pl. confirm or otherwise.

Yes, it’s …, I agree with you,


species Id request: 4 high resolution images.
please verify attached images of Zizyphus species. it looks Z.mauritania for me.

Captured from wild habitat.
Captured at Srinagar garhwal Uttarakhand
610 m approx.

I too agree with …

Shrub. Fruit – small.

Here I’m attaching fruit size of Zizyphus maurtiana.
1 high resolution image.

Distribution not in POWO kew.

I think it will be Ziziphus nummularia as per images and details herein.


Ziziphus mauritiana: 2 high res. images.
Location: Rajouri, j and k

Habit: Shrub
Date: 13 August 2019

I think the following reply from … to this has wrongly gone in a different thread:
To be sure about identification, you have to take picture of underside of the leaf. Also explore the possibility of  Ziziphus spina-christi


I’d requested for this ziziphus sp from Rajouri jandk: 2 images.

Ziziphus oenopolia,

Ziziphus nummularia

it looks Z. nummularia. for Z.oenoplia both the surface of leaves must be glabrous which is not seen in images.


Ziziphus nummularia (Burm.f.) Wight & Arn. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Dec 30, 2009 · 4:58 PM IST: 5 images.
Ziziphus nummularia (Burm.f.) Wight & Arn.
Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Dec 30, 2009 · 4:58 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl


Ziziphus nummularia (Burm.f.) Wight & Arn. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Dec 15, 2009 · 3:23 PM IST: 2 images.

Ziziphus nummularia (Burm.f.) Wight & Arn.

Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Dec 15, 2009 · 3:23 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl
Earlier uploaded at eFI.
